extension ExtPose

WorkFlowy for Coders

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Description from extension meta

An extension for WorkFlowy to add markdown support and syntax highlighting in notes

Image from store WorkFlowy for Coders
Description from store Adds some style tweaks and minor features to the excellent WorkFlowy.com. When zoomed into a node, this extension will render markdown type syntax and add syntax highlighting to any code blocks within the node's notes. note: to edit notes use the keyboard shortcut (SHIFT+ENTER) or double-click the notes area Visit http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax for markdown syntax guide ## Update 5 Jan 2012 By popular demand, I have removed all the unnecessary style modifications. Source code now available on GitHub https://github.com/medovob/workflowy-for-coders Any suggestions, improvements, enhancements most welcome ## Credits: Showdown - John Fraser - Javascript port of Markdown Showdown Copyright (c) 2007 John Fraser. http://www.attacklab.net/ Original Markdown Copyright (c) 2004-2005 John Gruber http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/ Benjamin Arthur Lupton - jQuery implementation of Google Syntax Highlighter @copyright (c) 2009-2010 Benjamin Arthur Lupton {@link http://www.balupton.com} Tabby jQuery plugin - Ted Devito - offers tab support in textareas http://teddevito.com/demos/textarea.html Copyright (c) 2009 Ted Devito

Latest reviews

  • (2021-06-09) Vadim Lman: does not work
  • (2019-03-10) Brad Cozine: Didn't work. Unable to edit notes after enabling extension.
  • (2018-04-18) Giulio Malventi: Editing as explained does not work for me
  • (2017-04-28) eterlan: 神奇了,不过我还没想好该怎么用。
  • (2016-11-19) hwang vivi1900: 思路很巧妙!也有效!!真希望开发者能更新,使它可以支持图片、流程图!
  • (2016-11-10) Rod: Doesn't work for me Chrome Version 53.0.2785.143 (64-bit)
  • (2016-07-03) James Kuijpers: Great! Allows me to code in WorkFlowy and when copy/pasting my code into the script, I won't have the annoying bullet points. Yay! Great stuff :-)
  • (2016-04-07) Echo Huang: 按照描述仔细的区分了item 和 note,也注意到了进入当前 item来预览,但是真刺挠的不work
  • (2015-12-16) Bruno Vernay: Would be nice to have a simple "code" style in the node, alongside Italics, Bold and Underline. A simple monospaced font would be OK.
  • (2015-11-15) Does not allow you to edit text in certain views, seems unmaintained, I prefer this extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/workflowy-code-formatter/kglihipcanlbglgikjghocmbbbbkfemn
  • (2015-08-20) 顾文洁: i haven't try all of the markdown grammar, but it looks really better than before.
  • (2014-07-13) Doesn't work. Chrome 36
  • (2014-07-12) 丁凯剑: it really works
  • (2013-08-20) Thomas Pani: Doesn't work for me. Chrome 28.0.1500.95 on OS X
  • (2013-04-26) douhua wan: 1、每个item都包含“item编辑区”与“add note编辑区”;前者是workflowy的主编辑区,后者可算为备注编辑区,且它在正常情况下只显示一行字体颜色较浅的文字;这款插件发挥作用的是在add note编辑区 2、进入add note编辑区的两种方法:把鼠标放在item的圆点上(这时在圆点左侧浮动选项卡),然后选“add note”或者“shift+enter”快捷键进入 3、如何查看markdown语法效果?要进入当前item!即进入“home>...>上级item>当前item”!若不在当前item时,查看到的只能是包含原始markdown语法的编辑文本。
  • (2012-08-23) Jordan Schroeder: Works in Chrome 21. I always wanted to do RTF in Workflowy, and now I can! Thank you SO much! For those having trouble, you have to zoom into the note in order to get the formatting.
  • (2012-04-24) Really like the idea of this extension, but I can't seem to make it work. I'm using Workflowy "plus", if that makes any difference.
  • (2012-03-22) A C: Doesn't work for me
  • (2012-01-12) Matthew Trevor: I really wanted to like this extension, but: 1. It changes the default site font to something that looks worse and takes up more horizontal space. 2. Notes that are visible without the extension disappear once it's turned on. Even notes without any markdown whatsoever.
  • (2012-01-11) Ash Weeks: Awesome addition to WorkFlowy. Chrome 16.0.912.75
  • (2011-12-18) Looks like it would be amazing, but doesn't work in Chrome 16.


527 history
3.1071 (28 votes)
Last update / version
2012-09-04 / 1.3.0
Listing languages
