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Smart Proxy will automatically enable/disable proxy for the sites you visit, based on customizable patterns.
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Description from store
What is SmartProxy
Using proxies cannot be easier with SmartProxy. Think of it as configure once and forget solution. With SmartProxy you don't need to change your proxy manually or turn it on and off. All you have to do is to tell SmartProxy that you want to enable proxy for your desired website with just one click. After that, when you visit that specific website, SmartProxy will act and all you data for that website will be transferred though the proxy, without you doing anything.
Please note that:
🚫 SmartProxy does not provide any type of proxy servers.
👀 SmartProxy does not track you in any way.
⭐️ SmartProxy is completely ad free in any way.
It uses patterns to automatically define rules to proxify your web experience. With SmartProxy, you don't need to change your proxy manually and turn it on and off. You can add your desired website to the proxy rules list with just one click. After that, when you visit that specific website, SmartProxy will act and all you data for that website will be transferred though the proxy, without you doing anything.
What's more, SmartProxy is inspired by AutoProxy and AutoProxy-ng and that are now considered legacy. SmartProxy is completely written from ground up using WebExtensions and provides more functionality than those proxies.
Automatically detect when to enable or disable proxy to certain websites based on rule patterns
Easily switch between many proxy servers as your active proxy server setting
Easily with one click add current site to your proxy list
View current website items and requests and decide whether to proxify them with one click
Easily switch between proxy modes and enable proxy for all domains
Proxy API is supported through subscriptions
Backup/Restore settings and rules
Disclaimer: This extension is solely created to spread freedom by easing the access to blocked contents. Any misuse like gaining access to harmful or graphic content and etc. is discouraged.
Copyright (C) all rights are reserved.
License: GPL-3.0
Latest reviews
- (2024-02-22) Miles Lee: 刚才突然所有的配置都丢失了,真是一件令人崩溃的事情。 能不能增加一个自动备份机制。
- (2023-10-31) Yifang Wang (WIFI): 使用自动切换的话,添加gfw列表,下方只能直连的话,那gfw里到底还有没效果啊?
- (2023-10-06) Shira: Good extension to replace SwitchyOmega. Thanks for developer!
- (2023-08-30) 정광영 (LazyMoon): 정말 필요한 기능이였어요 감사합니다
- (2023-08-02) Виктор: отличное расширение, если не нужна авторизация в SOCKS
- (2023-07-17) 恋夢: 用始终开启模式订阅gfwlist成功之后,过一段时间重启后会因为gfwlist地址被墙导致规则无法生效,因此也导致了整个gfwlist没法使用,这个问题就是最近出现的,相似的Proxy SwitchyOmega扩展就没有这个问题
- (2023-07-12) Jialei Duan: There is no straightforward way to configure the use of a subscribable whitelist. I would like to enable the proxy by default, and any website that is on the whitelist should be accessed without going through the proxy.
- (2023-07-06) Yi Zhou: user of switchy omega, working perfectly
- (2023-05-26) 沉冰浮水: 添加规则时希望可以支持 * 这种格式,现在会被识别为 %2A - -
- (2023-05-17) Lee Telly: awesome extension, love from china
- (2023-05-01) MARK2580: Бесполезное. Ничего не может открыть совершенно. Добавлял кучу прокси, сайты... Всё равно одни ошибки подключения.
- (2023-04-27) HD Tang: 好像有内存泄漏,才打开3个标签chrome占内存4G以上,暂停后,用了1个小时内存占用也只是1.2G
- (2023-04-17) bluse Q: 从switchy omega平替过来的,switchy omega许久没更新了。这个用起来个人觉得比switchyomega好点
- (2023-04-14) Paul Ditttey: The one thing I needed it for was to force Chrome to STOP turning on a proxy server, but this extension forces me to have one and attempts to add another level of control to something I don't need another level of control over - I just need a way to over-ride Chrome from already, turning a frustrating situation worse.
- (2023-03-25) Zibra Z: Хлам
- (2023-03-24) Fei Zheng: 自动同步是不是有bug,不知道为什么他把我的规则和订阅规则列表复制了很多份,导致上网非常卡。
- (2023-03-05) MiddleEarthPlayer: randomly turns off the mode "always enable", this has never happened before, apparently the latest version with the bug
- (2023-02-23) Arman Sh: It's very persistent against being turned on. It keeps moving to "direct". The next time that I open any browser, it's "direct". Restoring backup doesn't work unless the browser is run as administer. Still, the next time, the proxy would be direct regardless. It has a great idea behind, but super bugy.
- (2023-02-17) ops zhou: 功能强大,使用上还有很大改进空间,例如删除某一个智能方案,目前只能通过改配置文件的方是实现,调整智能方案顺序也是同样的问题
- (2023-02-08) 老刀: 原本是用智能判断模式,本来很好用,突然这个模式下不允许添加规则了,这是搞什么?
- (2023-02-02) Anton Volkov: Nice extension. It stopped working after one of the updated in 2023. The proxy is not turning on
- (2023-01-24) Ryze Kong: after this upgrade (2023-01-23), I lost my proxy config
- (2023-01-09) White East: 有用,直接用gfwlist直接分流了
- (2022-11-15) Данила Володарский: Disabling the extension and then enabling it again wipes all the settings.
- (2022-10-13) Melfi Silver: нельзя загрузить список доменов (только по-штучно), не умеет авторизовываться в SOCKS5. В остальном работает, спасибо
- (2022-09-20) Fei Lu: 希望能增加pac代理模式
- (2022-06-19) Viktor: в ходе долгих поисков нашел это расширение, сайты грузит нормально. но иногда слетает конфигурация прокси. и в один момент можно обнаружить, что ты зашел с личного айпи. продолжу поиски нормального расширения
- (2022-05-11) Nikolay Komarov: SOCKS5 auth not supported. Pretty useless.
- (2022-05-02) feather rain: better than swithyOmega 比 swithyOmega 好用,swithyOmega 太久不更新了
- (2022-04-18) programming engineer: stress
- (2022-03-24) Jérôme Bonnamy: Parfait tout simplement.
- (2022-02-03) Marián Novák: the right proxy plugin i was looking for.
- (2022-01-30) 席文松: 感觉比SwitchyOmega好用,但是有专用的代理规则订阅地址吗?我用SwitchyOmega的代理规则订阅地址,订阅出来的规则把把国内和国外的网站全都给我代理上了,和开全局没区别了,不知道什么原因造成的。
- (2022-01-27) Nathanael Liu: Excellent. I would like you to add proxy auto authentication feature.
- (2021-12-31) block: Works well . Easy to backup and restore . DNS also could through tunnel .
- (2021-12-16) نبيلة خيرى: Good
- (2021-12-07) Jie Li: This is helpful one :)
- (2021-11-24) 杜壁奇: 非常好用,装了这个之后,v2ray就不用开全局了,只要打开就行,然后google浏览器再设置设置本地代理就行了
- (2021-11-04) Fanta: 非常好用的自动代理扩展,希望能继续更新。
- (2021-09-26) Vahid Mafi: Salar, this extension is super useful. It could be better if you upgrade it in some ways: 1. Better documentation (e.g. via video clips) 2. Sync between different browsers (e.g. firefox and chrome) or even users: A nice feature will allow a user to upload his configuration to his/her cloud of choice (e.g. Google Drive or Dropbox) and read it from other browsers/devices.
- (2021-09-19) JolinKons: Было бы идеально, если это расширение могло видеть домен, с которого меня перенаправляет провайдер (для обхода блокировок)
- (2021-09-14) meti: Nice!!!!! Good Job!
- (2021-09-09) shadow: SwitchyOmega因为太久没更新过了,用来替代它,感觉相比来说更好用,这个插件的可代理资源的功能,SwitchyOmega同功能只能看到后缀,这个能看到完整域名
- (2021-08-07) lapkins: Убрали идентификацию прокси по логину и паролю. Спрашивается зачем? Предыдущая версия работала хорошо. Теперь прокси не работают.
- (2021-07-08) Matthew Taylor: Makes my life so much easier. Exactly what I need to visit internal sites without having the whole browser use the same internal proxy.
- (2021-02-26) Server IT: so cool
- (2021-02-01) musa tufanoğlu: beğendim
- (2021-01-15) Wang Lei: better than SwitchyOmega
- (2021-01-13) Philipp Reusch: Perfect extension for dynamic ("smart") proxying.
- (2021-01-11) Mike: Отличная замена frigate, очень быстро и легко настраивается