extension ExtPose

Tags for Google Calendar™

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Description from extension meta

A little visual addon that adds special markup to tags and question marks in event names.

Image from store Tags for Google Calendar™
Description from store This add-on causes two markup changes in of Google Calendar. Event names containing a colon (:) will have the part before the colon being displayed as a colored tag that helps discerning different kinds of events without the need for creating dozens of calendars. For example: "Tag: Event name" becomes "[Tag] Event name". Event names ending with a question mark will be displayed in italic and transparent, as a kind of optional or yet to be confirmed event. Google Calendar is a trademark of Google Inc. Use of this trademark is subject to Google Permissions.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-02-28) Vincent Thierry: I was excited to try this, but sadly it does not work for me Edit: Figured out how to use it. There has to be a space behind the colon. Edit (23.02.2024): It just stopped working for me. (Also I love this Extension and hope it gets fixed soon. Will update as soon as it works again) Edit (28.02.2024): It works again, thanks for fixing it :)
  • (2024-02-27) Vincent Schmandt: I love this extension! Always fixed rapidly if a Google Calendar update breaks it. :)
  • (2023-09-11) Avern Williams: This is wonderful; thank you!!! The _only_ reason I held back from 5 stars is that it doesn't yet support multiple tags for a single calendar event *fingers crossed it's coming soon* Even with that minor inconvenience, this extension has already proven extremely helpful! For anyone stating they can't get it to work or that there are no options, try this: 1) Title your calendar like this: "tagname: xyz" where: - "tagname" is whatever label you want - your tagname is immediately followed by a colon then a space - "xyz" is the actual title of the event 2) Save your event 3) Refresh your calendar to view the changes PRO-TIP: You can even incorporate emojis as part of the tag...for example: "🎯 To-Do"
  • (2023-03-07) Steve Magruder: Works well except all the tag backgrounds are white. I thought they would show with different background colors as shown in the example.
  • (2022-12-21) maria cruz: on the title of the event write like so... Work: blablabla and then save and make sure you refresh if you see no change
  • (2022-11-26) Sagar 02: Really useful for me. Just wish if it has more features like multiple tags for single event.
  • (2022-10-28) Molly Hutt: This is a great idea, but unfortunately, the extension is unusable for people who either use colons in event titles (e.g., "Email Jackie re: starting project") or receive invitations to events that have colons in the title (e.g., "Session 1: Blah Blah Blah"). As soon as I installed it, several events within the next week suddenly had "tags" that were actually just the first chunk of the event title. It seems like this should be easy to customize. Theoretically, I might set my tag signifier to a symbol I rarely use in event titles, like ^ or \, and the problem would be solved completely. But alas, when I tried to manage my settings, I was only able to turn the extension on or off. When I tried to go to the app website, it showed only a CGI video about something unrelated. For reasons that are a mystery to me, the app also turned one of my events transparent and italicized the title, even after I removed the colon that was originally in the title. The issue didn't resolve until I turned off the app entirely. Bummer :(
  • (2022-10-26) Bronte Leghissa: How to you actually use this? I can't figure it out.
  • (2022-09-21) David Fuentes: Great extension! Quick tip: If you add a question mark at the end of an event, the event will become semi-transparent :)
  • (2022-09-11) Felipe: Perfeito! Simples, útil e grátis. EDIT: Observei nos comentários que alguns usuários não compreenderam como a ferramenta funciona, então decidi postar alguns exemplos de como eu uso a ferramenta no meu calendario. Exemplo de como eu uso as TAGS para enfatizar o local/finalidade dos meus eventos da faculdade. AULA: Clínica Cirúrgica HOSPITAL XXX: Clínica Cirúrgia PROVA: Pediatria A outra função da extensão é o ponto de interrogação ao final do nome do evento, que ofusca levemente o evento. Eu uso essa função caso não poderei comparecer à algum evento ou se há algo a confirmar. Por exemplo, caso tenha outro compromisso no mesmo horário da aula, eu adicionarei um ponto de interrogação ao final do nome do evento da seguinte forma: AULA: Clínica Cirúrgica? https://screenrec.com/share/UOMY1u0Jva Aqui esta uma captura de tela da minha agenda, observe que segunda-feira eu coloquei o ponto de interrogação ao final do nome dos dois eventos correspondentes à aulas (verde com transparência), estou pensando em não comparecer para ficar em casa estudando (azul), pois tenho uma prova mais tarde no mesmo dia (vermelho). Faço isso ao invés de simplismente excluir o evento pois desse modo tenho controle de quais eventos não compareci,facilitando a visualização dos eventos (aulas da faculdade) que preciso recuperar posteriormente. Estes são apenas alguns exemplos de como eu uso, você deve usar a criatividade e adaptar conforme suas necessidades, com o objetivo facilitar a visualização e organização da sua Agenda. Muito obrigado ao desenvolvedor da extensão! Espero ter ajudado (:
  • (2022-08-15) Nadia Olausson: Works super! Only problem: after installing, some events turn opaque and their titles turn cursive. Disappears when uninstalling, comes back after re-installing. Only affect a few events, all of which have NO tag in the title.
  • (2022-08-11) Ross Jukes: I love this – but is there any way to make tags auto-colour events? E.g if I use "Social:" then it colors the event orange, whereas "Work:" colours it green.
  • (2022-04-18) Armin Mueller: Simple and effective. Pretty decent :)
  • (2022-03-28) Bala Ramadurai: This is a simple and readily useful extension! I have a few suggestions for some features: 1. customize the special character that converts the word into tags, for example, # 2. The placement of the tag. If this can be anywhere in the event title, for example - Meeting with #Marketing
  • (2022-03-19) Crystal Root: Really wanted this extension, as I need to be able to highlight scheduled events in color in order for a calendar to be useful. But no matter what I tried, could not get it to work. The "options" tab remains greyed out, and there are no directions anywhere; the developer's site has nothing.
  • (2022-02-03) James McDonald: Does not work at all. Uninstalling
  • (2021-12-02) Marco Fioramonti: I downloaded it but i am not able to make it work. How am i supposed to add tags? Thanks.
  • (2021-10-18) Lucila: I love it but after the last update all of my tags look black :/
  • (2021-10-08) Mike Freislich: Tags are so important in my life to distinguish the different types of work that I meet about. Would get 5 stars if the new problem that seems to be happening is resolved... if I select the google calendar default viewing mode of "Modern (white text)", then tag items showing on dark-coloured events show up as white text on white tag bubble. :(
  • (2021-09-23) Brynne Lycette: Works really well for me, I use it to label meeting priority so that other people can easily get a sense of rescheduling ease. Since some of the recent ones are saying it doesnt work, thought this would be helpful.
  • (2021-09-20) Carrie Henderson: Not working
  • (2021-06-04) Lenka Čápová: WORKING NOW - what quick fix! Great product supprt! Thanks! Great visual aid however as of yesterday, I cannot see the tag for my upcoming events.. I only see it for the passed events.. What has happened? I have not installed or changed anything... any idea? I love this feature and I want it back :-) It was the reason I migrated to google calendar.. thanks for any help or idea!!!
  • (2021-05-05) Brian Chandra: Is there a way to use multiple tags? with the middle not highlighted? Person1: space Person 2:
  • (2021-04-06) Im a Mystery: It does not work anymore. Is it possible to update? Please.
  • (2021-03-04) Syd: Cool! I also love the ? function that makes the events italic and transparent. It would be cool if there's an option for adding multiple tags (or maybe I've missed that in the instructions). Love it though, very clean, simple, easy to use.
  • (2021-02-18) Felipe Guerra: Not working anymore.
  • (2021-02-16) 林煒清: helpful but crude
  • (2021-01-25) Berina Omerdić: doesnt really work just takes you to a random site https://soimon.com/
  • (2020-11-29) Mechelle Corwin: Is there a way to make tags a different color depending on the tag? For example, I want tentative meegtings to be tagged "TENT:" with a red tag, and confirmed meetings tagged "CONF:" with a green tag. Can that be done?
  • (2020-11-06) Adrian Brenk: Great, thanks for the work!
  • (2020-10-22) Chia Chin Tsai: [Wishlist] Not only ":" but also ":" should be used for tagging
  • (2020-10-01) Yannick Burky: LOVE IT :)
  • (2020-09-29) Irene: Just installed but doesn't work. Can you fix it? It opens soimon.com page. I don't know what it is. Obviously, looking forward to add more stars. Many thanks.
  • (2020-08-27) Diana Mollo: I love this extension, it was exactly what I was looking for and I could use it in a couple of minutes. I want to suggest a feature request tho, I noticed that the tag was only available if you used the tag as the first words of the event name and I think it would also be helpful to use the tag after the event name or even the use of multiple tags on the same event name.
  • (2020-01-15) Barry McAlister: Just installed this, what a great addition to Calendar. It even works on Reminders.
  • (2020-01-13) Greg Gambone: This addon performs exactly as described. On the web version of calendar, tags appear with font color matching the event color but highlighted in white, so basically the inverse of the rest of the text. On the Android GCal app and the embedded calendar on a different website, obviously there's no special formatting, just the tag and colon as it was typed.
  • (2019-10-09) Sanket Joshi: Such an obvious feature that calendar lacked... super easy to use!
  • (2019-09-26) Holly Williamson: I can't get this extension working on my calendar - any help would be greatly appreciated! I've downloaded the extension, but when I insert : it doesn't do anything...
  • (2019-08-17) Larry Shreve: For me, searching for "Tag:" still returns all instances of "Tag" AND "Tag:". Naming a tag "Tag::" (double colon) doesn't change anything for me, either. In a perfect world, calendar tags would show up in a list with checkboxes, just like calendars do. The UI would be very similar to tags in Gmail. And it would be super nice if the mobile version could display the tags as well. It's a cool extension, but not quite what I'm looking for.
  • (2019-06-19) Lois Whitehead: So simple that I was using it within 30 seconds. Love it!
  • (2019-06-19) Rafael Benavent: Nice extension. I really like it. Only minor thing is that when you click on an event the colon is replaced with a space which doesn't look pretty. Example: Task: Do this Becomes: Task Do this
  • (2019-06-07) Didier ALLAIN: Impossible de le faire fonctionner .Totalement nul
  • (2018-11-15) Pdx Mtg: Great add-on! I embed multiple calendars on a page, and I would like my users to be able to press a button and see only those events with that tag. How would I be able to do this?
  • (2018-09-21) Daniela Castañeda: This is a fantastic tool to minimize calendars and simplify my schedule. Is there a way to search for events by a specific tag in case that same name is written in non-relevant event descriptions? Thanks
  • (2018-09-19) Achuthan Karnnan: It's a Simple but Powerful Little tweak. I really like it. Good Job :)
  • (2018-03-03) Tim Curran: Loved it... until the new Google Calendar broke it. :-(


30,000 history
4.0986 (71 votes)
Last update / version
2024-02-28 / 1.1.0
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