Description from extension meta
Anyshortcut is a productive browser plugin to help you customize keyboard shortcuts to open frequently visited websites instantly.
Image from store
Description from store
Anyshortcut is a productive browser plugin to help people customize keyboard shortcuts to open their frequently visited websites instantly.
It is simple, intuitive and straightforward. You only need a Google account to get started, all your shortcuts are synced everywhere automatically.
Version 1.11.1
1. Fix bugs
Version 1.10.0
1. Compound shortcut supports alphanumeric as key
2. Show delete popover when delete secondary shortcut
3. Optimize Preferences copywriting, add Github icon
4. Add better compound shortcut bind tips, compound shortcut tour page shortcut examples change to Yahoo and SoundCloud
5. Other bugs fixed
Latest reviews
- (2023-05-18) CosmicSlime: Shortcuts don't work when on a empty new tab.
- (2020-08-19) Bifidy CAPs: Wonderful extension!
- (2019-12-13) hong li: 还不错, 支持一下
- (2019-12-11) Francis Du: Great tool, I love it!
- (2019-07-31) lei zhu: 安利!
- (2019-05-23) 陈淯楠: 可以 useful
- (2019-03-29) Haisen Ling: can u support mac' command key??
- (2018-07-23) 赵甲: 用着相当顺手,超级提升工作效率。同一个域名下的页面跳转非常方便,不用再去找接口或者手动输入域名,非常好用,安利~~
- (2018-07-13) kingsley zhang: it's a vvvvvvvvvvvverrrrrrrry good idea to hava and do this productivity. 👍5 stars just using 5 minutes. i would be better if i could customized my combination key.
- (2018-06-28) Deron: 非常好用的插件,方便快捷,相见恨晚!👍
- (2018-06-26) Yuhang Xie: 非常好用!!在「利器」里看到的
- (2018-04-30) leon yuan: 虽然英文能看懂,不过开发者应该是中国人吧,却不提供中文版...有点遗憾
- (2018-02-28) 有时丶: 且不说国内用户能否正常使用英文版本,我认为中文翻译是对国内用户起码的尊重。不够尊重用户(国内)还谈什么用户体验? 墨刀讨论区转v2ex,看了文章和所有评论,只觉得那句“我官网甚至没有考虑过汉化”与好几处标榜的“用户体验”甚是冲突。 贡献一个安装量走人,祝好。
- (2018-01-05) Q TAN: 什么时候可以自定义了 再告诉我
- (2018-01-02) Demo Chen: 非常好用的插件,简洁高效!
- (2017-12-26) Young Seven (Seven小杨): 非常有用的插件,终于可以一键打开网址了,和mac平台的spacelauncher理念很相似
- (2017-12-20) Yizhao He: Good productivity tool. I can open my favorite sites instantly now.
- (2017-12-18) 古古天: 支持一下~很棒哦
- (2017-12-12) Alvin Zhu: Helpful!
- (2017-12-12) Limichange: Really nice 👍
- (2017-12-12) Yihong Chen: Simple to set up and use!
- (2017-11-19) Very cool! I love it!
- (2017-11-19) Shuang Zhu: Wow, love it! It definitely boosted my productivity! 😊
4.7941 (34 votes)
Last update / version
2022-07-12 / 1.11.1
Listing languages