extension ExtPose


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Description from store SelectionSK is an extension which automatically pops up the user menu with useful tools (copy, search, translation, highlight, etc.) when the text is selected with the mouse. The idea beyond the extension is that the text is always selected with the purpose, so it is more convenient to automatically popup the menu on selection rather than do it in two steps (select and right mouse click). It's easy and extremely convenient. Give it a try! Note: WebExtensions API doesn't provide access to search engines, so during initialization the extension will create a 'SelectionSK' bookmark folder under 'Other Bookmarks' and populate it with search and translation urls. Please modify this folder according to your needs. You can you help support extension continued development by making a small contribution: https://www.paypal.me/selectionsk/ Functions: Copy selected text to the clipboard in various ways (standard copy, copy as plain text, copy as html). In addition, the selected text can be copied to clipboard automatically. Send selected text to pre-configured bookmark URLs. There are default search\translate\dictionary URLs and in addition you can create your own. Phrase search supported by using the right mouse button, see the support site for details. Open the text as a URL. Text will be validating for the URL in a smart way – in addition to well-formed URLs, the extension will check broken URLs (for instance, without http prefix) and href attribute. Obfuscated URLs and email addresses like "hxxp://website(dot)name(dot)com" or "mail(at)provider(dot)com" will be detected and de-obfuscated. Open or copy to clipboard multiple URLs at the same time instead of having to do them all individually. Highlight all occurrences of the selected text. More than one word or phrase can be highlighted with different color. Panel mode: a small panel with icons only will appear instead of a popup menu. Send the selection to the mail recipient. A new email window will be opened using mailto: protocol, selected text will be added as email body. In addition, selection will be copied to the clipboard, which allows to insert it to the email from the clipboard (useful if selection has images or rich html). Toolbar icons provides a shortcuts to enable\disable extension on certain site (left mouse click) or to preferences (right mouse click). Thank you for being interested in SelectionSK. Please submit your suggestions and report issues on https://bitbucket.org/ashemetov/selectionsk/issues. Want to help with a translation to another language? Create a ticket on https://bitbucket.org/ashemetov/selectionsk/issues and attach messages.json. It will be included into the next release.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-11-03) Roman GTA: Please make popup in dark theme. Black background colors.
  • (2023-10-07) Michel Fessard: Excellent ! Et tellement utile !
  • (2023-08-08) Rade Bitanga: It's great but when translating twitter the panel goes to the left of the screen and a bit out of it so I can't see the whole translation. Is there a setting that solves this (settings are also a bit too much and not self explanatory so I'd have to poke around a lot).
  • (2023-08-05) Bart: An excellent, very useful and customizable extension. I do wish the popup menus for selecting conversions and languages from within their respective instant options had an option to change their colors. I have everything else set to dark mode, but those unchangeable menus are bright, making my light color text on them hard to see. Also, I can find no option to clear individual highlights, only all of them at once using Escape or a page refresh. Other than those caveats I am impressed and grateful for this extension.👍
  • (2023-04-03) George Alfeerzli: Modular and practical.
  • (2022-12-13) Clemens Ratte-Polle: How to mark a whole sentence text by tripple click?? This is NOT possible anymore when activated with SSK :(
  • (2022-11-24) P. P.: SelectionSK : to mark a text block by 3 times clicking is not possible with this addon activated. How to solve this problem??
  • (2022-06-30) EliteNet Telecom: não funciona no Vivaldi
  • (2022-05-05) Luis F: Excelente, me encanta, muy configurable 🎇
  • (2022-04-21) Serkan Ç: Cannot remove other bookmarks/selectionsk folder.
  • (2022-02-27) Koxae Sun: Одно из наиполезнейших расширений. Пользуюсь им на Brave. Последнее время заглючил переводчик, тупо не появляется после нажатия на кнопку. Исправьте, пожалуйста. И периодически, при выделении текста, сам по себе выскакивает конвертер единиц, чем пугает. Очень хотелось бы, чтобы он не выскакивал без запроса. Спасибо!
  • (2022-02-16) Cheryl Dennett: Love it, so handy!
  • (2022-01-16) Jeroen de Klerk: This is really great! Thank you very much!
  • (2021-08-03) Murtuza Jani: This extension breaks on my laptop. It used to work but now it doesn't popup. Can you help dev?
  • (2021-04-18) Cüneyt Birkök: en mükemmel autocopy eklentisi budur
  • (2020-11-26) KiSSeli: i would like to be able to add/remove search engines.
  • (2020-07-12) Dashawn Darien: I love this extension, however it doesn't add the bookmark folder to the Vivaldi browser which is what I use so I can't customize it. Edit: uhh actually you can manually create a folder or choose an existing folder by typing in the name in the settings under general in the ''bookmark folder'' option, changed rating from 3 stars to 5. How do I add separations though? Edit: Nevermind, I just installed the extension to chrome, created a new user/person, dragged/copied the SK folder over to the new user then exported the bookmarks for that new user and imported the file to my browser then changed the working folder in SelectionSK settings back to its original title ''SelectionSK'' [either that or just remove and re-add the extension] for anyone facing the same issue.
  • (2020-03-10) Sergio Henrique da Silva Pereira: Ótimo, funcional, prático.
  • (2020-01-05) AbRa kA DaBra: This Is What I Want Yessssss.
  • (2019-12-30) Kate Bush: Почему оно не работает как задумано (надеюсь) в Cent ?! Глюки сводят всё на нет !
  • (2019-10-11) Navoneel Talukdar: Awesome in one word.
  • (2019-10-09) J Li: THIS IS LIFE CHANGING. Thanks for developing this tool.
  • (2019-09-06) Skill seizer: ive tested at least 1000 extension "not joking" this one among my FAV extensions... thanks to developer for extension esp for being active responder
  • (2018-10-11) Any chance of being able to remove the "Language Tools" menu item all together?
  • (2018-03-29) Peter Mello: Finally an answer to Opera's selection tool for Chromium browsers! I can tell this is going to be a real game-changer for my web browsing.
  • (2018-02-13) azog azog: Wouahh, great and amazing extension,thank you, but we will be happy if you can add "copy plain text" option, and aloso the possibility to add another search engines in other languages
  • (2018-01-08) Mario Aguila: Instalada, recargada la página y no funciona.
  • (2017-12-12) Steve Harris: I have been waiting a long time for this wonderful extension to come over to Chrome and now it is finally here. It is such a great little timesaver. If you simply want to highlight a word or phrase to do a Google search this is for you - left click, highlight and search in one nice and easy operation. Fantastic - Thank you Andrey.

Latest issues

  • (2023-09-18, v:6.0) Clemens Ratte-Polle: disable convertor ?
    how can i disable the convertor popup?
  • (2022-12-13, v:5.9) P. P.: can not mark more than 1 word by tripple click
    with SSK i cant anymore select whole sentences by 3 clicks like usual. error?
  • (2022-06-21, v:5.9) Thomas Avallon: Like in the 4th screenshot, is pop-up definitions a feature?
    I've been trying to find an alternative to dictionary extensions to define words/phrases by selecting them, and from screenshot #4 it looks like there is a way to have definitions pop up in a small context window without having to leave the current page. I've messed with all available settings but can't find a way to do this, like how definitions for the word 'select' is shown in screenshot #4. I just don't want to have to open new tabs or change the current tab every time I want a word defined. Is there something I'm missing? Thanks for your work, I love how many features are on this extension!
  • (2022-02-27, v:5.8) Koxae Sun: Переводчик и конветер единиц ведут себя нештатно.
    Переводчик почти перестал появляться при нажатии на его кнопку. Конвертер единиц периодически самостоятельно выскакивает после выделения текста на странице. Браузер Brave, Версия 1.32.106 Chromium: 96.0.4664.45 (Официальная сборка), (64 бит)
  • (2021-10-18, v:5.6) MSI ONEORG: Limited text selection
    Hello. Great utility but seems to be limited to search engine results or HTML pages only. We need this to work on google docs text etc. Are we missing some setting? Why does this not work on Google Docs or other text applications?
  • (2021-08-14, v:5.6) Jon Fillmore: The Converter and Number Entries
    I can open the converter fine, everything seems to run smooth and I can switch between all categories and subcategories. The problem is.... The number starts at 0.01 and I can not backspace past the 1. So I can convert numbers like 0.0193876346753 but I cannot put any number above 0.01, as that is where it starts at when you start typing numbers. I've un and re-installed the extension and no fix. Running Chrome and Windows 10 with all current updates as of today. 8/14/21
  • (2021-07-27, v:5.6) I'm Table: Поиск
    В последней версии (5.6) отключена возможность поиска? В настройках расширения нет настроек, связанных с поиском, к сожалению.
  • (2021-07-14, v:5.5) Дракоша Пестренький (Drakosha): Clearing of the text box. Or the prohibition of copying from it.
    I select the phrase that I want to insert into the search field on a certain site. SelectionSK copies it. The search field is occupied by the previous phrase. Using Backspace is too long, so I usually select the old text in the search field with a double click or mouse and press Ctrl + V, Enter. However, SelectionSK copies the old phrase and there is no way I can turn it off. (I can turn off text сopy entierly of course. Not an option for me.) Ideally, there should be an option that prohibits copying from search fields. You can also add the 'delete selection' option to the pop-up menu. Or 'Delete selection, paste text from clipboard and emulate pressing Enter'.
  • (2020-11-20, v:5.0) ormgard smith: перевод
    добавьте пожалуйста перевод DeepL
  • (2020-10-13, v:5.0) Jason Protell: Text To Speech (TTS) Support
    Can you add support for TTS? Always selected with purpose is a pretty cool idea btw :) Thanks for the extension, it's great!
  • (2019-10-30, v:4.0) Jarred VandeMark: Removing "Other Bookmarks" folder
    I removed this extension from my browser, but I'm unable to delete the "Other Bookmarks" folder and it's contents. How can I do this?
  • (2019-08-23, v:3.9) Вовка Синельников: Обрезает ссылку при открытии
    Добрый вечер. Спасибо за расширение и быструю тех. поддержку. "Вылез" небольшой баг: при открытии выделенного текста как URL, расширение "обрезает" ссылку на месте пробела. К примеру, выделено "https://yandex.ru/search/?text=продвижение сайтов&lr=213", при переходе по "Открыть как URL" получаем: https://s.mail.ru/B1q8/nnw47mrHJ Почините, пожалуйста.
  • (2019-06-20, v:3.8) ormgard smith: элементы меню
    я не понимаю, как убрать ненужные элементы меню в всплывашке. в параметрах расширения галочки с них убираю, а во всплывашке все равно они есть.
  • (2019-05-30, v:3.6) Вовка Синельников: Странное поведение расширения
    После выделения текста расширение каким-то странным способом перекраивает страницу (на некоторых сайтах), добавляет пустое пространство в верхней части. Тут видео: https://cloud.mail.ru/public/5jxM/3QwhfoXQV
  • (2019-05-22, v:3.5) ormgard smith: перевод
    не работает яндекс переводчик никак.
  • (2019-02-19, v:3.0) Полина Сизова: При движении по подменю фокус перескакивает на другие пункты.
    При движении по подменю фокус перескакивает на другие пункты. Трудно описать, потому вот видео: https://cloud.mail.ru/public/2ugU/BZeVTmfh3
  • (2018-08-11, v:1.9) Владимир Синельников: Заменяет амперсанд на пару символов
    Добрый день, Расширение меняет знак & на %26 Например: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKcdSK5oT9w%26feature=youtu.be вместо: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKcdSK5oT9w&feature=youtu.be Буду признателен, если исправите. Спасибо. С Уважением, Владимир Синельников
  • (2018-02-28, v:1.4) Владимир Синельников: Снимается выделение
    Добрый день. Спасибо, что прислушиваетесь к пожеланиям пользователей. Хотел бы попросить, сделать опционально снятие / оставление выделения фрагмента текста после совершения над ним действия из контекстного меню вашего расширения. Часто бывает нужно оставить фрагмент выделенным. Спасибо.
  • (2018-01-23, v:1.2) Steve Harris: Workaround
    In the settings I renamed the "SelectionSK" bookmark folder to "Selection" and then things started working when I manually added a Google search bookmark for the popup. But if I rename it back to "SelectionSK" the popup menu doesn't appear!! Why would it be that when the update from 1.1 to 1.2 happened the "SelectionSK" bookmark folder was ignored when it worked fine before with v1.1?
  • (2018-01-23, v:1.2) Steve Harris: v1.2 no popup menu at all now!
    Oh dear, I just installed v1.2 and no matter what I do the popup menu has not shown since v1.1 I select a word or phrase on a webpage and then.. nothing. I've tried uninstalling and then reinstalling but no difference. Am I missing something?


1,000 history
4.4694 (49 votes)
Last update / version
2023-01-07 / 6.0
Listing languages
