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Get Lyrics Of Songs On Youtube, Gaana, Saavn, Bopfm, Guvera etc. Hindi English Lyrics
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English,Hindi Songs Lyrics.
# Youtube
# Rdio
# Hungama
# Guvera
# Raaga
# Spotify
Lyrical is free and Open Source.
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Latest reviews
- (2023-08-24) Alexander Popov (AlexWayfer): I'd like to see it for Deezer.
- (2021-08-23) Al Parsons: Failed. Clear voice, low music, not a single word extracted. Is this a glorified search the net thing?
- (2017-01-20) Franz Tunda: It does not remain on the screen after you click on Chrome...
- (2015-06-30) Mario Gangemi: A1