extension ExtPose


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Description from extension meta

帮你一键直达LeetCode / LintCode题解,从此找题解不愁,刷题成为享受。

Image from store 九章刷题小助手
Description from store 新版本功能: v1.3.1 支持跳转讨论区 v1.3.0 支持LintCode China v1.2.8 Chrome更新若出现不能使用的情况请卸载重装! v1.2.6 请你支持我们,试一试不一样的选择: https://www.lintcode.com/ v1.2.4 - 相逢会有时 v1.2.3 - 莫听穿林打叶声,何妨吟啸且徐行。 v1.2.2 - 修复了一些BUG v 1.2.0 - 支持免费解锁付费订阅的题目 v 1.1.0 - 全新快捷键,空格一按,题解到手 - 全新支持LeetCode中国版 - UI再更新,免费微课/求职讲座等着你 使用方法: 扩展安装后,当浏览Lintcode或LeetCode题目时,浏览器右上角的刷题小助手图标会点亮。 此时点击图标即可完成题解查找。 若题解已被九章算法收录,你可以点击前往题解按钮一键直达题解。 意见反馈: 若对本扩展有任何意见或建议,请编辑邮件并发送至 [email protected]

Latest reviews

  • (2020-12-13) 蒋林煊: 挺好的
  • (2020-07-30) Akatoki Kwok: 海星
  • (2020-01-07) Franklin Yu: 没法用,错误信息「服务异常,请检查您的网络连接」
  • (2019-12-02) ruisen li: 403 您没有权限 抱歉,该参考答案只对九章学员开放 是什么情况?
  • (2019-03-27) 非常方便
  • (2019-03-26) Bohan Zhang: Please update the app. The most recent Google chrome disabled the extension! 麻烦大大更新一下插件,升级了浏览器之后连lintcode都不能用了
  • (2019-03-17) Frank Chen: It's really great! I use it every day when I solving lint algorithm problem. When I have no idea about how to solve this problem, opening this extension can lead you to the suitable results at first time.
  • (2019-02-28) 作者辛苦
  • (2019-01-20) 为什么安装了以后仍然无法查看solution, 仍然显示要求Download Solution Helper Or become LintCode VIP?
  • (2018-12-07) 731 zzh: 非常好用,点一下就直达题解,方便!
  • (2018-09-30) Boolean Wu: 好用,一键直达,刷题得力助手。
  • (2018-09-30) 春秋豬猴: 挺实用的,不得不好评下,继续加油!
  • (2018-09-30) chao limbo: 方便!就是很多新题没有题解,希望能尽快加上
  • (2018-09-30) 超级棒的!今年秋招多亏它了! 希望工作人员继续优化,辛苦啦~~
  • (2018-07-22) SQ D: Love this extension!
  • (2018-06-13) Feng Zou: How can this extension allow me to see locked questions at leetcode https://leetcode.com/problemset/all/? I did not see the green text as in the screen shot indicating the problems are unlocked. Also the extension icon is grey on this page https://leetcode.com/problemset/all/ The extension icon only turns red when it comes to question detail page.
  • (2018-06-12) M Tu: It's a great extension. However, the Leetcode website now can detect the extension and consider it harmful.
  • (2018-03-30) 李恒: 之前很好用,不过在chrome 65上好像失效了
  • (2017-12-31) moyumaster: 非常有用,很方便
  • (2017-10-23) Andrew Chen: Would be more handy if extension brings you to solution page when you click the icon instad of clicking it twice.
  • (2017-10-21) Jenn oki: I really love it! it is really helpful if you are using leetcode or lintcode very often! i really recommend this!!!
  • (2017-10-11) Kevin Hsu: 哇简直太方便了,给九章点赞!


10,000 history
4.2069 (29 votes)
Last update / version
2019-06-27 / 1.3.1
Listing languages
