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亚马逊官方浏览器扩展, 现在安装即表示您同意使用条款
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亚马逊官方浏览器扩展。安装此扩展即表示您同意 的使用条件。
亚马逊助理 (Amazon Assistant) 是亚马逊的官方产品,无论您在哪里购物都可以帮助您节省时间和金钱。请查看我们能提供的帮助!
当您在亚马逊产品页面上购物时,点击浏览器中的 “a” 图标进入我们的主页功能,在那里能找到我们的 30 天价格跟踪工具。您还可以在我们的主页中看到每天的新交易、独家优惠和个性化推荐。
当您在其他网站购物时,可以轻松地与亚马逊产品进行比较。您会自动看到大多数产品在亚马逊上的 30 天价格历史。
我们提供 12 个地区的本地化支持,包括美国、加拿大、墨西哥、巴西、法国、德国、意大利、英国、西班牙、日本、印度和澳大利亚。
了解更多信息,请访问 (
Latest reviews
- (2023-05-17) Matthieu CABY: Ne fonctionne plus :-(
- (2023-05-16) Torin Spence: Gutted its gone, used this to create many a birthday list for us and the kids over the years so real shame its gone
- (2023-05-05) Michelle Valot: This was the best extension for a chrome browser + amazon shopper to unify all wish lists across the web to one easily manageable place. Amazon decided to discontinue support for the extension and ultimately disable the feature as of March 31 2023. This has rendered the extension completely useless and there is no alternative. Poor call on Amazon's part...
- (2023-05-05) Kevin Hartsfeld: This extension used to be decent (kinda clunky, but worked fine), but Amazon has discontinued support of it and it no longer works at all. It seems Amazon also has no alternative.
- (2023-05-03) Ellis Ward: No longer available in the UK
- (2023-04-30) Yocheved Welcher: No longer usable in the US. Apparently, Amazon has discontinued the Amazon Assistant as of March 28, 2023. If you try to use it, you'll get it message telling you that it's been discontinued and to uninstall the extension.
- (2023-03-18) 白川玖羽(sirakawakuu): 2023年3月18日に商品を検索した際に以下文章が表示されていました。2023年3月28日以降は「Amazon Assistantの提供終了」との事で、機能が停止されそうなので削除推奨です。 >Amazonでは常に商品の可能性を試し、評価を行っています。 >Amazonは、2023年3月28日にAmazon Assistantの提供終了を決定いたしました。その日以降、Amazon Assistantはご使用いただけなくなります。 >Amazon Assistantですでに作成した購入品リストには引き続きAmazonでアクセスできます。 >また、以前に他のサイトから追加した商品はそのまま残ります。 >この決定に伴い、ご不便をおかけしますことをお詫び申し上げます。
- (2023-03-17) Benjamin Zupan: I absolutely love this super-convenient extension and use it daily. Just received notification it will be shut down end of month. Not good news. Not good at all. Hoping you replace it with something even better!
- (2023-03-09) Dan Hood: Restore add to wishlist (non-Amazon) back to wishlists directly. I don't want to deal with this garbage.
- (2023-03-09) Ferdinand Löffler: Nach dem "Hinzufügen zu Chrome" keine Verbindung mit dem Internet möglich.
- (2023-03-01) Ashley Bolin: Unable to add items from other sites to my list, it keeps giving me the error "Sorry about this, I'm having trouble loading". Amazon universal wishlist is impossible to use now. They need to fix this.
- (2023-02-14) Ralph Bigio: I sign in and it tells me that I'm not signed in... BROKEN.
- (2023-01-08) M.K. Lutz: won't let me sign in - it says sign in, but it no longer works. It opens a new tab. I sign in. Nothing changes.
- (2022-12-30) Mike Richards: The one thing I wanted to do with it was to be able to add items from other sites to my wish list, but every time I've tried to do that in the past month, it keeps giving me the error "Sorry about this, I'm having trouble loading." That would be fine if they fixed it in a reasonable amount of time, but it's been a month, over the holidays, and still nothing.
- (2022-12-23) Henrique Oliveira Costa: nao da pra ver historico de preço mais
- (2022-12-21) Lee Savidge: Generally good and unobtrusive. Need to be able to configure it to direct me to rather than the standard amazon site as I've put orders through that would have benefitted my chosen charities without realising that they weren't smile orders.
- (2022-12-19) Cassie Bowie: Worked like a gem until about 5 days ago, and just when I need it the most, right before Christmas.
- (2022-12-08) Danielle Mulligan: Works only half the time
- (2022-12-02) Tatiana Parker: impossible de m'identifier , dommage tout le monde s'en servait dans la famille pour faire ces listes de cadeaux de noêl. Permettais de mettre n'importe quel produit dans la liste venant de tout autre site et pas seulement d'amazon ....Tant pis on fera autrement.
- (2022-11-20) Nico Wild: Die Funktion, Artikel von anderen Websites zur Wunschliste hinzuzufügen, wegen der ich die Erweiterung eigentlich installiert habe, funktioniert kein bisschen. Direkt wieder deinstalliert.
- (2022-11-18) Bill Toner: Used to be great. I like to save items from other websites in wishlist here, one list for all those things to easier keep track of them. For quite a while now it's been stuck in a sign-in loop, never recognizing that I already have signed in 37 times already. Not really useful anymore since that broke.
- (2022-11-04) Saskia Hopkins Middleton: This used to be a really helpful extension, allowing me to add items from any website to my Amazon wishlists, but now whenever I try to add something it just keeps asking me to sign in, but when I sign in it doesn't seem to do anything, it just keeps asking me to sign in! Very frustrating.
- (2022-10-27) Aciel CG: kind of useful but it pops up every time I search anything which id super annoying. if i turn it off temporarily so it doesn't do that I have to re-download it for it to work again. when you add items to a list from other sites it wont show the price you put in for it. overall its not worth it.
- (2022-10-27) I love my furry kids: It only works about half the time I constantly have to uninstall and reinstall it to get it working again! Guess it makes since... God forbid I make a purchase not from Amazon.
- (2022-10-24) H Freeman: Got this to add items from other websites to one central Amazon wishlist but it isn't compatible with a lot of websites such as Home Depot seemingly by design. Ultimately this is a marketing tool for Amazon and they don't really seem to prioritize people shopping outside of Amazon.
- (2022-10-23) Maciej Witkowski: This spyware installs itself on HP Laptops. It's very hard to remove since it adds itself in every new Chrome profile you create. If you want to remove it (after uninstalling other methods of this malware) then regedit: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Google\Chrome\Extensions
- (2022-09-28) Rachele Edwards: 9/28 Update: I recently checked and my items previously and added while this issue was occuring are now showing up. Thank you! Updating to 1 star for not being able to use it for the functionality that it had -- all of my history from adding items onto my list has now disappeared and I have to re-find and save them on a personal list Did something change with the newest Chrome update? Since I updated yesterday I am able to use the extension as intended to add things to my list. However, when I go to that list, the items (and all the items previously added to the list from this extension) do not show up. The number of items in the registry did go up from 118 to 119 when I removed and reinstalled the extension but still doesn't show
- (2022-03-18) Mariah Sasha: Baixei pelo comparador de preços, mas não tem mais. Pensei até que era erro do meu computador ou algo assim, e fiquei reinstalando, mas percebi que é do próprio app... péssimo!!!
- (2022-03-11) helene cathoulic: commande bloquer au relais cora essey les nancy car mauvais code aussi je vous pris d'annuler la commande et de m'en envoyer une autre a l'avance merci mail [email protected] tel 06 99 51 69 37
- (2022-03-10) Yoshiki Pathfinder: 広告系はAdBlockで弾いている&設定で可能な限り除去しているが、とはいえ「新機能を追加するならオプトイン式にしろ」というのが本音。LINEもそうだがアップデートを強要したり不必要な機能をリバート不可で追加したり、至れり尽くせりの傍迷惑。 問題点はもう一つ。商品ページで過去30日の価格推移が見られるという機能がここ半年くらい機能してない。Amazon Assistantを導入する理由は大きく2つ、Wishlistと価格推移、つまりAmazon Assistantでしかできない特権的機能のためであって、そうでなけりゃこんなの要らない子なのだ。 「修正はよ、私はプライム会員だぞ。金払ってんだから不良品を押し付けるな、返品不可なら尚のことだろ」
- (2022-03-09) Rizwan Shaikh: Showing fake price...
- (2022-03-02) Josimar Santana: não compara mais o preço dos ultimos 30 dias
- (2022-02-24) abbie crawford: Rubbish. Just adware - slowed my browser down massively and switched the browser to yahoo when it felt like it.
- (2022-02-14) mehmet sari: desteği hala yok.
- (2022-02-10) Vinicius Damke: Sem serventia nenhuma basicamente, não há como monitorar o preço.
- (2022-01-15) Rui Nunes: Tiraram o comparador de preços
- (2022-01-08) yoshifumi murakami: 本当に邪魔なだけで役に立たない拡張機能。映画を見ていると「この映画のDVDをアマゾンならこの価格で買えます!」というような表示をしてくる。ここまで苛立たせる拡張を作る人間の感性が全く理解できない。アマゾンにはお世話になってきたと思うけど、すごく印象が悪くなった。
- (2021-12-29) Renato Dolza: O histórico de preços de 30 dias não é mais exibido.
- (2021-12-13) kalyani batthula: Hi, I am enjoying it.
- (2021-12-04) Tanveer Kaur: Good tool for comparison! Generally I have to navigate to places and jump from one site to another to get the best prices for an item, however assistant has made the work much more easier.
- (2021-12-01) João: O histórico de preços de 30 dias não é mais exibido. Essa era a única funcionalidade útil do aplicativo e não está mais funcionando.
- (2021-12-01) Alexandre Ferreira: Usava a extensão pelo comparador de preços em período de 30 dias, mas esta opção não existe mais. Péssimo.
- (2021-11-26) Gabriel Souto: Removida a função de histórico de preço
- (2021-11-25) harrow lane: Just getting to use the Amazon Assistant. I like the way it ties together my shopping across multiple web sites and lets me compare if it is selling on Amazon. I usually check there for comparison every time and now have the ability to check on the fly
- (2021-11-24) Siti Nurlaila Rahmawati: Love it. great app!
- (2021-11-23) Aranzúa Chávez César: No funciona si la configuras sólo para funcionar en el dominio de Amazon, o sea, es forzoso permitirle revisar las búsquedas que se realizan, así como las URL que visitamos, es decir, debemos acceder a darle información sensible para que pueda funcionar, cuando su función debería limitarse a sólo una página web:
- (2021-11-23) Eva Marín Magaña: Instalé esta extensión por su función del comparador de precios de los últimos 30 días. Lleva un tiempo sin funcionarme y entré a la página de la extensión para comprobar si habían notificado algo al respecto. Siguen promocionando la extensión con dicha función cuando, al parecer, la han eliminado. Me parece absurdo, no le veo la funcionalidad ya a la extensión...
- (2021-11-23) Erich Basurto: Quitaron la funcionalidad de rastreador de precios Promocionan la extensión con capacidad de rastrear precios, pero quitan la funcionalidad. Mientras tanto Amazon alegremente puede ver tu comportamiento de consumo en otros sitios.
- (2021-11-23) Fernando Xavier: Tiraram o mais importante, que é o preço dos últimos 30 dias. Pra mim não tem mais sentido usar.
- (2021-11-19) Giovanna Pegorim: Retiraram a melhor funcionalidade da extensão, que é a possibilidade de comparar o preço do produto nos últimos 30 dias.