extension ExtPose

OPDeals - Find the best deals on OPSkins.com

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Description from extension meta

Highlight the best deals on OPSkins.com!

Image from store OPDeals - Find the best deals on OPSkins.com
Description from store Need Help? Submit bugs through the Chrome Store, Add me on Steam or Tweet me @dinosodev Highlights good deals on OPSkins.com, a community market place for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Define custom ranges, colors and border widths! The extension changes the border color of items that the extension determines are "good deals", the logic of the decision is based off if the OP price is lower than the listed price from the steam market. Icons by ChuCHuPALX!

Latest reviews

  • (2018-05-31) Ismail Ford: Works perfectly :)
  • (2017-07-30) lkopiTV -my stream: что делать если не работает?
  • (2017-07-23) Дмитрий Гончаров: top
  • (2017-07-19) Frz Ngm (ngm-): Simply doesnt work .. You can put whatever % you want, it simply doesnt work..
  • (2017-06-20) ilya12919: как настроить цвета? у меня остаются обычные полоски в рамке, когда я выбираю цвет
  • (2017-03-22) James Kerson: SCAMMING!This is not true. Another extension gives such bonuses
  • (2016-09-13) Momo: Great extension, only problem is, if a deal is highlighted as a profitable one, i can't copy-paste its name.
  • (2016-07-21) makaveli047 (шетьлдл): Кого-нибудь банили на опсе? Отпишитесь, есть несколько идей) Does someone have ban on OPSkins? I know the way)
  • (2016-06-26) Andrew (EnigmaRage): It's broken, the website is down yet again!
  • (2016-06-24) Good job!
  • (2016-06-16) Z. Ayoub: awesome one !
  • (2016-05-01) Funciona perfectamente, OPskins tendría que tener algo así por defecto.
  • (2016-04-13) Alisher Nildibayev: Very usefull extension.
  • (2016-04-13) Sean Clare: Great idea and works well.
  • (2016-03-19) Galil Chan: Should add more options like Mute Items Over Suggested Value and then it should ask you at what price it should block. (you set it to block items that are 10,000+ dollars in price) lol sorry for bad english. hope you understand! <3
  • (2016-03-02) VoLoD: nice
  • (2016-02-21) Sam Burkett: Nice
  • (2016-01-11) Warpster “Warpster”: WOrks really well. Customise it to how you want it. Cant wait to see some new features added. I highly recommend this app
  • (2015-12-28) Eric H: It works but only on the first 3 or 4 rows of items. Once you scroll down and other items load it doesn't work so it's kind of pointless. The first few rows of items are always overpriced so no point in using it
  • (2015-12-25) Jeroen de Jager: Doesnt show prices anymore, like the borders. Just shows normal opskins for me :Ss
  • (2015-12-21) Raul Barroso Sanchez: it doesnt show the percentages :(
  • (2015-12-18) Frédéric Emery: Very nice app, really helps getting the best deals fast, was quickly fixed when it stopped working
  • (2015-12-11) Gil Niclas Schwarte: doesnt work :(
  • (2015-12-11) Jared Christiansen: Great plugin. I would love to see this updated soon!
  • (2015-12-10) Jakub Mackowiak (Zielony): Does not work now (I'll change to 5* couse it was really cool :p )
  • (2015-11-14) Sander Hilven: doesn't work anymore :(

Latest issues

  • (2018-04-25, v:2.1.5) Stasitschik :3: Цвет рамки
    У меня не устанавливается цвет рамки. Что делать?
  • (2017-07-30, v:2.1.5) lkopiTV -my stream: ошыбка
    у меня не работает програма хоть я её и настроил
  • (2017-07-09, v:2.1.5) Kopath Kopath: расширение
    как установить расширение
  • (2017-05-25, v:2.1.5) Denis Lambert: H1Z1?
    Works for H1Z1 ?
  • (2017-05-07, v:2.1.5) Влад Коваль: Не показует рамки
    Что делать если розширение OPDeals не хочет работать на сайте опскинс
  • (2017-04-20, v:2.1.5) не показываются рамки
    что делать если не показываются рамки ?
  • (2017-03-27, v:2.1.5) Tefidor: не скачивается
    я когда нажимаю установить то после провеерки сразу пишет ошибка сети и не скачивается
  • (2017-03-12, v:2.1.5) Bond Skill: Не работет
    Приложение с начало работало, а а потом перестало показывать
  • (2016-12-26, v:2.1.5) Evgen Chebotar: I can not install it again. How do I install it?
    I installed it, but had to be removed, is now trying to install but did not work
  • (2016-08-25, v:2.1.5) Jony: What is awaiting pickup?
    i did all right(i want sell skin) and in inventory i don't see on sale but awaiting puckup. What does it mean?


2,000 history
4.1212 (99 votes)
Last update / version
2016-01-30 / 2.1.5
Listing languages
