Description from extension meta
Make sure you stay up to date with the best opportunities, while viewing products online.
Image from store
Description from store
--- About Price Rocket ---
Price Rocket is a browser add-on that lands you the best deals & lowest prices, helping you to shop better!
When you view a product online, Price Rocket alerts you if it finds a better price for that product. Price Rocket also recommends you similar products that match your expectations, but cost less. You also get lists of great deals or special offers from trusted and reliable online merchants.
--- Why use Price Rocket ---
- Never miss a low price again - When you look at a product online, we show you other stores with lower prices for that same product;
- Saves you a great amount of time - Stop wasting precious time searching for good deals, we deliver them to you in your browser when you browse the web;
- Your safety is our top priority - Enjoy a safe and secure shopping experience. Price Rocket does not save any personal information about you;
- Highly relevant suggestions - We only show you deals that match the product you are looking to buy. You won't see us in your browser when you're not shopping.
--- If you’re wondering how it works ---
When you access a product on an online store of your choosing, Price Rocket recognizes the product you're viewing and instantly searches for it in thousands of online stores. The toolbar than shows up at the top of your browser and you get to see other online stores that sell the same product at a lower price. We can also show you similar products that cost less or other recommendations.
Latest reviews
- (2018-09-02) Mihai Vasile: Ca client inocent am crezut ca e e o chestie buna, pana intr-o zi cand am dorit sa listez produsele din magazinul propriu si..SURPRIZA! E imposibil. Nu au date de contact/nu exista acel email, iar Shopmania neaga orice legatura cu ei! Deci care-or fi "donat" cate ceva candva, sunt listati, insa algoritmul nu cuprinde nici pe departe piata, ci doar o parte, pe criterii de.. prietenie probabil. Gainarie tipic romaneasca.
- (2017-06-07) Marius Urbaniak: Am economisit de multe ori. Recomand!
- (2017-02-04) Iagami Preds: Ok
- (2016-11-25) Mr. KOLIOK: I wonder how it is possible to buy on the Internet, if on all worth a penny and much cheaper than you will find on the internet. By the way, if you want to return to 18% of any purchase on and other registering on the link: or download stores CashBack plugin link: Also offer a good plugin to view the history of changes in prices on it is very helpful to determine the cheapest price from the seller, and to find the goods from other sellers on the link:
- (2016-06-22) Liviu Lazar: foarte util numai ca este si usor de virusat. o groaza de virusi s-au legat fix de aceasta extensie :(
- (2015-12-10) Ghidanac Bogdan: Un instrument folositor pentru a gasi cele mai bune preturi
- (2015-10-10) Stefan Batrinache: I love this Extension. Highly recommend it.
- (2015-10-02) Alex Rr: Cel bun mod de a gasi preturi mici este sa folosesti un addon care poate face asta. De apreciat!
- (2015-08-10) Edi Caragea: Best shopping addon!!!
- (2015-08-09) Daniel Tomescu: Lite and useful. Please consider displaying the alternative stores with prices from low to high. Right now they are displayed in a completely random order, without logic.
- (2015-07-21) Anthony Johnson: Lots of stores, lots of offers for one product. I recommend this addon.
- (2015-07-13) artur ev: Este o placere sa folosesti un addon creat special pentru shopping online. foarte practic si usor de folosit.
- (2015-07-06) Robert Clark: A must-have for online shopping. Great addon.
- (2015-06-16) David: Imi place mult de tot cum functioneaza acest add-on. E o treaba minunata si foarte ultila!
- (2015-05-26) Andreea Eu: Imi place addonul acesta, este unul care functioneaza foarte bine, detecteaza mereu produsele pe care vreau sa le cumpar si imi afiseaza preturi mai mici. Asta e o idee f utila!
- (2015-05-14) Livia S: I saved a lot of time using this add-on coz i dont have to search for a lower price anymore. this extension does it for me!
- (2015-05-05) Jimmy Fox: This addon is a must for online shopping. You can find the best price, very easy!
- (2015-05-04) Condor Films: Extensia este foarte buna la origini dar cel mai mare dezavantaj pe care il vad eu este acela ca nu poti seta ce magazine sa afiseze deoarece iti arata toate ciudateniile de magazine necunoscute fara nici un Emag, PC Garage, Cel, EvoMag, Altex, etc..
- (2015-04-29) jrry frir: Love the toolbar Lite mode, that makes the addon slim down right under the bookmarks bar. It's nice to have it there when browsing for products to buy online.
- (2015-04-27) William Bishop: Very very helpful when i'm in a hurry. It's cool that it shows products only when it finds a smaller price. Thumbs up!
- (2015-04-22) Cristi B: lipseste emag plus alte cateva magazine online
- (2015-04-21) Andrei Lupu: Am aplicatia instalata in browser si isi face treaba de minune (adica imi gaseste cele mai mici preturi). Imi place ca nu-i stresanta si nu apare pe orice site as intra, ci doar pe magazine (am avut inainte o aplicatie similara pe care am scos-o tocmai ca aparea orinde intram).
- (2015-04-17) Vali Ovidiu: De mult timp mi-am dorit o tableta insa nu stateam asa bine cu banii, motiv pt care o urmaream pe diferite site-uri ca sa o gasesc la un pret mai mic. Un coleg vazand ca ma chinui aproape zilnic sa caut oferta cea mai buna mi-a recomandat acesasta extensie pt a-mi usura cautarile. Intr-adevar dupa instalarea ei, a devenit o placere sa caut modelul dorit de tableta iar timpul pierdut cu asta s-a redus atat de mult incat am inceput sa ma uit dupa mai multe modele :)) Un alt aspect foarte fain al acestei extensii este faptul ca nu mai pici in plasa asa ziselor reduceri pe care le au unele magazine si poti ramane asfel cu bani in buzunar. In concluzie, pt ca m-a scutit de foarte mult timp si pt ca ma ajuta sa salvez bani ii dau 5 stele fara ezitare!!
- (2015-04-17) Ionescu Gabriela: Cu aceasta extensie ai siguranta ca vei achizitiona produsele dorite la cele mai mici preturi. Recomand tuturor pasionatilor de cumparaturi online!
- (2015-04-16) Catalin Lazar: Din lipsa de timp, majoritatea cumparaturilor le realizez online si dupa ce mi-am instalat aplicatia asta, timpul pe care il pierdeam cautand produse s-a micsorat - acum cand caut un produs, vad din prima ofertele cele mai bune pentru el si nu mai stau sa caut in alte locuri. 5 stele de la mine!