Automatically get the best deals for items you are shopping.
Tired of searching for the best price for an item on all the e-commerce websites? Want a better solution to this? Then Shophuli is the way to go.
Shophuli automatically notifies you of better prices from other e-commerce websites in real time. The notification provides a convenient link straight to the relevant page on the competing website.
For example: You may be looking to buy a camera and visit You like a Nikon coolpix camera on amazon. There may be better prices on walmart, ebay, sears or any other website, but you are not aware of it. With Shophuli you don't have to worry on missing on the best price. If there are better prices available on other sites, then Shophuli will do all the hardwork of finding them for you. And notifies you quietly.
We also show price trend charts on the item for a few websites like amazon. In short we are your shopping assistant who will always ensure that you get the best price.
Isn't it cool? Why wait then? Give us a chance to save you money.
Latest reviews
- (2014-12-01) Raju balakrishnan: I love the price chart features, works very nice.
- (2014-11-27) Sameer Babu K K: Great tool to find the best deal online!
- (2014-11-26) Amod Kamat: Good tool on browser to know all other website prices to offer. Saves lot of time and gets good deal in one e-commerce search...
- (2014-11-25) Vinay Bhardwaj: Exactly what we needed for our holiday shopping!
- (2014-11-24) Karthik Vishwanathan: Great extension...
- (2014-11-21) Madhura Narayan: Liked the fact that it is not at all intrusive. Pops up only if there are deals which is nice. Good work!
- (2014-11-21) Prasanna Kumar Hebbur: Its just awesome. Loving it..
- (2014-11-20) Advay Joshi: Incredibly useful. a must have utility tool.
- (2014-11-20) Pooja N: Works as advertised... Helped me save atleast $20 on ipad mini. I would have bought it on amazon at 242 (free shipping). But on ebay it was 209 + 15 for shipping. It still saved me overall. But Panini grill was mind blowing, saved 40 bucks! I wouldnt have bothered to check on other websites than amazon. Nice handy tool. It didnt really show me better deals for all products. Found it working best for electronics and kitchen appliances. Surprised to see amazon is ripping you off in some products :(
- (2014-11-20) Shruthi HP: Very neat. I just got a head start to my holiday shopping with a positive note. Just saved money on new dinnerware set using this through a website I myself would never have checked :) This is awesome! Liked the price charts feature. But could not see on all the items. It will be nice to see price charts on everything. Just in time for my holiday shopping. Loving it!