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Get notifications when selected YouTube users upload a new video.
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Get updates from your favorite YouTube users using this Chrome Extension. This extension uses the YouTube Data API Version 3.0 for it's data.
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Latest reviews
- (2021-03-01) CiurkitboyN: It is not working I will update my reveiw when it works
- (2020-08-17) Inma Lazaro: bueno
- (2020-08-04) Mark Robertson: No longer working I suppose.
- (2020-04-15) Hybert: doesnt work, cant add channels by name, id, link, button
- (2020-03-22) Luniul: Оповещения были, пусть с опозданием, пусть разнобой, но были. Некоторое время. А потом вообще перестали приходить.
- (2019-12-01) PreZio Giorgio: Please update this extension. Does not work anymore.
- (2019-11-25) CJ from Rebellion Incorporated: Sadly, either this extension is no longer supported / doesn't work anymore. Or this network administrator is too stupid to get it to work. Guess i'll have to create my own.
- (2019-10-29) Greg. HOUSE: IT's not working since october 1st,should i remove it?
- (2019-10-28) Brian York: This creator no longer services this extension. It went down, I emailed him/her and have gotten no response. With Youtube doing such an awful job of notifying it's a good chance for someone to create a pay extension...I'd pay.
- (2019-10-06) Maurício Castioni: Olá parou de funcionar pra min já uso a um ano.
- (2019-10-02) Krzysztof TheTurboAfro: Synchronisation with YT bell does not seem to work anymore. Even after clicking the button to import subscriptions, YT Notifications still says "no channels found". I now have to add all of my channels manually, which is really not ideal.
- (2019-09-29) adan gonzalez hernandez: gracias es una aplicación perfecta resuelve mis expectativas
- (2019-06-13) Jsweety: Its literally perfect. If there could a dark theme for it, I'd massively appreciate it :)
- (2019-03-07) Claire V.: It seems great... if only it would work. The import feed does nothing.
- (2019-02-06) quiero recibir notificacion de directooos
- (2019-01-03) Russa_Pirata: me encantaría que agregaran un modo nocturno y poder personalizar mas la notificación
- (2018-10-23) Frank: 1. When I click the 'Edit Settings' tab, I don't see the 'Import Subscriptions' option. 2. In the 'Latest Uploads' list, there's an option to click the 'x' to remove video, but it does not work. Any help please? Thanks.
- (2018-10-17) Bengo: Idea of this extension is great! Is it still running up? Or the creator is not working on it anymore.
- (2018-08-15) Das_Unterstrich: Works good and it shows every new YouTube-Video
- (2018-06-01) Max P: Works incorrect 1.Sometimes notifies about old videos 2.Sometimes does not notify about new videos. ----------------- I wanted to use it instead of glitching youtube bell with the same bugs
- (2018-05-26) Cheeky Dave: The notifications are too big, if there was a way to remove the thumbnail from the notification this would be GOAT
- (2018-05-02) Samu Linares: Es una app genial! funciona re bien! avisa muy rapido cuando suben videos. ¿Habria forma de agregar que avise cuando el canal hace un directo? Avisa de nuevos videos pero no avisa cuando hacen un directo
- (2018-04-17) Jammet Leopard: In an insane YouTube world, where YouTube randomly decides when you get notified, and when not, this is the only way back to sanity.
- (2018-03-29) Denis Geek News: Es genial como funciona te avisa con el cartelito y podes ponerle un audio con voz y elejir que sonido suene
- (2018-03-25) Dave Lennon-Copeland: This extension does NOT give real time notifications.
- (2018-01-20) Videos randoms para todos: esta bueno por que no ase falta ir a yutube
- (2018-01-17) Mohammed Anjum: Please include a way to backup the added channels it's a lot of pain to add all the channels every time
- (2017-12-12) nouar chemssi: facilite les choses
- (2017-11-25) javiielblogger: ayuda mi youtube notifications no ayuda mucho no quiere abrir :c favor de arreglarlo
- (2017-10-29) Mike Ruskin: does not work correctly ,does not give notifications most of the time... does not handle a lot subscriptions well at all...this is a failure extension,don't bother installing it....
- (2017-10-27) WeevilVlogger: it's alright but PLEASE get rid of the sound. it's already annoying me
- (2017-10-26) It's not compatible with the VIVALDI BROWSER which uses Chrome Extensions.