Description from extension meta
Add a block button for a simple one click blocking.
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Description from store
Add a block button for a simple one click blocking.
💠 Version 2.4
- Fixed the block button not working due to UI changes
💠 Version 2.3
- Fix the issue where the block button not working when the Twitter UI language is not English, this version will be working with all Twitter languages
💠 Version 2.2
- Minor fixes
💠 Version 2.1
- Minor fixes
💠 Version 2.0
- Update for the new twitter redesign, timeline only
- Planned for next update: adding the block button to the following/followers page
and adding an option to switch between Mute and Block
💠 Version 0.4.6
- fix the block button inside the like/retweet list of a tweet
💠 Version 0.4.5
- Fix the block button not working
(please report any bugs)
💠 Version 0.4.4
- Added the block button to the following/followers pages.
- Minor improvements and fixes after the Twitter redesign.
- New block icon to match the new Twitter redesign.
💠 Version 0.3
- Fix wrong username showing as notification when blocking a tweet.
- from replies (the user were blocked correctly but the wrong message).
💠 Version 0.2
- Fix the username not showing in the notification.
- Fix the tweet not hiding after blocking the user.
💠 Please report all bugs and send your suggestions through the extension page support tab if you have any!, and feel free to leave positive feedback
If you like the extension, please rate with
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 stars and give it a +1 👍
💠 Also, check out my other extensions
Latest reviews
- (2024-05-24) Chuck Baggett ChuckBaggettWeb (ChuckBaggett web): I want an X Twitter blocking extension that adds a "Block this account?" checkbox to the mini-profiles in X Twitter search results People pages, and a "Block all checked accounts" button. Basically, all X Twitter blocking extensions should add their block button or whatever everywhere in Twitter: in bios, in bio popups, in tweets/posts, in search results, in X List members lists, in X Community member lists and posts, etc.
- (2024-05-22) Circe F M: Ya no funciona.
- (2023-11-02) T A: Works well! Can you make something like this for Facebook?
- (2023-08-19) ya boi: Prevents site from functioning
- (2023-06-21) Dank Reddit Memes: Broken. Keeps Twitter from loading
- (2023-05-26) Marcin Szymański: Clobbers the CPU, preventing the tweet page from loading
- (2023-05-06) 境零度: Loved it to the abrupt "end", since it now causes a freeze whenever you click a tweet. Otherwise a magic partner when you browse the site. "いずふれJan 8, 2023 For those experiencing the bug, as we cannot wait for the developer to update it, here's how to fix it locally: 1. Download the source code of the extension (For example, by using the extension "CRX Viewer"). 2. Edit lines 56 and 57 in the file called "background.js" (change "div:nth-child(5)" <<< This works NOW, as of April-May 7th An update is very sorely needed, since there are no relevant alternatives to it yet Anyway, totally recommended. Cheers & thanks to its developer
- (2023-04-24) Zony Mony: For those experiencing the bug, as we cannot wait for the developer to update it, here's how to fix it locally: 1. Download the source code of the extension (For example, by using the extension "CRX Viewer"). 2. Edit lines 56 and 57 in the file called "background.js" (change "div:nth-child(3)" to "div:nth-child(5)") and save it. 3. Open the extension manager in your browser and enable developer mode. 4. Click a button named something like "Load unpacked" (the text may vary depending on the browser you're using) and select the folder. It should now be fixed!
- (2023-04-24) Iain Croll: This extension prevents pages from loading.
- (2023-04-22) Gideon Sassoon: While useful it's not been updated and causing pages to fail to load. it needs fixing
- (2023-04-12) Tuncer Demir: The plugin is malfunctioning. Blocking is done, but when the plugin is installed, it is not possible to view tweets. The page does not load. It puts the page in an infinite loop.
- (2023-03-28) masato ogawa: 気に入らないユーザーを一発でブロックできて大変素晴らしい昨日でしたが、ここ数日、外部に貼られたリンクからTwitterにアクセスするとそのタブがフリーズします。
- (2023-03-23) HotChocletyLez: This extension is my favorite for Twitter, incredibly useful, but sadly has not recieved an update in years. I could tolerate the way it broke site formatting, but now it is preventing many tweets from loading altogether and I sadly have to uninstall it. 5 star if it ever gets updated, but I can't rate this highly currently if it doesn't even work
- (2023-03-23) Brent Schue: Good and simple, but currently out of date. At the moment, this extension has been the source of tweets not loading. They'll just "spin" forever, until Chrome prompts me to either wait or exit. If I click exit, Chrome gives a "hung code" error. Another review suggesting modifying the code on your own, which I did, and that seemed to fix the issue, although the extension still produces duplicate icons (in my case, some tweets have multiple bookmark icons). I humbly request the author of extension to update it.
- (2023-03-06) Turnip: made my job easy
- (2023-01-09) Bayram Rodi: Update the extension please. It has a bug.
- (2023-01-08) いずふれ: For those experiencing the bug, as we cannot wait for the developer to update it, here's how to fix it locally: 1. Download the source code of the extension (For example, by using the extension "CRX Viewer"). 2. Edit lines 56 and 57 in the file called "background.js" (change "div:nth-child(3)" to "div:nth-child(4)") and save it. 3. Open the extension manager in your browser and enable developer mode. 4. Click a button named something like "Load unpacked" (the text may vary depending on the browser you're using) and select the folder. It should now be fixed!
- (2023-01-03) James VanRysseghem: Formerly very good, but a bit broken after the latest Twitter UI update.
- (2022-12-31) Senmoto千本: Not Working. It breaks Twitter. 正常に動かない。アイコンが無限に並んで、どの部分もクリックできない。Twitterが壊れる。
- (2022-12-27) Meteor: Hey Man Please Update this Great EXT....PLEASE
- (2022-12-26) Robert Momot: Please update
- (2022-12-25) ああ: いままで、WindowsのchromeからTwitterを閲覧するうえで必要不可欠な拡張機能だったけど、インプレッションのアイコンがツイートに追加されてからは、これのせいで表示がおかしくなるようになってしまったので、泣く泣く削除しました。アップデートを希望します。
- (2022-12-23) ren: Please update! Twitter added a stupid "views" button and it mucked up the ui
- (2022-12-23) behrouz 40: this Extension show 2 button (2 like button and 2 retweet button ...) in tweeter please fix this
- (2022-12-23) maesoydem: This app was working properly until the viewer update of Twitter on 22.12.2022. The retweet button below every tweet was augmented and other buttons were shifted. So this app needs an update.
- (2022-12-22) Derp Derpington: It works, however, it shows a bunch of retweet symbols after the heart button on my own replies. Any plan to fix this?
- (2022-11-22) Gabe B: There's a small issue now where the page doesn't format correctly due to changes in the twitter layout design. Is there any chance of a small update to correct this?
- (2022-10-25) A F D H O L: NICE
- (2022-10-19) Brochacho Bro: Hideki Kamiya would love this
- (2022-10-05) Gennady Gorin: A little broken recently (as in the Aug 11, 2022 review), but pretty much the only way to browse Twitter
- (2022-01-24) Sparkschu Itai: Although it's a great extension, but I give this a 1 star because I'm very afraid that I accidentally blocked my followers who's following me. Also, it occurs to my timeline too.
- (2021-12-26) S.L. Surovec: Fantastic! But could REALLY use an easy block button that's accessible on a followers list, for when blockchains don't work, or you just want to clear people out quickly.
- (2021-09-05) B: Would love it if it also MUTED when it BLOCKED
- (2021-08-17) Dylan P.: Wonderful, does exactly as it says. Only issue is that a recent Twitter update makes the button sometimes not work. Please fix, if you're seeing this. I've blocked over ten thousand people with this button. EDIT: They fixed it. GOD BLESS.
- (2021-08-07) Kaylyn Saucedo: Works mostly as described. Sometimes seems to choke up, but then starts working again later. For the most part, it makes cleaning up my timeline a lot quicker. Out of curiosity, would there ever be a possibility of making this block button available when looking at a user's followers list? For the time being, if I want to block users who follow a problematic person who causes a lot of dogpiling, I have to go to their followers list and then individually go to each follower's profile and then block them. It would be great if the One-Click Block were clickable from the followers lists, too.
- (2021-07-30) Pokirby Kodeni: One of the most useful extensions I've ever installed. Had it for weeks, if not months. It's been kind of finnicky the past few days or so, like it might not work on specific tweets unless you refresh the page or something, and I'm not sure why. Probably a Twitter update. Should hopefully be fixed soon.
- (2021-07-25) ppcfish: it has stopped working, maybe twitter has been updated or something?
- (2021-07-20) Deniz A: Works great. Thank you
- (2021-07-10) Ilham Dwi Indrajati: Really helpful and convenient, just suggestion please add button to cancel the last block action. I keep accidentally block the wrong person all the time.
- (2021-05-27) Estela: Hello, Could you please a Block buttom in the followers list?
- (2021-05-16) behrouz 40: this Extension show 2 button in tweeter please fix this
- (2020-12-30) O M: i wish this had a way to temporarily disable the extension without having to completely remove the extension from chrome. i keep accidentally blocking people instead of liking their tweet so have to remove and re-add it every time i need it to use it. also sometimes had to remove it as it makes twitter load very slowly. so an option to disable the extension without removing it exntirely would be great!
- (2020-12-27) raf221: Work perfectly now 27 dec 2020
- (2020-12-13) XYZenix: great extension but would it be possible for you to add a quick block button on the "Liked by" popout when viewing a list of who liked a tweet? same for the retweets one?
- (2020-11-30) Martijn Arnoldussen: didnt work for me, i left a review saying it didnt, and the dev fixed! works great now
- (2020-11-23) ATV & ASN Memories: Doesn't work.
- (2020-11-06) Jonas Fuhl: After many updates, it finally works!
- (2020-10-10) B0inX: Doesn´t work !
- (2020-08-25) Crashmania 468: Great for fancams :D
- (2020-07-31) とほ: Very useful so far, but doesn't work in current Chrome version.(84.0.4147.105 64bit) I really wait for update.