extension ExtPose

Save for Instagram

CRX id


Description from extension meta

The easiest way to download photos and videos from Instagram.com

Image from store Save for Instagram
Description from store The simplest and the best solution for downloading photos, videos, stories and IGTV from instagram.com Place cursor on photo or video then click right mouse button and "Save as..." This extension doesn't store any user data

Latest reviews

  • (2023-09-11) Angel Strange: es buena y util, pero no deja guardar videos, configuren para que solo tenga acceso a instagram para que no les robe informacion y contraseñas de otros sitios.
  • (2023-08-23) Gomes Store: Funciona perfeitamente
  • (2023-08-15) YT Lin: The extension just actually works!
  • (2023-07-22) Ahmed Samer: NOT WORK
  • (2023-06-30) Christian Cesar: Não funciona
  • (2023-05-31) Axel N. Inca: Es una aplicación que crea un botón extra en el menú contextual. El botón "Save" funciona cuando se abre una imagen y, sobre esta, se da clic derecho, ahí se ve el botón. En las opciones sólo tiene una opción extra, que es la función de "Guardar cómo..." adaptada al botón, que cuando se habilita cambia de nombre a "Save as...", lo cual no me parece mucho cambio. He probado descargar videos y no funciona, tampoco funciona con historias animadas, sólo se pueden descargar historias de imágenes simples. Dentro de todo está bien como una extensión extra, pero ahí tiene su límite.
  • (2023-05-22) Joy Zhang: 怎么使用呢?看不到任何下载信息啊?
  • (2023-04-14) Aleksandrs Antonovs: works well
  • (2023-04-05) Gray Strain: Doesn't work for videos, but seems to work fine for images.
  • (2023-02-22) Emerson: Doesn't seem to work. Try this instead - works great: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/406535-instagram-download-button
  • (2022-09-21) BeHappyBeVegan: Doesn't work for videos
  • (2022-07-04) Sebastian Kaliszewski: Doesn't work for many images
  • (2022-06-05) Tall Guy: It doesn't work. All I get is Network Error. Uninstalled
  • (2022-05-30) Davide R: Works on posts and reels, and on some stories. It has issues on video stories: you click on "save as" but does nothing
  • (2022-03-25) Prashant Negi: not downloading video stories. Only image stories are downloading.
  • (2022-03-23) Shay Lewis: works
  • (2022-02-28) Vladimir Владимир: Не работает
  • (2022-01-19) Dragon Hunter: a great app that extracts instagram photos in quality as high as 1440x1800 especially from instagram feed page. But when the same "Save" function is tried from within someone's profile page -->> posts, it only saves in standard 1080x1350 resolution. Why so?
  • (2021-03-17) Andres Aceves: si funciona!!!!
  • (2021-01-20) cecilia fab: 超级好用 跟大家讲一下 如果安装了还是没有下载标识的话就等一下哦 大概三四分钟 重新打开Instagram就可以下载了!
  • (2020-07-09) Xuan Yuan Tan: Simple and works! Open a post from somebody's Insta feed, then right-click on the image and there's a new Save command.
  • (2020-07-01) Jacob Allgayer: Not working
  • (2018-10-27) Grover Hugo: Si cumple.
  • (2017-03-10) Eduardo Segovia: MUY BUENO.!!
  • (2017-03-09) Александр Захаров: работает вроде
  • (2017-03-06) Omyma Zbarpa: i like them so so mach
  • (2016-12-22) Free 4 World: i love this app beacuse its usefull for me thank you so much for make this app :) :D
  • (2016-12-13) Ekaterina U.: Буквально на днях расширение перестало работать :(
  • (2016-10-24) Albina Huseyinova: 5
  • (2016-04-30) DaLeeah Rocha: doesnt work 😑😑
  • (2016-03-21) Стефан Миленовић: Good extension for download Instagram photos and videos for Yandex Browser, but u can create it like Firefox Extension Instagram Video Downloader to download with download button...
  • (2016-03-19) cyevee: not working .-.
  • (2016-02-14) Yoni Yulianto: baik
  • (2016-01-10) Teo Espinosa Rodríguez: Simple, práctica...la mejor!!!
  • (2015-12-04) Nur Farhanah: Not working .___.
  • (2015-12-01) Z Rey: It's working, thank you for this app. =)
  • (2015-09-26) محمد الفهد: لتلبت
  • (2015-04-07) hard gore: doesnt work at all its outdated
  • (2015-01-13) Cypress_77 channel: Все работает на ура!!!

Latest issues

  • (2020-04-12, v:1.35) Smo Oey: 1440 resolution
    Hi, can you upgrade your extension to grab the latest Facebook and Instagram resolution for 1440x1440? Us guys at wikifeet could use a good browser extension that grabs 1440x1440 resolutions, rather than older 1080 resolutions. If there is no photos at 1440x1440, then your extension grabs the next larger resolution size down 1080x etc... ?
  • (2019-03-19, v:1.35) instergrem
    why can we install apps to chrome book
  • (2016-12-17, v:1.33) crissia contreras: no funciona
    Añadí la extensión y cuando doy click derecho para descargar, no tengo la opción "save image as" o "save video as" agradezco la ayuda
  • (2016-07-27, v:1.33) Patricia Bragg: Where is the video
    I've downloaded a video from Instagram to my phone using Instasave. However, the video does not show up in my "Instasave" folder on my phone. Can't find it anywhere, but it's there because I can play it from my "Gallery." How can I find video please? Thank you
  • (2016-06-02, v:1.33) Francesca Mina: dove scarico?
    non capisco se non funziona il programma oppure non trovo io dove sono scaricati foto e video....come faccio?e non mi funzione più l'app sullo smarphone...aiuto!!!!
  • (2016-03-03, v:1.31) Марина Осмоловская: не могу установить
    скачивание видео для инстаграм
  • (2016-01-14, v:1.31) DonViktor: Видео
    видео не скачиваеться.где обновление?
  • (2016-01-09, v:1.31) Dmitry Mur: пусть сохранения файла
    здравствуйте, подскажите как сменить пусть сохранения файла на другую папку?
  • (2015-10-08, v:1.20) Evil Grid: Видео
    Скажите пожалуйста почему не скачивается видео раньше спокойно скачивал с инстаграм а сейчас не получается могу скачать только фотографии
  • (2015-09-13, v:1.20) Mur Ad: Не работает
    Когда добил не скачивает
  • (2015-02-03, v:1.3) Katherine Li: not show there
    not show as it is described
  • (2015-01-30, v:1.3) Alex Barrett: Isn't showing up on Chromebook
    Hi, I have a Google Chromebook and I've been trying to access it on my apps, but for some odd reason it isn't showing up. Idk what's wrong so I will continue to figure it out until my head hurts.


20,000 history
3.6893 (103 votes)
Last update / version
2020-05-04 / 1.37
Listing languages
