Description from extension meta
This extension replaces the sodium column in FitBit's food logger with net carbs for ketogenic and low carb dieters
Image from store
Description from store doesn't display net carbs in the Logged Food section of their website. Keto dieters (i.e., people on a ketogenic diet) and low carb enthusiasts in general prefer to see the net carb amount (i.e., Total Carbohydrates - Fiber) instead of the total amount of carbs.
This extension replaces the Sodium column with Net Carbs in the Log Food page on the site.
Limitations: This initial version does not display net carbs in the Premium food report section. It's a limitation I'd like to fix in the future.
Disclaimer: I'm not affiliated in any way with The FitBit logo is copyright of FitBit, Inc.
Credit: This extension was heavily inspired by, and simply adapted from, FitBitPS by DRye. That extension is pretty useful if you are on diets such as Weight Watchers.
Latest reviews
- (2020-07-27) Jacob Pakula: It's a great idea. Unfortunately, it's causing the fitbit page to crash. I need to add or edit without the extension and then turn it on to see the net carbs.
- (2020-02-27) Brian Emerick: it was ok
- (2018-10-16) Matt Dillon: I love the idea but this crashes the browser. Using Version 69.0.3497.100 (Official Build) (64-bit) on Ubuntu 18.04.1
- (2018-05-11) Lockups! Bummer because it was a great idea!
- (2018-02-13) Bowen Nace: doesn't work
- (2017-12-07) Paul Rycheck: When installed, it locks up the website. I had to deactivate. Frustrating.
- (2017-11-02) Frank Cass: Causes food log on to freeze up. Cant scroll or log anything. Removed it.
- (2017-10-24) R Hamilton Cobb: The extension does not open. It shows it was added to Chrome. Going to remove.
- (2017-08-11) Victoria: I was so excited for this app, but all it does it lock up/crash.
- (2017-05-08) wonderful bees: does not work. not at all
- (2017-04-26) techoverwhelm: Really wanted it to work. However, it causes the food log with to freeze up and quit working. Can't even add food to log as it is frozen when using the fitbit keto app.
- (2017-04-14) Bunny: I love the concept but when you go onto the webpage via computer to fitbit: Log it freezes//crashes. Please try and fix this! It makes me life so much easier. As of 04/14/17: it is broken and not working well. I have tested this over several days. I have to remove the extension and re-add it and remove it again to track my net carbs which is very important for my Keto diet.
- (2017-02-01) Kelsi Fortino: does not work at all still cant find the app
- (2016-03-29) Bill Stone: Sodium column remains in Daily Subtotals, along with Net Carbs. Is only replaced in detail views.
- (2016-02-01) Robin Hurst: I love my Fit bit, cant leave home with out it. and it keep tracks of my Weight,bp show much i walk a day andmy sleep activity it is awesome.
- (2015-11-27) Clint Long: Where the hell is it?
- (2015-10-24) Max Piccolo: I couldn't find the app.
- (2015-09-28) Gary Henry: Love it,a must for monitoring tour health.
- (2015-07-12) Caroline Hoffman: Cannot find it
- (2015-06-06) David R. Harrison: I've only been using a FitBit for a week now. Fantastic add-on. Thanks for fixing one of my pet peeves in the FitBit application. The fact that the FitBit app shows carbs and fiber but does not do the simple calc to show net carbs has irked me. I would like the option to deduct the sugar alcohols too (as another review mentioned) but I don't know if the sugar alcohols are available in the food database so this may not be possible.
- (2015-05-04) Federico Reyes: muy bien
- (2015-02-02) Meredith Moss: Fantastic! Works seamlessly.
- (2015-01-18) Emme Clark: i tried to download it and it wont come up
- (2015-01-17) Carol Reardon: Can't find it
- (2015-01-09) Kutibh - Kootayba Chihabi: It works like I want it to but is there a way you can make it also deduct sugar alcohols, or maybe make this an option for those of us who want to deduct those?
- (2014-12-27) Sam Smith: Still not able to find it after I downloaded it. Chrome operating system is not that user friendly
- (2014-06-19) Just installed it and doesn't seem to be working - Fit Bit still showing Sodium **Update - fixed now, thanks!