extension ExtPose


CRX id


Description from extension meta


Image from store uMatrix
Description from store uMatrix:格子状のマトリクスで管理するファイヤウォール。様々なプライバシー強化ツールを兼ね備えます。 * 上級ユーザー向けです * uMatrix を使うと、ブラウザーがどこと通信して良いのか、どの種類のデータをダウンロードするのか、何を実行して良いのかを決定することができます。誰か他の人があなたの代わりに決めてくれることはありません。自分のプライバシーを自分で制御するのです。 初期設定では、uMatrix は安心できる「すべてブロック・必要なら許可」の設定になっています。つまり、サードパーティーのスクリプトを必要とするウェブサイトは“壊れる”ことが多いでしょう。2クリックで、「すべて許可・必要ならブロック」の設定に変えることもでき、この場合、ウェブサイトを壊すことはほとんどありません。より詳しくは https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/wiki/How-to-use-HTTP-Switchboard:-Two-opposing-views を見て下さい。 * あなたが選んだブロック/許可の結果による“すべての”リクエストの失敗/実施の状況を確認できます。 * ワンクリックで、接続先やデータの種類に応じてリクエストを許可/ブロックすることができます。ブロックされたリクエストがブラウザーから外に出ることは決してありません。 * 効率的なブラックリスト:Cookie はブラウザーの外には出ず、JavaScript もプラグインも実行されず、追跡ピクセルがダウンロードされることもありません。 * リストにないとブロックしてくれない(そして多くの漏れがあるであろう)ブラックリストだけに頼る必要はありません。自分で制御できるのです。 * 使い勝手の良さ:uMatrix では、ウェブページが発したリクエストを、マトリクスをクリックすることで簡単に許可/ブロックすることができます。 - ドメイン名(左の列) * 具体的なドメインから * 汎用的なドメインまで 選ぶことができます - リクエストの種類(先頭の行) * Cookie * CSS 関連のリソース(スタイルシートと Web フォント) * 画像 * メディア * スクリプト * XHR(スクリプトにより生成されるリクエスト) * フレーム * その他 ワンクリックで、特定のセル、特定のドメイン、グループ化されたドメイン、特定のリクエストの種類、そしてマトリクス全体を許可/ブロックできます。 uMatrix のフィルタリングエンジンは、どのセルが許可/ブロックされているかによって、優先順位に基づくロジックでリクエストを処理します。これにより、例えば、あるページ全体をワンクリックで許可しておけば、このページに新しいリクエストが見つかるたびに許可を追加する必要がなくなります。 それぞれのルールには有効範囲があります。例えば、www.facebook.com にアクセスしていない時だけ facebook.com と facebook.net をブロックすることができます。これにより、Facebook が、あなたのブラウジング習慣からあなたの人物像を作成することを防ぎます。 この拡張機能の最終目標は、ユーザーが自身のプライバシーに気を配れるよう、可能な限り簡潔に、ウェブサイトを包括的あるいは部分的に許可/ブロックできるようにすることです。 この拡張機能には、合計 62,000 件以上のホスト名からなるサードパーティーのホストファイルが含まれます。これらのファイルは好みに応じてオンオフすることができます。 まとめると、あなたはネットをブラウジングする方法を次のように選ぶことができます。 * はじめはすべてブロック、必要に応じて許可していく(初期設定) * はじめはすべて許可、必要に応じてブロックしていく どちらの方法でも、組み込みのホストファイルのおかげで、トラッカーやマルウェアサイトなどに対する基礎的な保護を得ることができます。もしくはこれらをすべて無効にすることもできます。 決めるのはあなたです。 ドキュメント: https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix/wiki ===== この拡張機能のもう一つの使い道は、知識なしでも、ブラウザーの中でウェブページが何をしているか理解することです。あなたはウェブページがどこと通信するのかをすべて見た上で決断し、ウェブページ中の特定の種類の通信を制限できます。 拡張機能アイコンに表示される数値は、ウェブページによっていくつのリクエストが試みられたかの総数(許可/ブロック合わせて)を示します。 マトリクスの適切なセルをクリックして、許可/ブロック/グレーのいずれにするかを決めます。“グレー”では、マトリクス内のより優先度の高いセルからブロック/許可の状態を引き継ぎます。 赤いセル は事実上ブロックされている状態であり、リクエストは接続先に届きません。 * 濃い赤:そのドメイン名とリクエスト種類の組み合わせは、明示的にブロックされています。 * 淡い赤:セルが“グレー”状態のため、ブロック状態が引き継がれました。 緑のセル は事実上許可されている状態であり、リクエストは接続先に届きます。 * 濃い緑:そのドメイン名とリクエスト種類の組み合わせは、明示的に許可されています。 * 淡い緑:セルが“グレー”状態のため、許可が引き継がれました。 マトリクスの一番左上にある「すべて」のセルはデフォルトのグローバル設定を示し、「すべてを許可」と「すべてをブロック」のどちらをデフォルトにするかを選ぶことができます。人によっては、すべてを許可した上で必要に応じてブロックすることを好むでしょう。私の個人的な設定はもちろんその逆、すべてをブロックした上で必要なものを許可します。 この拡張機能は、例えば画像の読み込みをすべてブロックすることで、ブラウジングスピードを上げるのにも役立ちます。 ===== バグ・問題報告: https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix/issues ソースコード: https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix (GPLv3) 更新履歴: https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix/releases

Latest reviews

  • (2023-08-28) J J: It's very good but it also creates web problems that block pages. It's not user friendly.
  • (2023-08-08) Вадим Головко: Прекрасное расширение. Огромная благодарность создателям! Пойдет опытным пользователям. Работает лучше всех адблоков, юблоков и так далее. Поражает функциональность расширения и возможности гибкой настройки под каждый отдельный домен.
  • (2023-07-31) Pro tric: Works fine. I use it most for stopping any malicious script. Har använt umatrix länge nu. Främst för att stoppa ev elaka script från 3-parts-siter som kan vara infekterade. Sen går det mindre processorkraft om webläsaren inte måste köra en massa script hela tiden.
  • (2023-07-10) タメル: Twitchから配信者をクリックしても画面がぐるぐるとローディング状態で開かない
  • (2023-03-11) Kurt Amesbury: WOW! For years I've had to tolerate all the GARBAGE Fox News loads on its web pages. With this extension, I was able to eliminate all the parts I DON'T want to see. So no more ads. A lot less images. Just the story and the comments. That's it! The extension is a little complex at first, but once you get the hang of it, it's VERY cool. (And like most people, I didn't read the documentation - so if it was "complex", it could be mostly my own fault!) One thing I'd recommend is a "quick start" example. Put up a sample web page and walk users through how to filter out different parts. But bottom line - this does EXACTLY what I was hoping it would do. +++++
  • (2023-01-14) Tony Kujawski: Humbly stating I provide super geek services, I red/blue team, audit and certify HIPAA/HITECH, PCI-DSS 3.2, and SOC II type2. I use three tracker/adblockers. Ublock origin, NoScript, and uMatrix. Ublock doesn't provide a clear interface for exactly what blocking is occurring in the background, while it does provide an interface to show you what sites were pinged, I frequently find I am required to disable it, before the functionality of a website works correctly. No Script is much more simple and fluid, I would recommend for the intermediate tech savvy, you can quickly trust a single tab, or you can "temp trust, always trust, or never trust" each website that the current one connects to such as ad servers and content delivery networks. If set the always temp trust the site you go to, and are willing to toggle a few permissions, you can lock in your choices and export/import/sync with browsers. Import and exports are not cross browser compatible, but are if using same framework (Chrome to MSEdge / EpicPrivacy / Adblock / (Opera / OperaGX are CHINESE OWNED) and Firefox to Firefox_Focus / Brave / TOR_Preconfigured / Waterfox). uMatrix has similar export features and is more fine grained and configurable per-site and domain. Offers ability to use the highest rate block list should you choose to, this is for the more technically savvy who seek fine grain control, all things considered, if you are only going to use one, this is the one I take the time to configure the way I like and it always puts the "ad site / bad sites blocked at the bottom. It also has a greater visibility into what is happening and a much greater fine grained control.
  • (2022-12-31) Mark Khusidman: Learning curve is a bit steep, but it seems like amazing tool so far.
  • (2022-12-19) Inner Universe: Тупо не грузит полстраницы любого нужного сайта. потоковое видео вообще невозможно смотреть - на месте окна с видео пустой прямоугольник. Бесполезная хня.
  • (2022-11-04) COW KING (THE COW KING): 概念很棒,但是内置拦截规则不行。开了之后包括Youtube,gmail,哔哩哔哩,pornhub等绝大多数常用网站都无法正常使用。也没有黑名单模式,所以就只能关了吧
  • (2022-10-26) Oscar Cerino: Excelente extensión para bloqueos de noscript, funciona muy bien para lo que requiero. GRACIAS!!!
  • (2022-10-21) Сергій Макаренко: Дуже якісний антибаннер
  • (2022-07-28) Roman Petrov: Великолепная реализация отличной идеи.
  • (2022-06-29) Peter Williamson: A great security app, but a real pain at times. Every time I go a site for the first time I have to make sure I turn off either specific elements or uMatrix as a whole if I trust it, then save it. I also find it's a little too "trigger happy" when I click on a link from an email or site I trust. Case in point, if I have a link to a tracking site regarding an order, if I click the link uMatrix will block it. I have to go into my settings, turn off uMatrix, click the link to track my order then turn uMatrix back on again. Perhaps there's something I've missed in the settings, and I understand why it exists in the first place, but it can be frustrating when I know a link/site is safe.
  • (2021-11-25) Roy Williamson: It just worked! Wow. Seriously impressed. These days extensions overpromise and under deliver. this is the opposite.
  • (2021-11-13) Nurak Ibinski: Wichtigste Erweiterung überhaupt.
  • (2021-10-26) Cristobal Rodriguez: Error para Desarrolladores, las webs en otro idioma uMatrix bloquea poder traducir las webs del ingles al español, por ejemplo esta web https://www.macrumors.com/, es una lastima la voy a desinstalar y ademas la publicidad de todas las webs las bloquea bien pero deja el espacio de la publicidad en blanco. uBlock Origin y otros bloqueadores no dejan el espacio de la publicidad en blanco y eso esta mal para leer la webs
  • (2021-10-19) Béla Tóth: Rendkívül hasznos segédlet. Nemcsak azért, mert kizárja a harmadik felek közbeékelődését, hanem részletesen szemlélteti, hogy az aktuális weboldal milyen scripteket, kívülre mutató linkeket, adatbekéréseket stb verszélyforrásokat tartalmaz. És ezek működését akár részleteiben ki lehet iktatni.
  • (2021-10-14) Paul Mullane: If you need help.. great little tutorial here https://proprivacy.com/privacy-service/guides/lifehacks-setup-umatrix-beginners
  • (2021-09-30) Fauzi Bin Ridho (FONZ): the best security extension just got a few updates. i do hope it can make a permanent comeback though. thankfully it did get a few maintenance patches. lets hope umatrix can see a reason to keep being alive and well...
  • (2021-06-28) кен енн: шедевр
  • (2021-06-27) Clément: Indispensable pour surfer tranquilement.
  • (2021-06-22) Martin Liebetruth: Standard-Entwicklertools des Browsers sind wesentlich ausführlicher
  • (2021-05-25) Marcin Pawlik: Super bo blokuje co trzeba co ma nieblokować to nieblokuje
  • (2021-04-14) Ramón Telleria: Lo empecé a usar en el 2017 y me funcionaba bien con facebook; pero ahora que lo he vuelto a usar después de estar sin computadora por 3 años, no me deja cargar facebook.
  • (2021-01-21) Clemens Ratte-Polle: Very complicatedt, but seems to sum up all AdBlockers, Anti-Trackers and much more :) What it needs? Not only yes or no, red or green. Additionally options: Temporarily for the session in orange and Blue for permanent but globally allowance over all URLs. This would be finde :) Could you please make the Klick-Board scrollable, i cant see the bottom options - my screen resolution is not so great.^^
  • (2020-12-17) Sébastien Marchandeau: Très bonne extension. Malheureusement la synchronisation ne fonctionne plus depuis quelques jours...
  • (2020-12-11) Ken Heisenberg: Top privacy/productivity addon. This one + uBlock Origin are a must extensions.
  • (2020-11-29) Vanish Pro: Лучшее что я когда-либо ставил
  • (2020-11-24) Yasemin Elmalı: Harika bir site istediğiniz zaman ücretsiz video indirip izleyebilirsiniz ben cok beğendim
  • (2020-10-08) Noel D. Smith: If you want pretty, it will cost you. Professionals don't care about looks, we want power and versatility. This thing replaces every other script blocker with less resource consumption than any given one. Feedback: I recommend the developer create some reminder that you're spoofing by default, that seems to be a common sticking point. (Color the button blue/yellow?) You will also eliminate 90% or more of all dissatisfaction with a 5 second graphic showing people how clicking "all" from red to blank to green works. Most of the complaints don't even know why they're using this, let alone how.
  • (2020-09-08) Francis: 不明白为什么默认要把Google translate加入拦截名单,搞得chrome自带的翻译每次都不能用,还要单独设置
  • (2020-08-31) Kris Karlov: Its good, but extremely annoying. I have to disable it a bit on every website I use regularly. Still nice.
  • (2020-08-27) JESUS NAVARRETE: buenisima
  • (2020-08-22) Joe G: The best way to see what a page is doing or hanging on. All browsers should have this by default.
  • (2020-08-21) KirKirMUrGames: Дуже гарна аплікація.
  • (2020-08-20) halo kick: Simple and beautiful. Learn it Google.
  • (2020-08-16) RoseNo4X: I can't believe this is made by someone from Quebec ! Used it for years with uBlock Origin.
  • (2020-08-14) elektro inside: Brilliant!! And extremely useful!
  • (2020-08-13) Подберёзкин Владислав: Спасибо создателю сего чуда. Рекламы как не бывало.
  • (2020-08-12) Bobby Ankony: uMatrix is awesome. I have used uBlock for a long time, and it feels like it's functionality has slowly eroded as websites get more advanced at detecting adblockers. uMatrix really brings control back. I'll echo what others say that there is a bit of a learning curve, but after about a day I mostly got it. Basic website functionality usually works right out of the box, with many more advanced / interactive features requiring some permission adjustments. I've grown to really like this though - it really strips out the fluff from most websites.
  • (2020-07-29) dj osearth: I love that this extension is available if I ever need it but for now I'll stick to *uBlock Origin* with it's default block lists that auto update from the publishers for those block lists. This is an extremely powerful extension & I always appreciate the ability to install this if I had the need in the future but for now I'm going to remove it & stick with the more basic *uBlock Origin* (but also a rabbit hole in it's own right:) ..
  • (2020-07-20) Mikey Teen: Literally upon adding this extension and testing it on youtube it prevents the videos from loading properly. Removed.
  • (2020-07-05) Mark Ridgway: Fully granular information and control. Perfect.
  • (2020-07-01) karakurt: .......==== 💰Hidden bonuses on the taps of crypto-currencies💰 ====....... .......==== ⛏After 18 fees a bonus of 18300 Satoshi is issued⛏ ====....... ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● ....==== Bitcoin crane ====.... 👇 ⛏...==== https://bit.ly/3dKFhKB ====...⛏ ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● ....==== Litecoin crane ====.... 👇 ⛏...==== https://bit.ly/31sOEfo ====...⛏ ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● ....==== Ethereum crane ====.... 👇 ⛏...==== https://bit.ly/3gg4A92 ====...⛏ ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● ✌Good luck to all !!!
  • (2020-04-03) Tim Janssens Provincie Antwerpen: Fantastische script blocker
  • (2020-03-30) Chris S: Best of the best.
  • (2020-03-19) Kevin Pillay: I am white.
  • (2020-03-13) Tony Zhu: This is a great extension. One thing hope to improve in the future version, add a color theme to support dark mode, currently with dark mode, some text and icon not able to see. thx!
  • (2020-02-27) Johan Rylander: Väldigt enkelt att använda. Tack! (thanks!)
  • (2020-02-17) Artem Usov: Прекрасно и быстро выполняет свою функцию. Спасибо большое!

Latest issues

  • (2022-12-05, v:1.4.4) Fauzi Bin Ridho (FONZ): yearly updates
    i do hope umatrix can still be maintained at least yearly, just to show others umatrix is all good and well, like what happened last year. and with more specifically, with manifest v3 i just hope a minor maintenance report can give us users a headsup if umatrix and manv3 are compatible
  • (2021-04-19, v:1.4.0) John S Wolter: uMatrix icon disappeared when accessing
    I accessed a page with what appeared to be partly Chinese symbol characters. I noticed that the uMatrix icon had disappeared. Don't know if it was deliberate or just a glitch. Thought I should report this. [email protected]
  • (2020-12-17, v:1.4.0) Daniel Prevost: chrome umatrix vs. ww1solarmovie.id
    so efficient at shutting their ad OS it is not funny, you guys who designed this blocker are the MEN, i get thousands of free movies ad free thanks to you guys, we are talking WOW how efficient it is on this pirate web site it hurts so good, i wish i had the money to give you guys but im sorry im so broke it is not funny but when i can i will, i promise, you guys rock
  • (2020-10-29, v:1.4.0) Leonardo Souza: Dropbox.com not working
    Any suggestions?
  • (2020-08-16, v:1.4.0) 辛德昌: 這個 阻擋器打開廣告是阻擋
    (uMatrix development build1.4.1.0 通過點選開關達到控制瀏覽器中的各種網頁請求。藉此阻擋網頁指令、嵌套頁面、媒體廣告、社交網站追踪等行爲。 ID:eckgcipdkhcfghnmincccnhpdmnbef)上面這個阻擋器打開廣告是阻擋但是會造成網頁沒法開啟分頁一直停在首頁那是為甚麼要如何改善?請盡快回覆到我的信箱:[email protected]
  • (2020-07-15, v:1.4.0) Martin Claus: unable to upload rules
    using chromium 83, umatrix version 1.4.0 I enabled rules cloud sync in options but if I try to uload the rules in both lines just "..." is visible. It worked in the beginning.
  • (2020-06-05, v:1.4.0) Noonian Soong: doesnt block sites by default anymore.
    umatrix doesnt block sites by default anymore! ive tried to updated the list and watched in the config. what can i do?
  • (2020-05-28, v:1.4.0) Ni Ndogo: uMatrix Rulesets
    Hi, I love your app. I love the concept of the recipes it has ... however the recipes are really old. Could you please be checking your pull requests on https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets/tree/master/recipes? Most of the Open PRs (https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets/pulls) are for the recipes - they will help with usage of the system.
  • (2020-05-13, v:1.4.0) Eliane COELHO DA SILVA: solicitaçoes ao servidor foram bloqueadas por uma extensao
    solicitaçoes ao servidor foram bloqueadas por uma extensao
  • (2020-04-21, v:1.4.0) MisterX: Неможу поставити відгук
    Тому ставлю тут: Мій відгук 99% зі 100%
  • (2020-04-21, v:1.4.0) MisterX: Відстежування
    Запис з екрану !!! Як захиститися ?
  • (2020-04-01, v:1.4.0) Wes M: Control panel popdown has sizing issues in Vivaldi
    uMatrix's dynamic control panel sizing is not picking up the actual size of the entries in the grid... it seems to be picking up the sizing of the previously touched extension, such as ublock origin, or other (also Shortcuts for Google Products). So the display of the uMatrix panel is truncated and will not scroll... Unable to reach grid entries after the first couple entries Steps: - Install uMatrix and uBlock Origin - Pull down uBlock Origin control panel popup - Pull down uMatrix control panel popup Results: - Other Chrome extensions control panels are their normal sizes - uMatrix panel is set the the size of the panel from the previous extension used Note: This doesn't seem to occur right away... Occurs after some use, so there may be an additional factor here I yet to determine. uMatrix is the only panel that has the issue, though. The other panels continue to display normally.
  • (2020-01-30, v:1.4.0) Weird umatrix field
    I got in the field of umatrix in Chrome. This field with the submask shows in every site/domain I am on. I asked you the same question a couple of months ago but i never got any answer from you back then. This problem is not present in Firefox with umatrix only in Chrome. Thanks!
  • (2020-01-11, v:1.4.0) n ascentt: Stopped working for me a month ago
    umatrix stopped working for me in chrome a month ago, i'm not sure how to best describe it, but it doesnt detect anything in the ui ( there's no numbers in the grid of umatrix) so it's as it it's claiming to not block anything, and yet everything on websites is being blocked including payment processor frames, so websites cant be used at all, and theres no way to whitelist, and i'm fairly sure it's blocking things i previously whitelisted globally i would've uninstalled and reinstalled umatrix but cannot find a way to export/import whitelists
  • (2019-09-07, v:1.4.0) John Wood: Unable to load Solve Media antibot
    I receive the message "domain / ckey mismatch" even after disabling uMatrix. It works upon removal of the extension from Chrome browser.
  • (2019-08-29, v:1.3.16) bahrta sai: Blocks clicking on videos if anything is blocked.
    If I block/blacklist anything on youtube clicking on a video thumbnail to play it doesn't do anything.
  • (2019-05-29, v:1.3.16) saku saku: Spoof Referer
    "Spoof Referer" don't work in chrome72+
  • (2019-01-22, v:1.3.16) John S Wolter: About about for websites listed by uMatrix
    The short explanation is that I want more background information about uMatrix listed sites. It would be a good start to understand the business of a website service. Sites could be simple advertising, trackers, data scrapers, and a whole long list. Second would try to indicate what that company or Non-Government Organization, NGO, is doing. Results of using anti-virus' sites' lookup features usually results in terse site statements like "No malware distribution yet". I looking to better understanding These don't have to be detailed. A statement as simple as "Selling gathered data to its customers" or "Delivered Ads platform". Add some anti-malware warnings. Cheers
  • (2018-10-17, v:1.3.14) Page doesn't load properly even though all scripts are enabled
    In this case I'm looking at the americastestkitchen.com website. If I turn off Umatrix via the "power button" the site loads fine. If I turn Umatrix on, go through the list of scripts and enable every single one (even the blacklisted domains) the top of the page is completely messed up with huge black images and some text. I'm not understanding how "off" and "all enabled" aren't the same thing. So, in this case, I can't use UMatrix on this site because the pages won't load properly. It's almost like there is blocking going on in the background that I can't see or manage. Love to hear any solutions for the issue. Thank you!
  • (2018-10-06, v:1.3.14) Thomas Rohde: Error MSG “ failed to modify the request header […]”
    uMatrix Version 1.3.14 Google Chrome 69.0.3497.100 MacOS 10.13.6 I get this error message: “! This extension failed to modify the request header "Referer" of a network request because the modification conflicted with another extension (Privacy Badger).” And then Google Chrome turns it off, and I have to reload it.
  • (2018-09-21, v:1.3.14) Marvin Mas: uMatrix funktioniert nicht mehr
    Nach einem Update auf die neuste Google-Chrome canary (64-Bit) Version 71.0.3558.0 funktioniert uMatrix nicht mehr. Die Erweiterung lässt sich zwar starten jedoch werden keine Domains mehr aufgelistet. Ich bitte um Hilfe Vielen Dank
  • (2018-09-08, v:1.3.14) A problem...
    After closing the browser, the list is cleared in the rules ...
  • (2018-07-13, v:1.3.10) Incomplete referrer spoofing
    uMatrix only rewrites HTTP referrer headers but the document object list of referrers show the original referrer. In JS console see: document.referrers To see the issue that arise with this behaviour, see the link on the site: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17520134
  • (2018-07-08, v:1.3.10) 胡适: 不要自动屏蔽


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