extension ExtPose

Insight Web Helper

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Helps your teacher maintain a great learning environment.

Image from store Insight Web Helper
Description from store This is the Web Helper extension for Insight student software. It enables web monitoring and limiting through the Chrome browser using the insight student software. The Insight student requires an Insight Classroom environment to function. To learn more about Faronics Insight, visit http://www.faronics.com/enterprise/insight Harnessing Technology Faronics Insight helps instructors harness the power of technology to deliver a better learning experience. Insight puts teachers back in control of the classroom with an easy-to-use Teacher Console. Equipped with superior monitoring and control features, it creates an interactive lesson with more communication and collaboration tools. On task Instruction Insight makes it easy for instructors to command control of the classroom sooner and keep students focused on the task at hand.. Thanks to web limiting, Insight eliminates tempting distractions like games and instant messaging. Using the screen-monitoring, instructors can be confidant students are working on the assignment. Enable Collaboration Insight creates a more interactive learning environment where instructors can share their screen with the class. It’s even easier to communicate with the ability to broadcast messages and the handy question feature allows even the shyest students to ask questions without raising their hand. Teachers can hold classroom votes and gauge understanding using the built-in testing feature.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-08-21) Wang Ze Kai: this thing sucks how to delete i absolutely despise this thing remove it now
  • (2023-06-24) mateo Gonzalez: esta bazofia me bloqueo el Netflix y ya no me puedo ver mis películas em paz por la culpa de esa rata con alas
  • (2023-03-29) Khoo Cai Qian: this extension sucks delete it or die
  • (2023-03-29) Chia Wen Yen: this is bad \
  • (2022-12-06) nul je n'aime pas g ca pour les cours
  • (2022-02-03) William Tong: bad
  • (2022-01-24) Monika: poop
  • (2021-12-09) the greatest QC: ark de la marde en can
  • (2021-10-14) Steven Mohlmann: Teachers, Stop spying on us! You can disable on Incognito mode
  • (2021-10-01) Ken Block: this app is a major invasion of privacy and should be illegal. it is also insanely glitchy. please remove this.
  • (2021-09-20) Halopi: Une privation de liberté d'expression et d'action, ce dirige t'on vers un monde totalitaire tel Orwell l'avait décrit dans 1984 ??
  • (2021-08-22) John F: its built like the battle pass and is a violation of privacy
  • (2021-08-02) maya: its terrible. doesnt even let you turn it off when youre at home. complete invasion of privacy. some people only have one device in their home, being their school computer, having to deal with no privacy is annoying. ps. use a different browser: opera gx, firefox, safari, or whatever one doesnt have this installed and dont sign in with the same account
  • (2021-05-04) BlueroseR6: I never did anything wrong.... i dont know where i am.
  • (2021-05-04) Daedalus Zhang: guys, get tor. its slow, and uses firefox, but you can do whatever you want.
  • (2021-05-04) Mitchy D: i hate this get it out of here
  • (2021-04-08) Nany: i hate this >:( flip you school i just wanted to play cool math games
  • (2021-01-13) joseph cary: i just want to get this off the google play store
  • (2021-01-11) Braydon Wells: bad
  • (2020-12-08) Anthony Lopez: this is trash
  • (2020-11-22) Joshhy: This app is just like lanschool. spyware, and exploiting studen'ts privacy basically a clone of lanschool, so just leaving this review to help students
  • (2020-11-05) Theo Demeulemeester: There is no way to turn it off it's complete garbage coming from a student I have actually managed to turn it off I think I'm not sure though. Even though it helps teachers keep an eye on you, it's a breach of privacy and should not be allowed in any school. Teachers should not be breaching our privacy and should be able to trust us. P.S. This App is retarted
  • (2020-11-03) Kingston Davis: my teacher uses this to take my computer😤
  • (2020-10-21) Pablo Cárdenas: Horrible, asquerosa, te da ganas despedirte de este mundo. Quien sea que haya creado esta aplicación/extensión solo le digo esto. ¿PORQUE?. Creo que TIk Tok es una aplicación mejor y eso porque esta maldita. Todas las horas de Broforce bloqueadas por el búho. Jimmy, Esmeralda y Herr Schagen, los únicos que me bloqueaban. No importa, se quedaran en mi memoria, aunque no se si con buenos recuerdos.
  • (2020-10-06) KON 007: total breach of privacy if we rate it low enough it will be removed rate 1 star spread the word
  • (2020-07-29) 唄く芋bitchgum: kept poping up and not letting me do anything couldn't even put share it was a loop, I have no idea who even put this in here in the first place logged in and it kept poping up it is annoying
  • (2020-07-27) Ruth Lozano: bjkbnjbn
  • (2020-07-17) f0vus: I did not install this, I want it removed or I will take legal actions. Remove it from my chrome. Now.
  • (2020-06-23) J S: C'est génial !
  • (2020-03-13) Ruben Broere: Why do teachers need to spy on us honestly?
  • (2020-02-06) Bob AvecCheveux: Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet corned beef burgdoggen frankfurter hamburger spare ribs drumstick shankle flank pork chop t-bone filet mignon sirloin. Tail boudin shankle leberkas biltong beef ground round strip steak. Bresaola kevin meatball cupim picanha cow shankle fatback chicken ribeye. Cow turducken bresaola prosciutto capicola t-bone. Landjaeger sausage bacon, spare ribs pork belly capicola meatloaf sirloin ground round. Chislic tenderloin salami chuck flank, ground round pig meatloaf picanha. Leberkas t-bone beef cow kielbasa capicola rump ham. Cupim andouille chicken filet mignon shoulder, bresaola chislic pork belly jowl spare ribs chuck venison biltong meatball fatback. Bresaola spare ribs swine strip steak pig beef fatback burgdoggen pork belly kielbasa. Shank prosciutto rump landjaeger, t-bone pastrami short loin. Chuck pastrami bacon burgdoggen cupim tongue rump swine kielbasa frankfurter alcatra, filet mignon chislic.
  • (2020-01-29) StarNight139 [Andre A.]: boi no
  • (2020-01-28) Journey: My teacher uses this and it sucks
  • (2020-01-10) Grim: no need to explain
  • (2019-12-15) Bekfast Is a meme: this is a poorly made ripoff of lanschool. you can disable the program by just going into file explorer in windows and rename or delete the files.
  • (2019-12-11) Jzzi Aua: rien à dire ça ne sert à rien
  • (2019-12-11) Zakry Carroll: Illegal
  • (2019-11-18) ELITE STORM YT ツ: boring takes over screen... lol... very stupid
  • (2019-10-31) Oscar Luiggi: impossibles a desinstaler
  • (2019-10-17) The King Chamou: Me gusta el pollo SI
  • (2019-10-04) Samuel Foucher: J'aime vraiment pas ce truc...
  • (2019-09-26) FOX ILLUSION !: nul en plus je peut plus le supprimé de chrome
  • (2019-09-13) David Romero: Que asco esta aplicacion y Jimmi. No puedo jugar friv.
  • (2019-06-13) Enric Arbolí: No puedo ni jugar al my litle ponny online !!!!!!
  • (2019-05-28) Thomas Glavin: Insight (once installed on a computer) has considerable control over the OS. You can find the user manual here: https://www.faronics.com/assets/INS_Manual.pdf. The Insight program can be found in Windows (C:)Program files (x32) - Faronics - Insight. The program references .bin files in Windows (C;) - Insight Files. As of the way my computer is set up, I am unable to delete or modify any of these files, or change the permissions. Uninstalling through the Run of Uninstall program is also out of the question. Another way to uninstall the program would be through finding the .msi (Microsoft Installer) Installer and running that. After doing a complete search of my system for every .msi file, I could not find one for insight (you can search through .msi files by adding a subject category). That would leave me with only one option. Somehow getting (or stripping off) the administrator password, or doing a complete reinstall of Windows. Both are quite impractical. Over all, this is a quite well put together program (though it is REALLY annoying.
  • (2019-03-28) Horrifying. It doesn't even work
  • (2019-02-11) DaLizBliz Lizard: Just download Opera. Or any other browser to get around this. I usually do this anyways but decided to use google chrome one day and the teacher calls me out for using youtube for music. I checked the task manager and there it was lol. Evil little app that should not be a thing.
  • (2019-01-30) Logan Beavers: Works Great for what it was designed for. Unfortunately anybody who's mildly curios or clever, can disable it, (hint hint) by using file explorer, searching faronics on this PC, and can either disable, rename or delete the files. If they are under administrator protection, you can right click and go to properties, then security, and edit attributes, and give yourself full control. If that easy method was disabled by administrators, then it will work pretty solidly until a student with advanced technological knowledge decides to get rid of it.
  • (2018-12-17) Reese Mears: Trash Just absolutely trash. Never install, makes life harder then fixes it. Not good for student restriction either dosent work
  • (2018-11-06) titrit // ⵜⵉⵜⵔⵉⵜ: Ne sert à rien.

Latest issues

  • (2023-06-24, v: mateo Gonzalez: borrar
    me bloqueo mi Netflix y no puedo ver las películas, quiero borrarlo ¿Cómo puedo hacerlo?
  • (2020-11-28, v: EMANUELE GIUSEPPE ROMANO: emanuele
  • (2020-10-29, v: GoldenCGamer: remove
    Hi could you please make a way to let people remove the extension
  • (2020-10-10, v: NIck Lamprell: i cant uninstall it
    When i press remove it doesnt remove it can u guys remove u
  • (2020-01-01, v: Saami S: Cara ngapusnya gimana anjing
    Cara ngapusnya gimana anjing
  • (2019-11-07, v: Exander Perez Rodriguez: it sucks
  • (2019-10-07, v: Nathan Forsythe: how
    how do i get rid of it.
  • (2019-09-07, v: Calvin Dao-Nguyen: Lagging on computers and PC's
    Every single time I log onto my device, a huge pop-up will always appear. The only choice is to enable the viewing (cancel option is programmed to not work). I sincerely do NOT enjoy knowing that people that I do not know viewing my screen. Known as stalking, it is a very illegal action. It also barges into my privacy of being on a computer at home. From what I can tell in the comments, the app has not been updated for months. Please, either publish an update that allows us students to manage the extension more, or simply allow us the option to remove the extension. To mention lagging, the program takes up WAY too much of my data, and considerably slows down the performance of my device. Extremely annoying to deal with. Fix this, and don't just think about the teachers. Think about how it affects us students too. Thanks -An Insight hater
  • (2019-06-10, v: Alex Molczyk: what about a chromebook
    i see all these ways to delte it by bypassing admin on winsows computers but my school uses chromebooks and i cant figure out how to delete it. please help
  • (2019-03-08, v: Daffa Arya Shofwan: How to do?
    how to delete this application from mac
  • (2019-01-16, v: This blocks me from everything
    i can barely watch anything on my chromebook REMOVE IT NOW
  • (2018-12-11, v: niall smells bad lol: your product
    it sucks
  • (2018-10-08, v: Rose Lynn: Here's the problemo!
    First of all I bought this computer from someone else that had this extension and the program added to the computer. I've tried deleting it to clean up extensions and for it to stop being active. There is no way for me to delete it and again I have no use for it. This is my personal computer and I need it deleted -already tried doing it myself.- I'm not the only one having the problem so I will report.
  • (2018-06-14, v: OOF
  • (2018-05-07, v: Removing it
    Please How can I remove it, I accidentally installed now i cant remove it how do i delete it.
  • (2018-05-02, v: PLEASE REMOVE!!
    It is trash, it stops you from doing what you want to do and how you do it. You'll never know when someone is watching you or what they can do to you to stop from doing something.
  • (2018-04-18, v: Reason to remove Insight
    I know many students do see this as a a bad app because they can't play games, I know this because I am one of those students. Many people complain because it is an invasion of privacy, and if the student does not have the audacity to do their work and focus on their own then there is no point why the belong in a public school because they are taken up space and a waste of time. The "stalking" part of this app is also extremely creepy as well as it violates the first amendment as it states within it's central point "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people." The key point to this is that we have a right to our privacy as people. So might I recommend taking this down and let us the students and people of the United States, and where ever else this "program" may be in effect, and let us make all the damage to ourselves in school. If we want to mess around then let us because we will be the ones to fail in the end because of this. Thank you for your time, and consider my request. Thank you
  • (2018-04-04, v: personal opion
    this is probally the best stalking app ever on history
  • (2018-02-01, v: HOW DO YOU GET RID OF IT!:[
    No one likes this
  • (2018-01-19, v: sheila swafford: computer
    my computer keeps showing faronics insight comprehensive lab control is there a way to get it off yes or no


30,000 history
1.2402 (229 votes)
Last update / version
2020-03-06 /
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