extension ExtPose

Fandango At Home Catalog

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Creates a list of the movies you own

Image from store Fandango At Home Catalog
Description from store Supported sites: Fandango At Home Google Play Movies Anywhere To use this addon make sure you are logged in and are on the My Movies, My TV, etc link on Fandango At Home or Transaction History on Movies Anywhere (I've been told Refunds look like purchases) link. Click the VC icon to generate the text file. Once the file has been generated you will see a 'Save Vudu Catalog Text File' link or 'Save Movies Anywhere Catalog Text File link'. Click the link to save the text file. What's new: ------------ 2.6.7 --- Google Play - Update to support latest UI 2.6.6 --- Fandango At Home - Fix Max Redemption 2.6.5 --- Fandango At Home - Update URLs 2.6.4 --- MA - Update logic to build a catalog similar to Vudu's. 2.6.3 --- Vudu - Bug fix for display purchase / rent quality if only one purchase / rent option exists 2.6.2 --- Vudu - Bug fix for display purchase / rent quality if only one purchase / rent option exists 2.6.1 --- Vudu - Bug fix for display purchase / rent quality if only one purchase / rent option exists 2.6.0 --- Vudu - Display purchase / rent quality if only one purchase / rent option exists 2.5.9 --- Vudu - Added check to ensure description is actually there. There are a small percentage of titles that do not contain a description which was causing reports not to generate 2.5.8 --- Vudu - Update Vudu URL for querying APIs 2.5.7 --- Vudu - Add MA export/import status (only when purchase dates enabled) Vudu - Updated logic when reading preferences to hopefully adhere to preferences when generating a report MA - Added URL to export from My Movies 2.5.6 --- Vudu - Added the ability to clear your watchlist / added ability to click on title link when maintaining cache 2.5.5 --- Vudu - Updated ability to hide titles owned on sales pages to show a title if you don't own the best quality 2.5.4 --- Vudu - Add ability to hide titles owned on sales pages 2.5.3 --- Vudu - Updated how extension options to use page instead of UI 2.5.2 --- Vudu - Updated how extension options (ex: Include Purchase Dates is processed) and added timeout/retry logic. 2.5.1 --- Vudu - Make change to hopefully prevent TXT file when expecting CSV 2.5.0 --- Convert to Manifest v3 Vudu - Added hide owned titles for mix & match 2.4.9 --- Vudu - Now include mymovies / mytv etc in filename 2.4.8 --- Vudu - Updated Wishlist to include items where the content is not found 2.4.7 --- Vudu - Updated Wishlist to allow for more than 100 items 2.4.6 --- Vudu - Updated Wishlist to include non-purchasable wishlist items 2.4.5 --- Vudu - Re-evaluate Bundles/Series in case any additional content is added FandangoNow - Removed Disney Movies Anywhere - Removed 2.4.4 --- Vudu - Fix for TV details in regards to retrieving purchases dates 2.4.3 --- Vudu - Fix for TV details 2.4.2 --- Vudu - Start caching TV details 2.4.1 --- MA - Prevent sale items from showing up in Screen Pass list 2.4.0 --- Google Play - Updated Family Sharing 2.3.9 --- Movies Anywhere - Added support for Screen Pass List 2.3.7 --- Vudu - Add InstaWatch Eligible Quality 2.3.6 --- MA - Fixed My Movies building of catalog 2.3.5 --- MA - Updated to support new Transaction History 2.3.4 --- Vudu - Fixed a bug with bundles that was causing it to finish generating the catalog list 2.3.3 (jumped several versions ... accidentally uploaded a different extension over the top) --- Google Play - Family Sharing Fix 1.5.0 --- Vudu - Session Key issue which was causing it not build list 1.4.9 --- Google Play - Fix Family Sharing / List of movies 1.4.8 --- Vudu - Fixed a couple of bugs 1.4.7 --- Vudu - Remove redirect to balance & history when retrieving purchase dates 1.4.6 --- Vudu - Added option to skip purchase dates Vudu - Added InstaWatch check 1.4.5 --- Vudu - Updated UV and MA detection Vudu - Updated Max Redemption logic 1.4.4 --- Google Play - Fixed Family Sharing yet again Google Play - Added the ability to export a list (only movie titles) 1.4.3 --- Vudu - Added Maximum Redemption Quality. This is still experimental .. so take it with a grain of salt 1.4.2 --- Google Play - Updated Family Sharing 1.4.0 --- FandangoNow - Small bug fix 1.3.9 --- FandangoNow - Small bug fix 1.3.8 --- FandangoNow - Added initial support (currently only for Movies) 1.3.7 --- Vudu - Fixed an issue with Bundles not getting Genre, CC or Quality 1.3.6 --- Google Play (Family Sharing) - Updated logic to work with recent Google Play website changes 1.3.5 --- Vudu - Update how Purchase Dates are retrieved 1.3.4 --- Vudu - Fixed a bug from migrating to IndexedDB 1.3.3 --- Vudu - Clean up localStorage when migrating to IndexedDB 1.3.2 --- Vudu - Switched to IndexedDB instead of localStorage for caching of owned titles. This was necessary for users who have really large libraries. 1.3.1 --- Google Play (Family Sharing) - Fixed an issue where it would say please wait for the library to load. 1.3.0 --- MA - Add support for CSV generation on the Transaction History page on MA. Includes Movie, Retailer, Quality, Purchase Date *** I've been told Refunds look like purchases *** 1.2.9 --- Vudu - Added support for Disc & Digital purchase purchase dates. Added Content ID column to CSV 1.2.8 --- Vudu - Fixed a bug where Disc Purchase Pricing was showing up instead of Digital Pricing. Included Disc Purchase Pricing. Added % to RT rating 1.2.7 --- Vudu - Fixed Wishlist bug where it was only outputting 25 movies 1.2.6 --- Vudu - Fixed a bug where Bundled movies were be output last if Sort results alphabetically was not checked 1.2.5 --- Vudu - Bug fixes 1.2.4 --- Vudu - Fixed issue where it was not keeping original sort. Added filter support (Genre, Rating, etc). Added Deals support. 1.2.3 --- Vudu - Update how list is built for My Movies/TV if filters are not applied 1.2.2 --- Vudu Bugfix 1.2.1 --- Vudu Changes - Updated addon to support the new Vudu site. With thew new update it currently only works on (My Movies / TV / Wishlist / Preorders / Offers) 1.2.0 --- Vudu CSV Changes - If quality (SD, HD, etc) does not show up after 5 seconds continue on with the process 1.1.9 --- Vudu CSV Changes - Exclude Movie Description on Featured links to prevent hitting sessionStorage limitation. 1.1.8 --- Vudu CSV Changes - Added support for building a list of Deals including current pricing 1.1.7 --- Added todays date to MA and DMA files. 1.1.6 --- Vudu CSV Changes - Prevented movies from being output twice if you originally owned the movie, and then you bought a bundle that also included the same movie. Added date to .csv file name. 1.1.5 --- Vudu CSV Changes - Added Purchase Date. Added Import/Export of Cache. Added the ability to edit the cache. 1.1.4 --- Vudu CSV Changes - Remove " min" from Runtime. Move dates that were showing up in Year to a Release Date Column. 1.1.3 --- Added the ability to hide certain movies by clicking the Maintain link in the Options (primarily for hiding extras from bundles) 1.1.2 --- Added the ability to generate your movie list on Vudu in a CSV (including genre/studio/rating/etc) 1.1.1 --- Skip TV on Google Play since it doesn't show if it is shared or not on the main Movies & TV area and also skip movies that cannot be shared. 1.1.0 --- Added Family Sharing of Unshared movies on Google Play. When clicking the VC icon on Google Play (https://play.google.com/movies) it will ask you if you want to share any unshared movies through Family Sharing. If you click the 'OK' button it will then go through the list of any unshared movies and share them. 1.0.9 ----- Fixed a bug where Movies Anywhere wasn't building the catalog 1.0.8 ----- Added support for Movies Anywhere 1.0.7 ----- Fixed bug where clicking the icon would no longer build the list (had to add "tabs" permission) 1.0.6 ----- Added the ability to run the add-on from /featured links on Vudu (aka new d2d list) 1.0.5 ----- Fixed DMA movie title truncation issue 1.0.4 ----- Added support for DMA Fixed sort issue 1.0.3 ----- Added Sort results alphabetically option Removed uhd available from being exported Fixed an issue where movies with the same exact name were only being included once

Latest reviews

  • (2023-10-25) Nvidia Shield: Wow !!! Incredible software. Does more than just make a list. It will provide purchase dates for each movie and which titles are supported by Movies Anywhere. It gives you all the information you could ever need. Vudu shows 20 movies less than my generated list . I need to figure out which ones Vudu is not listing for streaming and have it corrected
  • (2022-11-21) Kevin Eeley: any possibility of it being changed to get our google titles from https://www.youtube.com/feed/storefront purchases ?
  • (2022-07-26) Andy Fuhrman: perfect for cataloging vudu purchases
  • (2022-07-26) Beamer: Very Good. Does exactly as needed. Vudu has much more information than Movies Anywhere. Advice: you must choose "My Movies" and "My TV" separately. You can't be on "All My Vudu" or it will continue building in the background and will never compile.
  • (2022-06-30) Stephen Easley: its ok but does not work with google play movies anymore!!! :-(
  • (2020-11-28) Joshua Clinard: Great app, but UV column is no longer needed, as it no longer exists.
  • (2020-07-25) Jana Giacomi: OMG!!!! I've been keeping a manual spread sheet for years and have spent hours verifying that I had listed all the digital movies in my VUDU account. I found this accidentally while searching for an answer about disk to digital. I could kiss the person that posted the recommendation for this extension! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!!!
  • (2019-11-03) Scott Roberts: Fantastic, went well beyond my expectations. Now I just need to find something similar for Movies Anywhere and Google Play.
  • (2019-07-29) Fred Weigel: IF YOU HAVE A LARGE LIBRARY, READ THIS FIRST! Even if you have a small library, you may want to read this first! By default, this extension gathers a lot of information. If all you want is the name, description, genre, release date, rating, studio, language, CC, resolution you own, your rating, community rating, rotten tomatoes rating, whether UV or not, whether MA or not, and the content ID information, you can get that in a few minutes. You can change the extension to collect less than what the default settings collect...and be faster by removing the option to capture purchase date information. If you are really intuitive when it comes to tech, go to the options for the extension and deselect COLLECT PURCHASE DATES before running the extension on your collection. For detailed instructions, follow the instructions below: 1. Right-click the VC button on your Chrome Browser. It should be a blue square with VC in white font, to the right of the URL (website link) entry area at the top of the browser. 2. Left-click the OPTIONS menu option. 3. Deselect (un-check) the INCLUDE PURCHASE DATES box. You can deselect the SORT RESULTS ALPHABETICALLY option, too, but I don't know if that makes it much faster. The big one is the "include purchase dates" box. 4. Left-click SAVE. 5. Go to your "My VUDU" movies list and left-click the VC extension button (also works in Movies Anywhere, FandangoNow, Google Play Movies, and I don't know where else. Probably not on that inferior Apple :) video platform). You will get different categories of information, though. For example, on Movies Anywhere, the extension only provided the movie titles. 6. When the extension is done parsing your movies, you'll get a watermark-like overlay on the page stating something like, "SAVE YOUR VUDU CATALOG..." That overlay is actually your download link to save the catalog. I found it a little confusing (but hey, I'm not too bright) until I moused over it to find that it was a URL. Left-click the link and save it. 7. Open it in any spreadsheet software to manipulate the file to your heart's content. NOTE: You may have to run the extension separately for your TV content and for your movie content on VUDU. If you have a large library, when you click the VC extension using the default settings, it will make the browser page seem as though it is "hanging" or frozen. It is not hanging (at least, I don't think it is hanging - I haven't left it alone long enough for it to get through my 1200 movies); it is just collecting a lot of information. Currently, I have the extension running with the PURCHASE DATES option selected on my 1,178 movie VUDU collection. It has been more than 12 hours running on a Gigabit connection and a gaming (read as "fast") laptop. I don't plan to update this comment with my progress; but, it might just help you determine how badly you want the purchase date information on your VUDU collection. With UltraViolet (the service, not the movie) going away on July 31, 2019, I may be too late, and may lose some movies. We'll see...
  • (2019-07-12) Benjamin Dabel: Easy to use. Doesn't require me to enter in sensitive information or know python.
  • (2019-04-29) Scott Graham-Stephens: Indeed this extension freezes when cataloging movies at the purchase date. So I can't give it 5 stars. Luckily I saw the reviews and unchecked the option for purchase dates on my first try and all went smoothly. After capturing my movies and TV shows I selected the option for purchase dates and it froze. 8 hours later it was still frozen. I have 1040 purchases in my Vudu catalog (approximately 1300 counting the shorts and movies purchased as a bundle). One thing I did not expect (and the reason I gave it 4 stars with the issue of purchase dates) is the huge amount of information that was pulled. Quite frankly I would have been happy with movie title. But to get a .csv that has a Description, Genre, Run time (Minutes), Release Year, Release Date, Rating, Studio Language, Closed Caption, My Rating, Community Rating, Rotten Tomatoes Rating and whether the movie is connected to Ultaviolet or Movies Anywhere (or both) is simply AMAZING. I would suggest that the developer make the default for purchase date unchecked. Then include a note in the options box that checking this option may cause problems in some systems. Because if I didn't expect to see the purchase date, I wouldn't have known any better and would have given 5 stars to this extension.
  • (2019-03-13) John Duncan: I love how I can save a detailed list of my Vudu library as a csv file.
  • (2019-02-20) Dilip Balsaraf: It shows that it detected movies, i also see if going to the transaction history, but i dont get to see the link which allows me to save the list.
  • (2019-02-15) Nick Steffensmeier: So useful! highly recommend!
  • (2019-02-08) Andrew Consolo: I love this extension! I need to be able to keep track of my Vudu collection cause it can definitely be a finicky system and ya never know if something gets removed or quality changes especially with the impending shut down of UV. The only thing I would hope gets added is the ability to see quality when running the MA Catalog under /my-movies (not the transaction history).
  • (2018-10-28) Garrett Poindexter: I been waiting for this very long time thank you also I can play my movie's on my chrome book I been wanting this for years i finally got it again thank you so very very very much.G.P.P.
  • (2018-07-30) Hannah Wiginton: Worked perfectly the first time! Just what I needed. Thank you!
  • (2018-07-23) GetAngel: Great extension! I just wish it had the option of only counting actual movies and not the bonus features/featurettes. Also adding the ability to create a csv file of My Wishlist would be awesome. I really need to keep track of My Wishlist as sometimes Vudu deletes movies from my large wishlist.
  • (2018-04-09) Bo Gustafson: Awesome extension! This is an invaluable tool for keeping track of my digital movies from various providers. Well done, Will Griesmer!
  • (2018-02-15) Robert Milton: Exactly what i had been wanting. Can't believe i am just now finding. thanks for a great tool & awesome that it can pull movie names from moviesanywhere! VERY VERY Helpful!
  • (2017-11-04) David Shuford: Works great for creating plain text lists of my digital movies. It seems rather bare bones though; I would like to see an option for more information to be retrieved and saved in CSV format.
  • (2017-10-31) Curtis B: Works great for what it does. Only question/concern is why it needs permission to view browser history. Would love to be able to get all the fields that could be pulled from Vudu before by an app a user created (length, rating, studio, release date, Rotten tomatoes, etc) but they shut off the APIs he was using.
  • (2017-08-15) Peter Allen: Worked fine for months now when I click on the icon nothing happens. Please fix this. Dev fixed the problem so back to a great app again. Thanks!
  • (2017-03-25) Kevin: worked perfect!
  • (2017-01-09) Steven Weber: This is exactly what I have been looking for. Huge props to the creator of this add- on. It works perfectly and I couldn't be happier with all of the functions. Keep up the great work!!


4,000 history
4.4151 (53 votes)
Last update / version
2024-12-04 / 2.6.7
Listing languages
