Description from extension meta
It will give you an easier and better way to zoom webpages...
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Description from store
This Chrome extension allows you to zoom webpages using your mousewheel (scroll button) without touching you keyboard or even moving your mouse.
# Features:
+ Hold right mouse button and Scroll to zoom with a customizable step (15% as default)
+ Move your mouse over the Zoom Magnifier Icon + Scroll to zoom, in case you feel difficult to hold right button and scroll at the same time.
+ Move your mouse over the Zoom Label + Scroll will help you adjust the zoom Ratio more exactly ( 1% for each zoom step )
+ Hold right mouse button and left click to reset the zoom to default ratio.
+ Save zoom level for unique URL or domain.
+ Set default zoom ratio, zoom step and other options.
+ Screen position will be adjusted automatically. You can zoom any part of the page you want and there is no need for any "scroll into view" before/after the zoom.
* The magnifier (lens) icon: you can hide it by double clicking on it and reshow it by holding left mouse button and then click right mouse button, or change the setting in Options page.
(Extensions do not work on* due to security reasons)
(Holding right mouse button + scroll ) will not work if you are using ChromePlus (with mouse gesture enabled), or another mouse-gesture software (StrokeIt,..etc)
# Version - 31.05.2014
+ Fix errors to work with Chrome 35.
# Future additions:
+ Zoom function for images (maybe like Picasa one)
+ Planning to include Chrome internal zoom ability, instead of the current CSS "tricky" method.
+ Set Minimum Font Size
If you has any feedback, please give me a message by this link:
or contact me at [email protected]
Now enjoy it :)
Latest reviews
- (2021-02-18) Rob: I tried a bunch and suspect that this is the best/least worst - ok once you get used to it. It's handier than the clunky built-in chrome magnifier although it is a shame that development stopped IN 2016. The main fault is having to counter-intuitively move the wheel AWAY from yourself to zoom IN ffs. UPDATE The magnifying glass is blocked by Popupoff aggressive mode which I use to block pop-up videos. Zoom magnifier has improved a lot and is probably the best one now.
- (2020-12-17) Joel K: 2020 - 10.15 - this still works 🙌. Super impressed!
- (2020-08-12) Valeriy Manikhin: Работает как надо, ничего лишнего.
- (2020-04-01) Piotr Dros: Does not work at all
- (2019-10-03) john doe: 동영상 전체화면에서 마우스 위치가 다름
- (2019-08-25) Mikko Mansikka: + Free app, costs only some nerves. - No guides wrote into the app how it supposed to work - Readed how it supposed to work from this page - but those methods does not work. - clicking it has two options - one for options and two for something else - which pressing does NOTHING - setting "current zoom" amount changes nothing - Simply: Just does not work.
- (2018-10-29) Judy Demi: I so need this finally found ont that works by wheel zoom!! love it!! Thanks yeah it works!!
- (2018-10-16) eazy liku: 1 option stopped to work))) + Move your mouse over the Zoom Magnifier Icon + Scroll to zoom, in case you feel difficult to hold right button and scroll at the same time. was very useful
- (2018-08-18) Bob Bob: It works fine for me but I'd really like the option to be able to move the icon around my screen, the top right hand corner position very often covers something else I want to do.
- (2018-05-13) Norman Love: not actively being supported by developer who is busy :-)
- (2018-03-15) J Daniel: difficult to use. not helpful at all.
- (2018-02-07) Clidgsghffh: i have no clue how to use it. I can not find any proper instruction on how to zoom in i tried zooming in but didnt work. I used a mouse to scroll but doesn't seem to work. please help :(
- (2018-01-19) Eduardo Moura: That was happening with me too, but I only needed to close and reopen the tab for it to work.
- (2017-11-24) Tron Guignard: This extension broke the function of steam being able to load it's content when you click on images. Also it never really worked well for me.
- (2017-09-13) Singed420SnowinIt: "+ Screen position will be adjusted automatically. You can zoom any part of the page you want and there is no need for any "scroll into view" before/after the zoom." Screen doesn't adjust properly, not even close, you'd think that it zooms in on where your mouse is right? Wrong, it struggles to properly zoom in and you'll find that it zooms in the left side of the image and constantly readjusts itself making it really annoying. If you're going to brag about a feature in your description you better make sure it actually works.
- (2017-08-16) Subzerus: Does not work. Do not install this.
- (2017-06-14) Ben Rivera: It does what I need for now, but the screen does appear different in comparison to zoom out from within Chrome directly. It remembers the setting for a URL but doesn't automatically apply it. If you refresh the page, you need to re-apply the setting again.
- (2017-03-19) Benjamin Loehner: Please allow to position the magnifying glass thebe changed. In the right top corner it often blocks login buttons, etc.. The only negative aspect. Regarding everything else, i'm very happy with it.
- (2017-03-01) wiki peetia: many times better and more stable than Z-zoom. works instantly. very good job, thank you !
- (2017-02-02) GO BL: ใช้ได้เลยแทนการเข้าไปตั้งค่า
- (2017-01-04) Forrest Desjardins: The options for initiating a zoom aren't great for me. The overlay is distracting (I just turned it off), and the right-click zooming is a bit odd. I'm not sure it's even working correctly? Though, it may be because I'm on Linux. It'd be awesome to configure keys, so I could map my caps lock or something to start zooming. The zoom isolation is the main feature I was after. I ended up removing it for now, but I may come back. Keep up the great work, developers! I hope you keep adding to this.
- (2016-12-15) Med1a N1ck: When zooming out in Youtube, seeking in the video is not performed correctly - at substantial DISTANCE from the place clicked. Could it fixed, perchance? thank you
- (2016-08-28) Riche Bright: Excellent, something I desperately need-- Chrome's default zoom hops are much too big! It would be very helpful if you could set a custom button to engage the scroll wheel custom zoom rather than limiting it to the right click mouse button. It would also be nice if the user could select a 2 or 3 key combo to do a custom zoom in/out straight from the keyboard without using the mouse.
- (2016-06-18) James Johnson: Not bad at all. like it lots but miss the sole icon Fx PageZoomButton uses that is out of the way. This mag-glass icon obstructs views of some webpage to click options. Too bad the mag-glass cant be moved with the mouse. With all that, love the really good functions it provides!!! Thanks a whole whole lot. Jim
- (2016-05-13) Javier S: no funciona...
- (2016-04-01) after installing you need to remember to hit "reload" to make sure it works.
- (2016-03-29) Tom B: Forgets settings all the time.
- (2016-03-20) Katheryn James: It does not work at all.
- (2016-03-11) Andrey Lucenko: В целом отличное дополнение, пожелание к разработчикам: 1. Сделайте сохранение настроек зума по маске. Допустим надо не все страницы в домене зумить, а только определенные, которые легко можно по маске URL идентифицировать. 2. Хотелось бы уровень прозрачности лупы менять.
3.6 (204 votes)
Last update / version
2016-11-01 /
Listing languages