extension ExtPose


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Description from extension meta

Makes YouTube stream H.264 videos instead of VP8/VP9 videos

Image from store h264ify
Description from store Try h264ify if YouTube videos stutter, take up too much CPU, eat battery life, or make your laptop hot. By default, YouTube streams VP8/VP9 encoded video. However, this can cause problems with less powerful machines because VP8/VP9 is not typically hardware accelerated. In contrast, H.264 is commonly hardware accelerated by GPUs, which usually means smoother video playback and reduced CPU usage. h264ify makes YouTube stream H.264 videos instead of VP8/VP9 videos. Note: 4K and 1440p videos will not be available because YouTube no longer encodes those videos in H.264 Github: https://github.com/erkserkserks/h264ify

Latest reviews

  • (2023-10-21) 中国人89: wow si funciona me deja ver los vídeos hasta 1080p no lo eh probado con otra calidad pero estoy mas que contento con esa calidad de video
  • (2023-10-08) STR (SATRIA): ini bekerja dengan baik
  • (2023-09-28) Carlos Capo: buenisimo si funciona
  • (2023-09-10) SVDSHIT: Решает глитчи в ютубе на i5 9300h
  • (2023-08-26) Kẹo dẻo Lấp lánh: A must have if you have a weak CPU but strong GPU. (it shifts the workload to GPU). You can see this in Task Manager when playing a Youtube video.
  • (2023-08-19) Jeffrey Fitzpatrick (jeffrfitz): Makes old MacBooks excellent YouTube machines again!
  • (2023-08-17) Doc Hard: eski işlemcilerde vazgeçilmez eklentidir kendileri
  • (2023-07-16) nothing.mp3: Makes the Raspberry Pi 4B actually usable as a super basic desktop. Allows me to watch videos up to 1080p30 without stutter or lag. The HEVC drivers still aren't great so being able to fall back on good ol' h.264 allows this little guy to actually retain some performance.
  • (2023-07-03) Jerry Smith: was having problems with youtube making my computer in 95 degrees by just enabling the extension it dropped to 75 degrees, it works :)
  • (2023-07-03) Sebastian Abreu: Buenisima los videos de yotube me iban lag en una calidad de 720P pero ahora me va muy bien gracias a esta extension
  • (2023-06-29) Richard M.: muito bom, até batata roda os videos a 4K agora
  • (2023-05-14) Graphite GB: if you use the block 60FPS option youtube will force lower resolutions now as they are no longer converting 1080p 60FPS uploads to 30FPS H264 as they move on with AV1 and WEBM... the block 60FPS mode will drop the resolutions as there is no 30 FPS conversion made above 720p any more if the file is uploaded at 60FPS... H264 4K and 1080P 60 frame rate conversions are not being done on youtubes end any more. turn off block 60FPS and youll get 1080 uploads that were created at 60FPS...
  • (2023-03-29) Alex: I like this extension a lot. Unfortunately it prevents you from selecting any quality above 1080p. This is fine for my low end hardware but not so good for my other devices. Since chrome extensions are synchronised across devices if you are logged in to the browser I always need to enable/disable the extension depending on the device I'm currently using. It would be better if it doesn't block the higher qualities even if it doesn't work for them... Maybe you could just display a little "h" icon next to the supported qualities instead of blocking the unsupported ones?
  • (2023-03-03) 王小凌: h264
  • (2023-02-20) Enes Kelleci: baya baya mükemmel
  • (2023-02-04) Lee Jones: I liked the extension but when I install it it blocks all Qualities above 1080 for me so it's essentially useless for me, BUT! I will for sure recommend this for low end hardware as it can be the difference between an old laptop playing 720p or 480p, and for videos that have text 480 makes it unreadable in most cases.
  • (2023-01-20) Shaurya Shukla: This works surprisingly well... I wasn't able to play 1080p 60 fps videos without cpu usage above 50 and lagigng out other stuff but this brought it down to 6-20 percent! Great extensions dude thank you!
  • (2022-12-13) Hüseyin Çetin: in one word awesome
  • (2022-12-06) Дмитрий Шах: Не помогает.
  • (2022-12-04) John Edward Llanes: Works perfectly on my old Chromebook with a MediaTek MT8173c processor. 1080p 60fps YouTube playback is now possible.
  • (2022-11-24) KENT: когда ютуб включен с сайта какого нибудь то можно врубить 4к 60 фпс))) и нагрузка идет на видеокарту, а просто на ютубе 1080 60 фпс максимум)) почему непонятно
  • (2022-11-21) Don't do it: This broke. Until a few days ago it was working fine, but now it is causing lag and freezing in the videos in the Opera browser.
  • (2022-11-12) Gamersfan: Работает, на Core 2 Duo T7500 и gt8600m дает ощутимое снижение загрузки ЦП, так как обработка видео частично переходит на ГПУ, можно проверить в HWiNFO64. Так же радует бонусная фишка - отключение 60 фпс, что еще больше снижает нагрузку на старое железо. На основном ПК это можно отрубить галочками, так что расширение не будет влиять на нормальный комп при синхронизации данных хрома.
  • (2022-11-09) DaMarcus Cooper: Two Words "Life Saver". Maybe have a 2K and 4K update next?
  • (2022-11-01) Jesús Gildardo Mejía Cortés: Me ayudó con mi laptop Acer nueva que en algunos videos solo salian rayas de colores y no se miraba la imagen. Ahora ya solucioné el problema y eran los drivers de video de Intel que los actualicé directo de la página de Intel y ahora todo va de maravilla.
  • (2022-10-22) Bikram Agarwal: It's very useful for less powerful systems, I guess. But be aware that enabling this disables. 2K / 4K streaming.
  • (2022-10-05) Lawrence Cheong 章朝隆: Thank you very much!
  • (2022-08-31) ᆥ: Расширение начало нагружать ПК, видимо связано с последними обновлениями Chrome
  • (2022-08-12) Naku (Naku): Thank you.
  • (2022-08-07) hahaha2020: 강제로 1080p로 만든다. 쓰레기, 삭제 ㄱㄱ
  • (2022-08-07) Prime: Mükemmel...
  • (2022-07-30) anmol: THANK YOU SO MUCH
  • (2022-07-27) corrupted: расширение снизило несколько процентов хорошее,видео загружает лучше,неплохо
  • (2022-07-22) piyawut linjongvorakul: Very good. My laptop is Broadwell, so vp9 is taxing and makes my laptop hot. This help lower the temp around 5-10 degree celsius.
  • (2022-07-11) Александр: Ещё больше грузить стало процессор. Раньше хоть было 60-100% загрузка, а теперь вечно 100% да ещё и памяти расширение отожрало. Ноль толку.
  • (2022-05-25) Rhandz Rhaven Maaghop: I am using Ryzen 3200g 8gb ram CPU usage is now below 100% while playing YouTube and a CPU-intensive game, thank you.
  • (2022-04-27) Teresa Němcová: Amazing! My old laptop has problem with playing 720p 60 FPS but with this It can play 1080p 60 FPS without any problems.
  • (2022-03-08) Sudarshan PS: Works as expected. 2k@60fps video plays in intel hd 4400 without stutter.
  • (2022-02-16) Robine9610: 4k 지원안함....
  • (2022-02-15) Денис Р: I was sure I couldn't open too many Google Sheets tabs without them crashing because 16gb ram is not enough. Turns out Youtube and its cpu usage was the problem which this extension seems to solve Thanks
  • (2022-01-16) TheRagingSound #FreePalestine: Works wonders!
  • (2022-01-08) Jay Lee: Immediately noticed a difference!
  • (2021-12-18) Sunny Ost: How have I lived without this??
  • (2021-11-26) Ard van Breemen: Suddenly youtube started to get play very bad on my RK3399 based chromebook. Obviously a chromeos update crippled the hardware accelerated vp9 playback. So now I am back to H.264
  • (2021-11-26) Mike L: thank you
  • (2021-11-19) Андрей: Ну честно сказать у меня проц старый Intel Pentium B960, мне оно не сильно помогает, скорее даже сказать совсем не помогает, нагрузка на цп бешенная 40-60%, а так по удобству настроек в розширении все отлично
  • (2021-11-16) Pierre couy: Works very well. Youtube now takes less than half the CPU it used to eat re installing this extension. Wonderful ! Thank you very much !
  • (2021-10-27) YUUMETAL: すばらしい。けど4kの動画が720pまでしか見れない。 enhanced-h264ifyも720pまで。 1440pと4kじゃ違いが分からないけど1080pと1440pじゃ画質が違うから1440か4kで見たい。 せっかくこういうの入れて軽くなるのに720pまでしか再生されないんじゃ。 vp9になってからまともに再生されないし、全画面on offするとcpu使用率が100%になっててなかなか全画面のon offが切り替わらないストレスが無くなるけど。なんで1080p以上を見れなくしてしまうかなあ。 I use dual monitor, is that why? I can watch only up to 720p.
  • (2021-09-28) Law Glorify: супер плагин. спасибо. перестал второй монитор моргать, когда ютюб включен, когда я черчу в автокаде. i3-7167U.
  • (2021-09-23) Carlos López: Hace lo que promete, (mi navegador tiene un problema con los codecs pero esto me ayudo con mi problema) asombroso.


1,000,000 history
4.554 (1,148 votes)
Last update / version
2025-02-25 / 2.0.1
Listing languages
cs en
