Description from extension meta
Pin or Unpin a tab easily from the keyboard
Image from store
Description from store
It's annoying to have to right click a tab and choose "Pin Tab," and slows down your browsing workflow. This extension seeks to solve that by adding in a simple key binding for doing just that: Pinning and Unpinning tabs while browsing.
The default key binding is Ctrl + Shift + X (or Command + Shift + X on Mac OS X).
This extension requires no special permissions and doesn't inject anything into a page, the key binding is configurable from your extensions page so you can bind this to whatever you feel comfortable typing regularly.
To edit keybindings click the menu icon in the top left to open the sidebar and select "Keyboard Shortcuts." Or, you can navigate to chrome://extensions/shortcuts with your address bar.
Once you've got it set up the way you want to get to pinning those tabs quickly and easily!
November 27, 2017 Note
I've uploaded the source for this extension (extremely small) to Github. If you're interested to see what it takes to make this thing tick check out the "tab_pinner.js" file, if you want to make changes just make a PR with your proposed update. Enjoy!
April 30, 2015 Update!
Due to another comment (I guess another will come shortly after I post this update) there is yet another new command now that allows you to PIN all tabs at once (in the current window). Now you can pin/unpin your current tab and Pin/Unpin all tabs of the current window! Hooray!
I don't think I'll be willing to add anything more to keep things quite simple; however, if more suggestions do come in and they're not very complex or fit will with what is already done then I will most likely implement them when I can.
April 24, 2015 Update!
Due to comment request (even though it was just one, but I try and take care of you guys) I've added another keyboard shortcut for unpinning all pinned times at once. No other functionality was changed so feel free to use or ignore the new feature!
Latest reviews
- (2023-05-10) Priyal Raj: THIS IS AMAZING
- (2023-03-26) Hoschen: Works great! Maybe you can add "pin all"/"unpin all" with a new key binding.
- (2023-02-22) lambodhar: Thank you so much! Works well
- (2022-09-12) JoGa Bop: been using this for years…thanks!
- (2022-06-16) Mardy Brown: Can you set it to where you just click the pin button and it pins the tab you're currently on?
- (2022-05-26) Сергей Друзь: I don't know guys bot for me is unuseful❗ I need: 1. Pin all tabs in one window. 2. Pin all tabs in all window.
- (2022-05-08) Robert Zacks: Life changer. I love this shortcut so freaking much.
- (2022-02-22) Robert Yang: Works well. How do you pin selected tabs? Example: I use Command + Click to select only a few tabs to pin, but it only let's me pin the last one that was selected.
- (2022-02-14) Alec: The default keyboard shortcut in the description Ctrl + Shift + X/Command + Shift + X wasn't set up when I downloaded it so I'm not sure when that changed. It wasn't too difficult to set it up again with chrome://extensions/shortcuts though, and I appreciate that it's open source/MIT licensed enough to earn back my star for being miffed about the description being inaccurate. Overall generally just glad this exists - I'm surprised it's not supported in Chrome by default.
- (2021-09-17) Wiki LQ (Wikii339): NICE! Exactly what I am looking for! THANKS
- (2021-08-17) Егор Кларк: Very helpful and convenient.
- (2021-07-13) Adrián Zambrano: no me sirve la extension
- (2021-07-12) Daniel Q: Works flawlessly.
- (2021-07-01) Lucas Videira: not working anymore. =/
- (2021-05-04) John Starmore: i cant believe web browsers dont have one stupid un-pin shortcut . how could this be overlooked. that i now have to add what is actually a useful extension, just to do this . good stuff. However i wish it worked in brave and dissenter browsers.
- (2021-04-08) Nasshahrudin Anuar: Nice Love It
- (2020-12-19) VIPIN BHATNAGAR: Best extension. Works best for me. Ty
- (2020-09-30) simple and useful
- (2020-09-28) Kostas Antonopoulos: Has stopped working. EDIT now works as it were.
- (2020-08-28) 拿各: Very good! This helps a lot, thank you.
- (2020-08-19) J L: great tweak for chrome!
- (2020-07-19) Kirsten Bairan: You should add PIN ALL TABS option.
- (2020-07-04) Давид Манжула: Exactly what i need! I am too lazy to use context menu to pin tab with music on youtube, now i can pin it without picking a mouse. 🤍🤍🤍
- (2020-04-09) Nick Maxwell: Exactly what I needed!! I went to Settings, scroll down to On startup - Open specific pages on startup - Added the regular URL's that I go to every time I launch Chrome - then used this tool to simply tab all as soon as it launches. Then I have all my regular pages pinned within seconds. Still have the option to pin/unpin other pages as I'm going. Props man, and also making it public to people that could alter it for future use, kudos!! I'm very happy I found this one!!
- (2020-03-29) Thommes Borg: Klein Erweiterung, die nur einen Shortcut zum An- und Ab-Pinnen von Tabs ergänz, den sicherlich viele von uns nativ in Chrome vermissen.
- (2020-02-23) Gandalf Saxe: Great extension! Why can't I map CTRL+ALT, but only CTRL+SHIFT though? Any good reason for this?
- (2020-02-12) Lucas Lopez Gularte: Does what it says, simple and practical.
- (2020-01-08) Melvin MacDonald: Incredible. I'm glad that this simple extension exists to solve such a small but significant workflow issue.
- (2019-12-08) Jon C: Easy as "1-2" : Step 1 - Install extension! Step 2 - Command + Shift + X to pin tabs! Easy to install, easy to use!
- (2019-10-24) Dawid Owoc: Cool extension. Thanks
- (2019-09-25) Max Wunderlich: All the years I spent wishing this feature existed... now I wish I'd just looked for it here! Thanks for this extension!
- (2019-07-28) Veronique de Gracia: Thank you SO much for making life easier. =] Esp. nice on a Windows laptop were you can't pin your Spotify tab after you have adjusted the volume (since the volume thing pops up and covers the selections). Not sure if that made any sense. Anyway, thanks!!
- (2019-07-23) TuanAnh Le: Stopped working after 2 days. No idea how to fix. Would have been a great extension ... if it works
- (2019-05-16) Ahmad R: Nice extension, thanks in advance :). Have a nice day
- (2019-04-12) Warren & Michele: Brilliant! Any way yet to pin all at the same time?
- (2019-04-05) James Lesser: This is a simple, lightweight app. Thanks so much!
- (2019-04-05) James Hampson: Does what it says. The shortcut when I installed was alt-shift-x as opposed to ctrl. Took me a minute to find the options - in the extensions page, then menu at the top left, keyboard shortcuts.
- (2019-02-08) J L: Does anyone know how to get to the options? When I click the icon and look at the Tab Pinner menu, the "options" item is grayed out. CTRL+SHIFT+X works though. Love the idea of this, Chrome should do this by default.
- (2019-02-07) Michał Olejniczak: Magnificent extension
- (2019-01-14) Bogdan Bershadsky: Thats awesome! Simple and really useful ;)
- (2019-01-12) Audrey J. Krumbach: Exactly what I needed. It works. Super effective.
- (2018-11-08) Nate Elmer: This extension does what Chrome should do by default. Thank you
- (2018-10-18) James Prather: I never write reviews. But for this: yes! Brandon, you brilliant, brilliant man. This is effing exceptional. I could kiss you. You saw a need and filled it. Saw it before most of us even knew the need existed. Tip of the hat, good sir! This app does everything its description says it will. It might, though, be a good idea to more prominently explain how folks can get to the Keyboard Shortcuts area. I know you've mentioned it about in review comments and the overview, but a one-time overlay or something could be great! Nevertheless, you banged this one out of the park. I hope you're proud. And THANK YOU.
- (2018-04-27) Nikita Leung: Work effortlessly. Thanks!
- (2017-09-20) Michael Amico: The app works great! I've been using it for months. This shortcut is so handy. Use everyday multiple time per day. Much easier and quicker than right click mouse pin.
- (2017-07-29) Was looking for this hotkey for so long. Thanks.
- (2017-04-21) Júnior Silva: You could add a function and a shortcut to close the pin tab without needing unpin to close it. My English is bad, I used Google Translate, I hope you understand. The extension is very good! All I wanted! Great job! Thanks for developing, very useful extension!
- (2017-02-24) Jose Herrera: works exactly as advertised love it so far, will update this if its unstable ;)
- (2016-11-22) Dulce Alcaraz: GREAT OMG!! YES I SO NEED THIS AT WORK! LUV IIIIIT <3
- (2016-11-14) Rob Starbuck: It does do EXACTLY what it says on the tin. Thanks Brandon.