extension ExtPose

JIRA Template Injector

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Description from extension meta

The description field of new JIRA issues will automatically be populated with a template relevant to the issue type

Image from store JIRA Template Injector
Description from store This extension automatically inserts a template of your choosing into the JIRA Create Issue Description field. The template injected is relative to the selected "Project" and “Issue Type” within the Create Issue modal on JIRA. On initial install a default list of templates are pre populated for you. These can easily be removed/restored at any time. By default the extension works for cloud hosted JIRA instances (*.atlassian.net domains). If you are using a self hosted JIRA instance or a custom domain, you may add your own custom domains for the extension to check against. You may also add any custom input IDs for which you would like your templates to be injected into. You can add templates individually, or bulk add them through a local or remote json file. See Support & FAQ for an example JSON file. Features: * Automatically select text between <TI> and </TI> tags for quick template completion. * Quickly jump to the next set of <TI> elements using the 'Control + back-tick' key combo. * Template Priorities. * The default template (no Issue Type and no Projects specified) will be used for all Issue Types and Projects. * Templates with Projects and no Issue Type will override the default template. * Templates with Issue Type and no Projects will override templates with Projects and no Issue Type. * Templates with Issue Type and Projects will override all other templates. * Templates are synced across devices. * Configure once, use on all chrome devices that support extensions! * Reload default templates with one click. * Load templates from url (json file). * Host a single json file and have everyone use the same templates. * Load templates from local file (json). Easily share templates with other users. * Add/Remove/Edit individual templates. * Add/Remove custom domains. * Domains (including subdomains) the extension should run on to inject the templates. * Limit interface options (To keep templates consistent across users) * Current limit options are: * "all" -> disable all interface actions except reload default * "url" -> disable loading of json from url * "file" -> disable loading of json from local file * "clear" -> disable clearing of all templates * "delete" -> disable deleting single template * "save" -> disable saving/updating single template * "add" -> disable add new template menu * "add-custom" -> disable adding custom template * "add-default" -> disable adding default template * "add-domain" -> disable adding additional domains * Export Templates to JSON file. Easily share template JSON file.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-09-14) Dan Barker: Doesnt work in 2023
  • (2023-01-20) Daniel Jorge Hernández Rivero: Great plugin! Saves our team loads of time!
  • (2022-07-13) I like the configuration and its easy to use to define different predefined templates for bug reporting and more
  • (2022-04-13) Dawid W: Please update the extension. After the last update jira doesn't work. Thx
  • (2022-03-01) Adrien Degrange: Hi there! I really love this extension, such a gain of productivity! However, it looks like it's been malfunctioning since a recent JIRA UI update (1-2 months ago I'd say). Is it something you noticed on your end? Regards,
  • (2022-02-24) Michael Youngblood: this is something that should be built into the core of Jira itself. Kudos
  • (2022-02-17) Shaston McNaspy: I loved this until recently. The extension stopped worked when Jira updated their create ticket design. Wonder if this app requires an update to adapt to that.
  • (2021-10-28) LOVE 7: easy, fast, pro
  • (2021-10-09) sidney chao: easy and fast
  • (2021-07-14) Isaac Montaine: What a time saver, shame on whoever rated this extension less than 6 stars
  • (2021-06-21) Afifa Habchi: It's very helpful. It allow teams to have standards tasks. I've just changed a job and tried to use the Add-On with an older version of Jira (v6.0.1) and I can`t get it working. Does it work only with newer version of Jira? Is there any possibility to get it running with Jira versions < 7? Tkank you in advance.
  • (2020-04-16) 5 stars if inject the template on substasks modal openning -- the extension would be better if it detects that the issue (subtask) modal is already filled with the issue type from previous submit. I have to clean the field and re-enter same issue type to get the template working.
  • (2020-03-12) Peter Jim: Kind of makes you wish that Atlassian did it themselves - its' a feature that should just be there.
  • (2020-02-11) blah blah: awesome application for my my thanks for author)
  • (2020-02-11) Still getting the hang of it, but very simple and seems very powerful
  • (2020-02-06) Beardy: Doesnt work for me.. Im using custom URL: https://jira.company-tech.com And the templates do not work
  • (2019-10-31) Anette Robinson: It works just okay. It just erased my default template and I now I have to re-create that including all of the markup which doesn't carry over from the editor., It also never uses the default even though I set that up in the beginning that a story should be the default.
  • (2019-08-29) Markus Schulz: Wonderful enhancement for my workflow. Thank you!!! It would be great, if the injection of the templates would work in 'visual' mode as well.
  • (2019-05-31) Sienna Blumstengel: My favourite Chrome extension ever. Saves so much time, and I recommend it to everyone. It has encouraged other to have better ticket writing practices, which really benefits everyone!!
  • (2019-04-11) Herrie Abbink: Great! Simple and useful :-)
  • (2019-03-07) It uses always the wrong template. I have story in JIRA selected. Then I change to Bug it loads again the story template. Then I change to Epic and it loads the Bug template Then I change to Task and it loads the Epic template
  • (2018-08-25) Ashish B.: just amazing, keeps me and my team in check. Thank you
  • (2017-10-24) Shawn Evans: It would be nice to be able to have multiple templates for ticket types and prompting you for which one to use. We have different templates for screen bugs vs report bugs.
  • (2017-10-10) Manuel ruiz: good
  • (2017-04-05) Jason Johnson: Extension does not function. Templates are not auto inserted into the description field. If you copy/paste them, the hot key functionality doesn't work either.
  • (2017-01-27) Tiko Lakin: WOW!, It's exiting! Thanks guys for so helpful extension!

Latest issues

  • (2023-08-17, v:1.2.5) Norman Hills: No longer works with jira cloud
    Doesn't work, pity, any chance of an update. Current behaviour, no matter how you setup templates nothing is being injected into the description field
  • (2023-06-22, v:1.2.5) Tamar Eldad: option to insert the template after description
    Hi, The extension is great and we are planning to work with it. We noticed that when we open a new item and add text in the description we do not get the template - only if the description was left empty. Is that intentional? we would love to have it paste the template under the user inserted text.
  • (2022-06-27, v:1.2.5) Paul Clarke: Jira Template Injector not working anymore
    Hi, the Jira Template Injector is no longer working. Could be since we're using a new version of Jira.
  • (2022-03-24, v:1.2.5) Dennis Torculas: JTI Not working
    JTI all of a sudden stopped working for us
  • (2022-03-02, v:1.2.5) Jelad Salik: Template not working with new Jira updates
    Will there be a update to the jira template injector so it works with the recent updates to Jira?
  • (2022-02-07, v:1.2.5) Kristina Longobardo: Compatibility with New Jira Issue View
    Hello, Will there be an update to Jira Template Injector so that it will populate with the new Jira issue view? Is there some type of configuration that can be done with the json file to allow compatibility?
  • (2022-01-21, v:1.2.5) Lisa Fischer-Wade: Jira Template Injector not working
    It appears a recent Jira change has caused the Jira Template Injector to stop working. Are there any plans to update this to work again?
  • (2022-01-06, v:1.2.5) Krasto Milchev: Jira UI change
    Heya, Jira changed the UI when you create items. The templates are not being injected now. Have a great rest of your day!
  • (2021-04-07, v:1.2.5) Sofie Hermansen: Always one issue type behind
    When I go to Create an issue, nothing is injected in the Description even though an issue type is chosen to begin with. When I then change the issue type, something is injected in the Description, but it relates to the previous issue type. If I change issue type again, the Description then changes to the previous issue type again.
  • (2020-04-02, v:1.2.5) Kelly Thompson: Issue type injecting different template
    Story template not defaulting in description field when creating new issue type if story. Selecting issue type of EPIC in JIRA is injecting the story template and then when switcht to story issue type, injector is injecting EPIC template.
  • (2020-03-20, v:1.2.5) André Angelantoni: Internal URL not working for me
    Hi, I've modified the Task template and added an in-house URL in the following form: https://jira.<customerdomain>.com I then clicked the + button, closed the extension settings dialog and the Jira page redraws. When I click the "Create" button, the ticket dialog appears with the Type drop-down already filled with "Task." However, the description field does not contain the content of the template. Is this function currently working? Cheers, André
  • (2020-01-07, v:1.2.5) Cesar Ojeda: how to use on windows
    Ctrl + back-tick does not work when I'm using this on a windows computer, works as expected on a mac.
  • (2019-04-09, v:1.2.5) Sven Fröhlich: Hello,
    In Jira, the item ID for the issue dialog has changed. In version Jira V7.13.0, the element ID "prefillable-create-issue-dialog" is used. After the change in the jti_content.js script, it works fine. Code: function observeDocumentBody (mutation) { if (document.getElementById('prefillable-create-issue-dialog') !== null || ......
  • (2019-01-29, v:1.2.5) Do all the users of jira have to have the plug in installed for this to work?
    Hi I installed this in my chrome, do all the other jira users have to have this intalled in their chromes too for the templates to appear?
  • (2018-12-19, v:1.2.5) Mathias Binder: Does not work on selfhosted instance
    Tried this plugin on a self hosted instance. Therefore i've configured the domain of my instance, created a template based on the documentation and examples and uploaded it. When i now create a new Issue, nothings happens. Beyond that, the plugin changes the behavior of fields (converts pulldown menus to multiple choice fields).
  • (2018-06-01, v:1.2.5) David Skindell: Custom domain not working
    Our Company's JIRA url is: https://jira-agile.<company>.net:8443/... Configured the plugin with the custom domain of: <company>.net JIRA opened, Bug created, nothing
  • (2017-10-02, v:1.2.2) Shawn Evans: Multiple templates
    It would be nice to be able to have multiple templates for issue types. We have different templates for different bugs and it would be nice to have it pop up if there are multiples for a type and allow a user to pick i.e. 1. Bug - Report 2. Bug - Screen 3. Bug - Foo
  • (2017-04-05, v:1.2.0) Does nothing
    Extension installed - jira opened - Bug created - nothing
  • (2017-04-05, v:1.2.0) Jason Johnson: Not working
    I have a fancy Jira Template Injector menu from the extension icon, but zero functionality while creating issues in Jira.


3,000 history
4.2647 (34 votes)
Last update / version
2021-05-16 / 1.2.5
Listing languages
