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A beautiful Google Chrome extension manager to turn on/off other extensions quickly and easily without leaving your current tab
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Description from store
A beautiful Google Chrome extension manager to turn on/off other extensions quickly and easily without leaving your current tab.
Make useful profiles which can turn on/off multiple extensions with one click. Have one for shopping which activates discount finding extensions or a profile for web developers who can activate colour palettes, debuggers, browser reloaders etc.
Latest reviews
- (2024-03-25) Georges Peng: 很丑而且又很刺眼。
- (2023-09-16) Yael S.: essential.
- (2023-09-15) Akihisa Toyota: 使いやすく、目的がシンプルな拡張機能管理ツールです。グループ機能により、複数の拡張機能を一度に有効または無効に切り替えることができるため、大変便利です。 ただし、バグがあります。作成したグループに属する拡張機能がアンインストールされると、そのグループは編集できなくなります。この点は残念。 English: This extension manager tool is easy to use and has a simple purpose. The group function is very useful because it allows you to enable or disable multiple extensions at once. However, there is a bug. If an extension that belongs to a group is uninstalled, the group cannot be edited. This is a pity.
- (2023-08-05) Rainer Großmann: Wirklich gute Erweiterung. Das Einzige, was mir fehlt, ist eine Option, das farbenfrohe Icon der App anzupassen.
- (2023-06-03) Samuele gg: Molto utile, una delle migliori provate, indispensabile. Interfaccia semplice, chiara, colorata; icona ben visibile sulla barra; presenti i contatori attive/disattive; presenti tasti di collegamento rapido alla pagina Web store di ogni estensione e tasto per rimuoverla; possibilità di creare gruppi che appaiono come tag, ma per l'aggiunta è assente una barra di ricerca e il tasto seleziona tutti. Sarebbe poi utile inserire in scelta rapida di ogni estensione i tasti: mostra/nascondi (blocca/sblocca) sulla barra e preferiti. Very useful, one of the best tested, indispensable. Simple, clear, colorful interface; clearly visible icon on the bar; the active/deactivate counters are present; present shortcut keys to the Web store page of each extension and key to remove it; ability to create groups that appear as tags, but for adding there is no search bar and the button selects all. It would then be useful to insert the keys in the shortcut of each extension: hide/show (lock/unlock) on the bar and favorites.
- (2023-06-03) Daniel Vespa: funciona excelente, pese a que no se haya actualizado en años, sigue trabajando muy bien
- (2023-05-15) Michael Brandt: My daily sometimes hourly battle with turning extensions ON/OFF has always been one of my biggest headaches. THANK you for this amazing tool!
- (2023-05-10) giiska e: Great extension, I used another one but it became bugly as Chrome upgrads. A small feature request: Can you provide order Inactive extensions by operated date (I want recent disabled extension be on the top) ? Thanks.
- (2023-05-01) 平井伸治: 拡張機能のオン・オフ設定とグループ作成が可能。 グループは、ツールバー上のアイコンクリックで表示されるポップアップ上で切り替える。 グループは現在アクティブなものに、追加で可能とする形。丸ごと入れ替わる形では無いので最初はとまどった。 上に表示される検索欄が邪魔。オプションで表示有無が変更できるとよいと思う。 グループ切り替えでツールバーまでマウス移動が手間。
- (2023-04-27) Gen G: Pretty good but creating groups is a little constrained. There is no way to search when adding to a group. However, I like the ability to toggle the groups on and off at the same time.
- (2023-04-14) Gilles Migliori (migli): Very useful, nice and straightforward UI, Thanks for developing this
- (2023-03-05) Lucio Amorim: Excelente para quem usa extensões diferentes que conflitam entre si ou que não precisam ser carregadas o tempo todo, a opção de poder agrupá-las e poder ligar/desligar o grupo todo de uma vez é fantástica! 10/10!
- (2023-03-04) Harsh Malakar: impressive.
- (2023-02-28) Jay Long: I have removed this extension once already due to one fault. The extension loses the ability to edit groups. I think this happens when you delete a member of a group and possibly the extension cannot refresh the group members to remove the deleted extension. This rating would go from one star to five if groups could be edited.
- (2023-02-22) TNS: Not that useful
- (2023-02-08) Krishna Ankit: As someone with lots of extensions, this is very helpful!
- (2023-02-01) Tuan Tran: make a ("pin") extentions feature please!, - and recently installs tab, - add "button" in main menu or "search" extentions to add to groups
- (2022-12-19) Frank Fletcher: One of the best extension managers I've found ... BUT it has serious bugs. I can't edit the first extension group anymore. All the others are ok and I can probably duplicate it, but meh. Other than that, it does groups better than any other extension. I have extensify installed as well and it's the best for quick changes, but it won't sync my groups across my computers like this one. It gives me some junk excuse about how I have too many extensions. ;)
- (2022-12-07) Tptogiar T: 只能在创建组的时候选择组内的扩展,组别创建完成后就修改不了了
- (2022-11-03) 끼니와새참: 최고!!!
- (2022-10-24) Dream Koala: Хочется наличие Dark Mode и возможность уменьшать окно. Оно слишком большое,.
- (2022-08-28) 司马子长: please add a search bar when creating groups, thanks
- (2022-08-11) dan smith: Can't edit a group once created. Moving on to yet another extension manager…
- (2022-06-11) Avi Creations: well organised extension app that i was looking for .... thanks !
- (2022-06-06) way pi: SimpleExtManager is preferable
- (2022-05-24) F LI: 相对之前用的那些好很多(那些好评怎么来了都懂),还是google官方认证的feature的好。
- (2022-05-15) Grant Peters: Works grate! No ads.
- (2022-05-03) Angello Cabezas Valle: Estéticamente podría cambiar: - Modo oscuro - Vista solo icono Nuevas funciones: - Separar por grupos (aparte de poder crear grupos, podrían verse para recordar que active y si decido desactivarlo por esta vez) - Activación automática por url (Si estoy en yt me activa ciertas extensiones, pero si estoy en otra pagina que me las desactive) Aesthetically it could change: - Dark mode - Icon only view New functions: - Separate by groups (apart from being able to create groups, they could be seen to remember to activate and if I decide to disable it this time). - Automatic activation by url (If I'm in yt activates certain extensions, but if I'm on another page that I disable them)
- (2022-05-01) Игорь Лузин: Неплохо. Если бы можно было еще закреплять/откреплять расширения на панели инструментов, как во встроенном в Chrome менеджере, было бы отлично.
- (2022-02-21) Tech Lucky: has no option of searching or opening web store...
- (2022-02-12) alaska Canyon: please add auto state : enable and disable group of extension by url automatically
- (2022-02-02) josh wanner: My drop down popup window is too short when clicking it... How can I fix this?
- (2022-01-29) Rob Penfold: I find this a very useful extension thanks. A couple of suggestions for improvement: 1. When you find an installed extension by searching for it, it would be useful to have a keyboard option to toggle then extension on or off 2. When I open a group, all of the extensions become active but many are hidden as not pinned. Anyway to make the default to being pinned?
- (2022-01-02) Shawn Green: Everything you could possibly want in an extension manager.
- (2021-12-02) Second Life Around: FINALLY, a well-designed, full functioning extensions manager!
- (2021-09-08) Myth Trần: Nice
- (2021-05-22) DiamondEggs: 很好用,而且图标看起来很不错
- (2021-05-15) Shawn Huang: 很好用功能很多 而且設計好看
- (2021-03-09) J. A.: Really simple, colorful, easy to find and operate! I love this extension so hard. It's like a flower next to my search bar, easy to see to locate. This is 4 clicks or less programming here. Bravo!
- (2021-02-04) Drew Kerrigan: Amazing, just what I needed, great experience so far.
- (2021-01-28) Bubble Be: What's this used for? Image that you are using the laptop on battery mode and you try to get as long battery life as possible, you can use this extention to create an energy mode which only include few necessary extension including ad free, translator, and so on. When you sit to somewhere and plug the power, then you can enable all the entensions. This is what this extension can provided!
- (2021-01-07) Tom Holmes: It's the best i could find.. but Developer if you're reading this please check some things: If you have 2 completely different extensions which happen to have the same generic name (such as Screen Recorder) then it causes a conflict. I have 2x screen recorder extensions both titled "Screen Recorder" and grouping them does not work because when selecting one the other will be selected etc. Also when editing group please add search function. However I really like the idea of this extension and will continue using despite this. I just hope it gets fixed.
- (2020-12-27) P N: J'utilise ça avec Kiwi sur Android. C'est super pratique, ça permet de créer des sortes de profiles, pour activer seulement les extensions dont on a besoin pour une tâche spécifique, et économiser de la mémoire. Mais est-ce qu'il y a une fonction sync en nuage?
- (2020-11-16) Roman Andreevich: Good work!
- (2020-11-08) Iván Carlos Saucedo: Esta bien, pero debería de haber una opción que permita fijar la extensión.
- (2020-10-23) Smooth Operator: Eine der besten Erweiterungen überhaupt. Ich verwende sie seit Jahren. Apps mit ein Mausklick aktivieren/deaktivieren Super
- (2020-10-17) 弘毅WHY: please support Chinese group name
- (2020-10-02) Spyros Pappas: great little extension, much cleaner and easier to use
- (2020-09-22) Евгений Сковородин: спасибо прекрасное дополнение!!!!!!
- (2020-08-17) Umar Mohammad Nadeem: Great but can have a lite mode which removes some stuff to get a cleaner UI