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PixelBlock is a Gmail extension that blocks people from tracking when you open their emails.

Image from store PixelBlock
Description from store PixelBlock is an Gmail extension that blocks email tracking attempts used to detect when you open and read emails. PixelBlock displays a 'red eye' when it finds and blocks a tracking attempt inside of an email.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-11-09) Chris Fane: Blocks all images in Gmail now. Abandoned by developer. Was great while it lasted.
  • (2023-11-08) Erik Sealy: Used it for years, Now images are being blocked even when they are allowed, have to disable it to see images at all now.
  • (2023-11-08) Benoît H.: Outdated, icon not showing up anymore and all images in emails are blocked
  • (2023-11-07) Kevin Rooney: Echoing others. Used to be great (5 stars). Worked effectively for years. It now blocks ALL IMAGES in Gmail. I had to disable it. I hope they fix it.
  • (2023-11-06) RCM: Used to be a good extension. Now it breaks all images in Gmail. Nice fail, been using for years and now it's junk.
  • (2023-11-05) Thomas Paquet: I've used this extension for a VERY long time. As others have noted, something broke due to either Google/Extension around Nov 1, 2023. No word from the dev, so moving over to this Email Privacy Protector https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/email-privacy-protector-i/ocodabmcnjfjeioonacpommjjlmhbccg/related
  • (2023-11-04) Benjamin: currently blocking ALL images. will remove this review once it's fixed.
  • (2023-11-04) Andrea Nelson Mauro: Suddenly started blocking mostly everything in every email (Nov 2023), had to disable.
  • (2023-11-03) Paul Moon: Needs to be suspended from the Chrome Web Store as it blocks ALL images from appearing in ALL incoming Gmail messages.
  • (2023-11-01) Jim Kramer: Suddenly started blocking mostly everything in every email (Nov 2023), had to disable.
  • (2023-09-08) Hanz Jack: Great browser extension, works as it should.
  • (2023-04-05) Clemens Ratte-Polle: you should add your addons name PixelBlock by the mouseover info :)
  • (2023-01-18) ほしこ: works perfectly
  • (2022-02-13) Sebastian: works great, no complaint. nice work and thanks!
  • (2021-12-27) Benjamin: Currently working as tested with Mailtrack. Thank you.
  • (2021-06-09) Reuben Fir: Used to work well but now I can't see the "crossed red-eye" icon. It used to reassure me that it's doing it's job. Any idea @Omar Qureshi?
  • (2020-11-25) Thomas Borjon: This is a great addition to any browser in the age of political ad targeting. Everyone should install it.
  • (2020-11-10) Görkem Doğan: Can't see the red eye anymore after switching between my accounts on the same device.
  • (2020-10-24) Nate Erb: Still great after all these years. Thanks Omar.
  • (2020-09-02) Francesco Basile: Ma non si leggono i nomi dei traking bloccati
  • (2020-02-21) Cait C: I don't actually have a way to verify whether or not this works as intended, but I do see the red icon letting me know that trackers are detected, and it doesn't seem to have any negative impact on the format of my emails.
  • (2020-01-21) Mariano JVK: I have been using this for about 4 days and it has shown which Amazon sellers and their "backers" who is watching where I forward a mail. I like to protect our IP addresses and more. Thank you to the developer and will be more aware now.
  • (2019-10-31) omri suissa: please add support to outlook.office.com as well
  • (2019-09-18) Matt Curless: From a display standpoint, PixelBlock is easy to understand and takes not effort on the user other than a simple install. The reason for the low review is due to PixelBlock clearly not working after basic user testing. I installed PixelBlock on my primary email account; Under a secondary, external account, I installed a free email tracker -- in this case Mailtrack -- and sent my primary account a tracked email; Immediately after opening the tracked email from the primary account, the secondary account received a response that the email had been opened. This was tested 3x for basic consistency. I've emailed the developer (omar.w.qureshi [at] gmail.com) a screenshot showing one occurrence to help their team (as well as clearly describing above with app used); however, I will be uninstalling PixelBlock as it clearly does not work as designed.
  • (2019-09-15) Sean Burton: on every email it says that it blocked tracking but that the source was unknown. all its done so far is block pictures in emails from restraints and my work emails.
  • (2019-08-29) Alfredo Villarreal: I still do not see the "red eye" on the new gmail. Will this be fixed soon? Also, is there an easy way to "turn on" the images I want on a specific email? There are some emails I want to see everything. What I was hoping for is a simple option, on say the "red eye" that gives me the option to suspend the blocking just for that email.
  • (2019-08-27) Stijn Peeters: Does not work. Tested with Acymailing and it was able to track my email back without any notice from the extension.
  • (2019-07-11) Andrey Andreevich: Приложение не работает, автор не выходит на связь. Возможно, что оно скомпрометировано.
  • (2019-06-12) Francisco Eduardo Gordillo Rodriguez: Hi, How did i know if the app works, in the eye of the email tracker shows 1791 mails blocked but that number havent move since 1 month ago and nor sure if the blocker still working
  • (2019-05-05) Dixons Designs: Just doesn't work unfortunately
  • (2019-04-19) Ian Gauldin: Used for years, never had issues. Thanks!
  • (2019-04-02) I'm not a techie, so I don't really know how to determine of it prevents the tracking like advertised. But if I assume it does, then I still have to turn it off because it breaks images in emails I receive from trusted sources.
  • (2019-02-25) No longer works for the last couple of weeks. It shows the red eye, that trackers exist but still load them and notify the sender. I know because I sometimes add trackers myself and since the last few weeks it started showing me open notifications for my own emails when I open them, something that didn't use to happen before.
  • (2019-02-16) Rohit Tikmany: 5 stars for working all this while.... BUT IT HAS STOPPED WORKING TODAY. I use Streak to track outgoing email and Pixelblock to block tracking on incoming .... Till today, whenever I opened an email Sent by me (hence tracked by Streak), a "seen" would not get registered because PixelBlock would block Streak's tracking attempt. This is no longer working. Streak registers a "seen" when I see my own sent email (purportedly protected by pixelblock). Ergo, pixelblock has stopped functioning. Please fix.
  • (2019-01-28) Mikael Manukyan: Using this extension for many years, works great. However, I have few questions/suggestions: 1) In the new Gmail eye icon is not shown, however, pixel trackers are still blocked. Will be nice to have the eye icon back. 2) Why does this extension requires access to all website? I limited it to https://mail.google.com/* and it still works.
  • (2019-01-17) Ryan Ratkowski: They break all of my ad images when using Google Ads. I have to disable it from Chrome to manage my paid search campaigns.
  • (2018-10-16) Shubham Sharma: Hi PixelBlock Team, This has reference to the receiving of mail from one of my known person and it seems to be a tracking one. The mail included a button texted as "click here to open few message" and clicking on the same resulted into opening of various links. It totally seems to some kinda malware/ hidden app to track my account and phone. Found no help from PixelBlock on this. Please do suggest in order to be clear on this. Thanks Shubham Sharma
  • (2018-10-01) Melannie Hay: No longer working with the new gmail
  • (2018-09-23) Jean Marc Lavoie: Just downloaded the latest version and tried this extension for the first time. I sent a message with tracking to myself from another of my email addresses. When I checked the email, Pixelblock said that that the tracking had been blocked. BUT when I went back to the email address I sent from, I still received notification that the message was opened.
  • (2018-08-30) Jijo Jose: Why does extension needs to read the browsing history?
  • (2018-08-11) Frank Blum: Having the same problem as David Rosas below - images appear, disappear and then sometimes reappear when message is reloaded - added extension Aug 10
  • (2018-08-07) Christopher Bolin: Version: 2018.08.01 Updated: July 31, 2018 The new gmail support is better - but it is still not working correctly. If you have message preview on and you go back and forth between emails the images often show but they will disappear. Occasionally in some emails they don't show at all.
  • (2018-08-02) Lorne Wolf MacKenzie: Is quite interesting to see how many TRACKERS are involved online nowadays! Lately have been seeing this show how many Spam/Phishing emails although not playing the agme of responding are using such tactics to tell if they have a valid target. This should keep them guessing!
  • (2018-07-23) Jerry Asher: It could be helpful, but extension is clearly broken if "always show images" in gmail results in pixelblock showing only broken image icons.
  • (2018-06-20) Jeff Matherne: Used to work well, however, with the new version of gmail it blocks all images from loading. I am using the most recent version of the app.
  • (2018-06-17) Dima Shevchuk: Started blocking inline images in new Gmail interface
  • (2018-06-14) Jip Borsje: It recently started blocking pictures from loading

Latest issues

  • (2024-02-14, v:2023.12.13) Peter Sward: Pixelblock stops gmail showing images as of today.
    Pixelblock stops gmail showing images as of today. Chrome and Gmail. Windows 10. Disabling Pixelblock restores the functionality.
  • (2023-11-11, v:2019.04.09) Ibra OfBrooklyn: COME BACK PLEASE!!!
    WE NEED YOU ..
  • (2023-11-09, v:2019.04.09) Gareth Whitcombe: Blocks Displaying Images Within GMail
    Whenever I try to view an email within gmail all my images get blocked. As soon as this extension is turned off all of my images work with no further issues until I re-enable the extension
  • (2023-11-05, v:2019.04.09) Thomas Paquet: Extension No Longer Working
    I've used this extension for a VERY long time. As others have noted, something broke due to either Google/Extension around Nov 1, 2023. No word from the dev, so moving over to this Email Privacy Protector https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/email-privacy-protector-i/ocodabmcnjfjeioonacpommjjlmhbccg/related
  • (2023-11-04, v:2019.04.09) Susan LaKosh: PixelBlock preventing all embedded images from showing in gmail
    This just started a week ago. Embedded images show as an icon with words. For example, emails from stores don't show any images, so the email is useless. No pictures or logos in any emails. Rebooting, current updates, did not resolve the issue. I thought it was due to a chrome update. But have same issue in gmail on EDGE. Could see images in same emails sent to outlook mail from gmail, so not the emails.. Finally started turning off chrome extensions one by one. PixelBlock seems to be the culprit. Turn it on, no images show. Turn it off, problem goes away. All my other active extensions don't cause the problem. Lenove x1 yoga, win 10, 32G memory, Spectrum internet with same as usual speedtest.
  • (2023-11-03, v:2019.04.09) Pie Dev: PixelBlock is blocking all images
    As of yesterday pixelblock is blocking all images in gmail now.
  • (2023-11-02, v:2019.04.09) Elizabeth Bradley: Blocking Everything! Help!
    Hello! This was fantastic extension for years until this month! You've updated something that went wrong and now it's blocking important images, emails, etc! I disabled by deduction but would love to get this back up and running as soon as you get it sorted. Please let me know! Thanks again!
  • (2023-11-02, v:2019.04.09) Matt Walick: Extension is causing ALL images to be blocked in gmail, not just the pixel.
    Extension is causing ALL images to be blocked in gmail, not just the pixel. Disabling the extension allows me to see images normally. Please fix this!
  • (2023-11-02, v:2019.04.09) Joel Taggart: Blocking Images
    Fix your extension. It's blocking images in Gmail
  • (2023-10-31, v:2019.04.09) Peter Sward: Pixel block and Gmail
    Gmail suddenly stopped showing images with pixelblock enabled. Started today. Disabling pixelblock allows the images to show. Chrome on Windows 10.
  • (2023-04-18, v:2019.04.09) Dylan Barsby: Hubspot and pixelblock
    Does Hubspot gmail integration block pixelblock?
  • (2022-08-08, v:2019.04.09) Robert: No way to unblock
    I don't see a way to unblock a certain sender or email. I received a newsletter with the red eye over it indicating there was 1 tracking pixel and it blocked all of the images in the email which is unhelpful. I'm really only looking to block tracking pixels from individual senders.
  • (2022-04-12, v:2019.04.09) tony: Not working
    I had an email sender confirm that I opened an email even though there was a red eye on the email.
  • (2021-02-12, v:2019.04.09) Tammy McCrae-Coley: multiple gmail accounts
    I have several gmail acounts that flow from the original account How can I get pixel blocker to be present on all the gmail accounts and just not 1? I have not been able to find out how to do that.
  • (2020-09-24, v:2019.04.09) Khalad Goheer: How can I add PixelBlock as an extension?
    I cannot find a way to add this as an extension to Edge
  • (2020-09-12, v:2019.04.09) sergio han: Source Code and Privacy
    Is your code on github? and more info on privacy policy? Thanks
  • (2020-06-23, v:2019.04.09) Edu: Firefox
    Would love to see a Firefox version. Cheers!!
  • (2020-04-22, v:2019.04.09) santiago guzman: funcion
    no en cuentro tutoriales como funciona esta aplicacion.
  • (2020-03-02, v:2019.04.09) Yoel N: Your extension blocks extension checker-plus-for-gmail
    Your extension blocks me this extension https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/checker-plus-for-gmail/oeopbcgkkoapgobdbedcemjljbihmemj?hl=he
  • (2019-12-07, v:2019.04.09) Francesco Basile: help
    Hello I ask you and can you know the names of the traker blocked by Pixelblock and the logo with the immine of the traker blocked ? Can you add these functions that are important for users? Thank you, I'll wait for your email
  • (2019-11-30, v:2019.04.09) Robert H Weinstein: Allow disabling for a specific email addresses...
    I use the chrome app "MailTrack.IO" and I do wish my emails to be tracked when I send them. I get information when they are opened but it appears your app blocks it? I do not wish to block the emails that are tracked by the above app ?
  • (2019-11-26, v:2019.04.09) Rasha Omar: It's not working
    I installed the app, however, every time I open an email, it shows via email tracker that it was opened, so it's not really working!
  • (2019-11-15, v:2019.04.09) Emails keep having issues with plugin installed
    Hi, My gmail is having issues sending emails and connecting properly when I have this plugin activated.
  • (2019-10-15, v:2019.04.09) Kwun-Lok Ng: CSS conflicts
    We found there's a css rule (.fade { opacity: 0} ) in your plugin, that has been having serious conflicts with other plugins, that caused some important items to be not showing. Shall you rename the class name for this particular one as it is too generic. Thanks!
  • (2019-09-19, v:2019.04.09) Ray Lian: PixelBlock not showing Eye icon in incognito mode
    Hi, I enabled incognito mode for PixelBlock, but when I open gmail in incognito mode, PixelBlock does not show the eye icon anymore. Does this mean it's not working?
  • (2019-08-06, v:2019.04.09) Kathleen Wattle: If you click "Display Images Below" and it does not display the images, how to remedy?
    Clicked that option and instead only placeholder tiny thumbnails or text blocks were displayed in email (should have been maps according to the email content). So how can you make pixelblock display what it suppressed so you can view the images in an email? Any way to reverse your initial choice? Also once you click that option (or the other "Always display images from [email protected]") it seems that the options disappear from that email and you cannot reverse or revise your choice. Is that the case or is there a way to make the options reappear so you can reset to the choice you really want?
  • (2019-08-03, v:2019.04.09) Tom Avitan: Doesn't work for mailtrack.io
    Hey guys, I've tested it on myself, it says mailtrack.io was blocked, but I was able to track myself anyway. Any suggestions? :(
  • (2019-07-31, v:2019.04.09) ELIZABETH Young: unknown
    Hello can you explain what this address means contacted my employer thought it was something to do with there email but they said no. Blocked 1 tracking attempt source Unknown https://s3.amazonaws.com/mailtrack-signature/sender_notified.gif
  • (2019-07-11, v:2019.04.09) Jorge Collado: It Pixel blocking ? It Working?
    I don't know if the extention is working or not.it Pixel working even is not showing the close eye.Some time it show the icon in Color and some in black and white ? I have selected the option on mail.Google.com
  • (2019-07-07, v:2019.04.09) Sunnyorlando: Thank you and....
    Is there a version of this for Android? Id like to add the same function to my Gmail in android since I often open there if I'm not at my desktop.


90,000 history
3.6605 (215 votes)
Last update / version
2024-03-12 / 2024.03.12
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