Description from extension meta
Bundles - Shows games which are already in your library. - Shows approximate value of trading cards received. Giveaways - Dark…
Image from store
Description from store
- Shows games which are already in your library.
- Shows approximate value of trading cards received.
- Dark mode.
- Infinite scroll.
- Quick entry.
- Hides games which are already in your library.
- Hide already entered giveaways.
- Hide unwanted games (blacklist).
- Hide giveaways above your level.
- Add link to games steam page.
- Current IG Silver always displayed up top right.
- Hides games which are already in your library.
- Replaced ‘Read More’ with link to games steam page.
- Hide Unwanted games.
- Activate Steam games from library.
- Open Steam activate game window from library.
- Auto copy key when clicked.
Latest reviews
- (2023-04-29) TNS: Now it's just a liability, all giveaways are now just hidden. And this app has been long discontinued, last updated on March 2021, so expecting any impovements/fixes are pointless.
- (2023-03-22) Александр: Infinite scroll is broken.
- (2023-02-16) Beshoy Raafat: not working with infinite scroll anymore
- (2023-02-16) Aeo: Since 02-16-23, using the blacklist app feature causes the giveaways to not work at all and only show one giveaway. All works perfectly before the said date. Edit: App is just busted or maybe it's just on my end. But Infinite Scroll doesn't work properly anymore either. With or without use of the Blacklist feature.
- (2023-02-14) Paulo Monteiro: It's blocking Indiegala giveaways. Needs to be updated. With it enabled i don't get results, but disabling i see giveways. It was working a few days ago.
- (2022-12-02) Дмитрий Степнов: This is a great extension that greatly simplifies the use of the site. But after installing it on a clean version of the browser, I ran into a strange problem - the extension hides all giveaways above level 0, although I have level 6. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find a way to fix this yet
- (2022-04-30) Се́рджо П.: Обновите , не работает
- (2022-04-20) Sérgio Oliveira: It's a great help but it breaks every other day. It starts working again after a reinstall, but there's only so many times I can put up with that. Really needs an update.
- (2022-02-19) theredwolf: Long overdo for an update. It no longer recognizes steam id.
- (2022-01-24) Nurun Kabir: Thanks so much. I no longer have to see 500 fake dlc giveaway. Also infinite scroll is really helpful.
- (2020-08-05) Keereal Yo: Thank you for keeping it alive . Even if its not possible to use AE after some IG update, it's still a useful script with auto page loading and possibility to hide giveaways for unwanted games.
- (2020-06-25) Halil KAPLAN: It works again. I wish the continuation of the improvements. Thank you ;)
- (2018-11-14) Mendy Cywiak: It works.. But it keeps changing the settings to default every day or two, so is annoying having to reconfigure it always
- (2018-09-16) When using the Auto Enter Giveaways Function I get an Error message. Otherwise it's a very handy tool
- (2018-09-15) ssxxxxss: It works, and is amazing, Just the beta thing for steam add key doesn't work hopefully it will be fixed I get the message "Please sign into the steam website" already am and my steam account is linked synced so dunno whats up with that.
- (2018-02-23) Rakly3: Doesn't work. (Yes i loaded my steam ID)
- (2017-12-18) Mustafa Aydın: Thanks
- (2017-11-23) Tugu Jogja: working partially. can't hide games i had, need fix
- (2017-11-15) Mattew Arnold: not working edit: working fine on chrome edit2: not working anymore. November 15th, 2017
- (2017-11-14) Maxim Bezrukavnikov: not works two weeks on two different devices
- (2017-11-11) Mikhail Guivan: hi! please fix app, it's not work now... thanx)
- (2017-11-08) Nestor Garcia: Excelente plugin pero desde noviembre dejó de funcionar =(
- (2017-11-07) Zangetzo Game Spot: It was good until indiegala fixed!
- (2017-11-05) Christian T: Since 3 november don't works anymore.
- (2017-09-16) Kevin S: It has "ignore game" again! ....slowly but surely...?
- (2017-08-25) JeffMangumMagnum: Essential. That's all there is to say. Essential.
- (2017-07-28) Din Kasterov: Hide Unwanted games - not work.After reload page all games ( hidden in last session ) are available.
- (2017-07-19) SSDw SSD: Quick updates are best. thank you.
- (2017-06-27) Nevaeh Morissette: Doesn't automatically join giveaways anymore, it's basically useless until it does that again.
- (2017-06-20) Baron KartoFFel: please fix application set timeout to autojoiner because i see "Error! Try again in a few minuts. and add button "hide DLS's" and FIX "hide owned games" button (do not work)
- (2017-04-24) Nam Duong: it works perfectly, thumbs up
- (2017-04-21) Juan Cuda: Great work. Please add "Hide DLC" option, thanks!
- (2017-04-15) Feneco: Agora esta tudo funcionando novamente, obrigado por atualizar =D
- (2017-03-31) Алекс Котофеевич: Start page PLEASE - ========================== You did it!!!
- (2017-03-30) Kajetan R: Nie widać ustawień na stronie...
- (2017-01-28) alexcordeiro Chambers: Thanks, I loved this app helped me a lot.
- (2016-12-28) Gonzalo Tamanini: Bad update. Useless giveways checker.