Description from extension meta
Adds keyboard controls to the twitch html5 player.
Description from store
Adds keyboard controls to the twitch html5 player.
f = toggle fullscreen
t = toggle theatre mode
m = toggle mute
k = toggle play/pause
j = jump back 10 seconds (in a recording)
l = leap forward 10 seconds (in a recording)
Latest reviews
- (2019-10-02) realKKona: Good OkayChamp :thumbs_up:
- (2018-01-31) doesnt work
- (2017-11-12) Ingo Kronenberg: Does what it says. Brings the youtube shortcuts to twitch. Thank you for developing this. Some twitch interface change seems to have broken the 'F'ullscreen and 'T'heatermode shortcuts. Any chance you could have a look into it?
- (2017-10-29) Maximilian Häfliger: m,j, and l work. t,f, and k (the more important ones) don't work at all.
- (2016-10-08) Mike Gebert: Does even work in Vivaldi Browser. Very Nice Plugin, will gave 5 stars if there is a possibility to view the shortcuts.