extension ExtPose

FreshStart - Administrador de sesiones entre varios navegadores

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Description from extension meta

¿Necesita gestionar sesiones de manera sencilla? ¿Varios usuarios en el mismo Chrome? FreshStart es un sencillo administrador de…

Image from store FreshStart - Administrador de sesiones entre varios navegadores
Description from store Administre su sesión de navegación fácilmente con FreshStart! Si usted tiene diferentes conjuntos de sitios web que son importantes en el trabajo, en casa o en diferentes momentos, o si tienes varios usuarios en su Chrome, usted está en el lugar correcto! ************************************** NEW in 1.6! Multiple auto-save sessions - Details at http://goo.gl/ADqYT ************************************** Características - Save multiple windows into a single session - Guardar todas las pestañas abiertas a una nueva sesión, o elegir los que usted quire guardar - Las sesiones se guardan en la carpeta "Sessiones FreshStart" en los marcadores, lo que le permite sincronizar con otros equipos - Recuperación de cierres inesperadas, auto-guardar sus ventanas cada pocos minutos - Restaurar una sesión en una ventana nueva, o fusionarla con la ventana actual Ctrl-clic (en Windows, Linux) o Comando-clic (Mac). - Importación y exportación de sesiones! Exportar sus sesiones como texto sin formato, enviarlo a un amigo o importarla a otra máquina - Añadido diálogos de confirmación al eliminar las sesiones Si le gusta FreshStart, visite otras de nuestras extensiones también! - Incredible StartPage http://goo.gl/he9o **NEW** - TooManyTabs: http://goo.gl/AI2X - TabJump: http://goo.gl/r5EY License: http://goo.gl/bE7SA Translate: http://goo.gl/XfDrK

Latest reviews

  • (2023-10-25) Ярослав Повышев: Круто, работает
  • (2023-07-30) Алексей Чуев: Не работает краш рекавери. включено, снепы не делает. cent browser Версия 5.0.1002.354 (Официальная сборка), (64 бит) (Chromium 102.0.5005.167)
  • (2023-06-08) Tony Merlino: Has been my go-to for years. It started to crash about a year ago (2022) on my M1 Mac but it has since recovered (must have been a Chrome thing because dev hasn't updated the extension since 2015); back to high performance. UI is sufficient and better than a lot of other tab managers, also intuitive enough for my purposes; easy to update/save/delete sets. I also like that it stores its bookmarks in the Bookmark Manager so it's easy to access and maintain outside of the extension's UI. Recommended.
  • (2023-06-03) Samuele gg: Molto utile e uno dei migliori provati finora, icona ben visibile sulla barra, interfaccia grafica molto chiara e intuitiva, finora mai avuto problemi di perdita dati; presente un contatore per ogni sessione salvata. Trovo, invece, molto scomoda la funzione esporta/importa sessioni, non è possibile esportare in blocco, ma solo una per volta e in formato .txt, stesso vale per l'importazione. Very useful and one of the best tested so far, clearly visible icon on the bar, very clear and intuitive graphical interface, never had any data loss problems so far; There is a counter for each saved session. On the other hand, I find the export/import session function very inconvenient, it is not possible to export in bulk, but only one at a time and in .txt format, the same goes for importing.
  • (2023-05-22) Arpit Garg: UI is not good but it supports synchronization and for this reason only i give thumbs up.
  • (2023-03-07) Riccardo Pavan: The plugin works well but there's one big con..that it works on bookmarks. If you collect your pages in ordered bookmarks, if you save a session with that pages inside, the extension changes the bookmark folder to "window...." and so you lose your bookmarks, this is bad and I think I won't use it anymore
  • (2022-12-31) Misaiwin: I would like to suggest the ability to sort saved sessions with an up/down option. Thank you
  • (2022-12-19) Dave Vigliotti: It appears others are correct. Crash Recovery is no longer auto-saving tabs and FreshStart only appears to work if you are manually saving tabs. It was a great extension but development has died. Sorry for those who never knew the usefulness of this extension.
  • (2022-12-13) Vida Infinita: Why FreshStart is saving my bookmarks on Google Maps favorite lists?
  • (2022-10-05) Alex_PG: Отличное дополнение! Не раз спасало мои сессии браузера, не раз помогало восстановить данные после переустановки системы и т.д. ОДНАКО, есть что доработать)) В хроме нынче очень активно использую группы вкладок. Удобная штука, позволяющая вкладки структурировать по своим каталогам для удобства навигации. К сожалению, FreshStart просто сохраняет все вкладки скопом и после восстановления сессии все опять приходится расталкивать по своим группам. Было бы восхитительно, если бы разработчики взяли это на заметку и смогли добавить функцию, позволяющую сохранять отдельной настройкой группы вкладок для дальнейшего восстановления их в хроме. Спасибо!
  • (2022-09-23) Akiles S.: As of Sep-2022 this app has ceased working and seemingly abandoned in the app store. Seems no updates are coming.. Pity this was a thorough and valid way to manage different browsing sessions and bookmark curation. It hasn't worked in Chrome and as others have mentioned, all the previous saved sessions and tabs are inaccessible within the app. Consider yourself lucky that Chrome > Bookmarks > FreshStart Sessions has a list of all the tabs that were saved in this app.
  • (2022-08-16) Marco Molinari Network: Ottima estensione utilissima anche al lavoro, 5 stelle se darà la possibilità di salvare anche le schede (gruppi di tab) allora sarebbe davvero perfetta!
  • (2022-06-24) Teresa de pizzol: E' la terza volta che mi tradisce, all'improvviso smette di funzionare e si perdono decine di sessioni salvate. La cosa piu' assurda ed anche la più schifosa è che non si pssono ripristinare neppure le sessioni salvate in modalità crash recovery- A questa gente non dovrebbe essere permesso lavorare nel settore informatico, sono dannosi per gli utenti e per la comunità. Hai bisogno di una gestione semplice delle sessioni?NON USARE FRESHSTART! Molti utenti sullo stesso Chrome? FreshStart è un gestore di sessioni SEMPLICEMENTE INEFFICACE ED INAFFIDABILE.…
  • (2021-12-11) Mike Savad: i had 200 tabs open, i closed it with another window open. problem was i lost all 200 tabs. and this thing couldn't restore it. luckily it had a list so i could click on each thing, but it loaded a black screen then crashed the browser.
  • (2021-09-16) Daniel Roda: NOT WORKING MORE. It has pased years since it was upgraded last time (last update is from 20 mars 2015). Doesn't save sessiones no matter what you do. Some years ago it worked. YA NO FUNCIONA. Hace años que no se actualiza (desde el 20 de marzo de 2015). No guarda las sesiones por mucho que quieras. Hace años sí.
  • (2021-09-02) John Gibbs: I've been using this session manager for many years and it's been great! However, I'd love for it to be updated to support restoring 'tab groups' which is a relatively new feature in Chrome. It restores all my tabs fine, but the tab groupings are not maintained.
  • (2021-07-28) Gerhard: Works great, Would like it to keep the chrome groups that was made on the saved session
  • (2021-07-20) Luis Fernando: Nice job!
  • (2021-07-01) B L: Awful. Crash recovery setting always turns off, so if you're not manually saving then you're f***ed.
  • (2021-06-19) Rogerio M. Souza: Excelente! Thanks www.visibotech.com !
  • (2021-05-25) Bethany Porter: You have to have the saved sessions inside "other bookmarks" if you try to move it your saves sessions will not appear in the extension anymore. I deleted other bookmarks thinking nothing was in there (because I don't put things there) and boom and my saved sessions gone nothing I can do. It made me scared all the sessions would just disappear without my permission so I don't want to use this extension anymore and will be looking for a better one.
  • (2021-05-25) Vitaliy Sverdlov: Fantastic extension! I've been using it for years. It's so convenient to switch between various projects and private windows. Furthermore, saved me many times with CrashRecovery when I closed something accidentally and forgot about that. Thanks to the developers.
  • (2021-05-19) Андрей Бенимецкий: Крутое расширение, выручало не раз. Сохраняет страницы даже в аварийном режиме.
  • (2021-03-23) nergeia max: Imprescindible
  • (2021-03-22) Jeff State: It's been 6 years since last updated, but FreshStart still does its job as one of the first reliable session management Chrome extensions. However, this extension does not support restoring Tab Groups. Restoring sessions, without Tab Groups, result in disorganized tabs. These restored tabs then need manual color and name reclassification into their respective Tab Groups. Google has listed the Tab Group API as working since Chrome v89: https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/reference/tabGroups/ A reliable tab management extension, such as FreshStart, would benefit greatly from being the first of its class to implement Chrome Tab Groups API. Everything else with this extension, works great, so this is a 5* review as soon as Tab Group restoration is implemented.
  • (2021-03-11) Pat MySecret: Worked at first, but quickly stopped working.. don't know why
  • (2020-12-29) Blackindigo7: Works great, exactly as advertised though id love an option to mass delete sessions from within the extension but there is a workaround. Go to bookmarks and open the Freshstart session folder, hold CTRL (or equivalent for mac) and click on all the sessions you want to delete.
  • (2020-12-20) Afirmanta: Well it would be nice if thumbinal wouldn't be missleading. You can't color tabs with this ext. which is function that I'm looking for so....
  • (2020-10-14) Виталий Свердлов: Wonderful extension! It helps organize working and personal tab groups, switch between computers and several times rescued a lot of hours by Crash Recovery feature. Thanks to developers!
  • (2020-09-29) Jose Leal: Needs a responsive GUI. If not all is rendered then the part non rendered is never available even with scroll. Horizontally. needs search
  • (2020-09-21) Bogac Ozgen: I have been using this extension for years. This time I installed it on Microsoft Edge and voila, all my saved sessions were available. I had been loving this extension but now it proved to be GRRRREAT
  • (2020-09-14) lorenzo diano: funzionale, rapido e facile da usare. consigliatissimo
  • (2020-08-29) Ralf Stephan: Today my data was no longer accessible, the small window did no longer open when clicking on the icon. Even when it did, there was no automatic save (I configured it), but when done by hand, at least that worked. Needed is also an option to enlarge that small window, especially on large screens it is near impossible to use.
  • (2020-04-14) Chris Idema: Good concept. Serious flaws. Every time I open a session it loads all pages at the same time slowing down my computer and internet. I have a fast computer and fast internet connection, but loading dozens of tabs at the same time is too much, Another flaw is the fact that saving a session you have to type in the name, it will pick the wrong name automatically. You can see many duplicate sessions with the same name. You have to save manually, because autosave only does its job once every minute max.
  • (2020-04-14) Dan Filatov: Crash recovery constantly turning off, but when it's on, no sessions saved anyway.
  • (2020-03-11) Nuc1eoN: Unfortunately the extension does not work in the Brave browser, so it is not usable for me.
  • (2020-02-04) Raphy Livneh: Overall I like this extension and I use it more than a year now. I have over 100 sessions saved with it many of which consist of more than one window. I add up tabs to a certain session save it with the current date stamp and delete the old session. The only thing I'm missing is cross browser functionality and specifically to Firefox. As many have pointed out - this feature is missing. I'm an old fan of Firefox and now that it's back with speed and exceptional privacy protection I wanted to migrate ... problem. I could edit the imported bookmarks on Firefox but it would take too long. Notepadd++ won't help neither. Stuck. Pitty. I'll probably migrate and spend the time but then I'm never going to use FreshStart again for the trouble it caused me. Suggestion - Maybe you would like make FreshStart a kind of Open Source extension and have it a true cross browser solution. THIS would be great. Anyway - Thank you for all your effort !!!
  • (2020-01-02) Yaros TV: Отличное и полезное расширение.
  • (2019-12-19) Rodica Cnobloch: was working well until it didn't and I lost all the saved sessions for the last 3 years. Wrote a message for the developer, but did not get a message back for the past 2 months. Gave up. good luck to others!
  • (2019-12-13) Paolo Congia: absolutely exceptional. thank you very much
  • (2019-12-06) Fuyuno Hinotori: the only thing i use this extension for is off by default: the crash recovery feature. when chrome updates, or even the extension itself, it switches back to off without telling me or asking if i want it on again by default. fix it please! at least add a feature to recognise what setting it was set to in the last session! i keep constantly losing dozens of tabs because of this!
  • (2019-10-30) Анатолий Скакун: THE BEST! Розширення. Можна експортувати\імпортувати окремі сесії, Також при експорті настройок Хрома зберігаються всі сесії, після імпорта знаходяться в Закладках (Виконаний імпорт)
  • (2019-10-21) Kamil Bu: Any chance to implement search function? By page URL fragment or when i save session and give it name (for example "games for my kids" - it would be nic to search it by "games" "kids" or page URL address saved as one of tabs. With this option would be great. I got saved about 100 essions and never can easy find what i need:)
  • (2019-09-11) Raymond Pavlov: Not really a "Cross Browser" tool. It only works with chrome. Would be great to have a firefox version. Besides from that though, this is an excellent session manager extension and is very useful since chrome has absolutely horrible session management which FreshStart rectifies. Only thing that concerns me is the lack of updates, but the extension continues to work (as of writing this). I have since switched to Session Buddy since (IMO) it has a better interface, although one thing it does lack is cloud syncing (storing session tabs in Bookmarks) which FreshStart does have. So, if cloud syncing is what you need, then FreshStart is the way to go. Other alternatives (there are a LOT of these): Toby for Chrome (or Toby Mini... I wouldn't trust a service that requires you to log into an external account), Tab Wrangler, Tabs Outliner, OneTab, Infinite Tabs Manager, Folderwise Bookmarks, TabHamster, Flowbar... Other useful extensions to use in combination with FreshStart: Tab Manager Plus
  • (2019-08-02) Carbon Copy: This has been a life saver so many times I can no longer count them. It has never failed to save my sessions and after each of numerous browser crashes restore my tabs. The built in tab restore feature fails most of the time which is why I went looking for this. What a great extension with lots of additional features to help you organize your sessions.
  • (2019-05-30) Piotr Obst: Crash recovery isn't saving every 5 min. In fact it is not saving continuously at all.
  • (2019-05-25) Giulio Tosi: Una delle estensioni più belle di Chorme. Assolutamente un must. Grazie agli sviluppatori.
  • (2019-05-02) Gosha Leshenko: Ищю автосохранение и, желательно при закрытии. Не нашел этой опции.
  • (2019-03-30) Fy mol: Urgente, creo qu encontre un problema, y es que cuado active el crash recovery, de ahi en adelante tuve problemas serios con mi disco duro, se colgaba la pc y desaparecia el disco D, entonce desactive el crash recovery y terminaron los problemas.
  • (2019-03-05) Demetrios Panayotakopoulos: I like the ability to select which tabs to save to a session and the export / import ability. Aesthetically I don't like the UI and the colors. I would suggest to try to keep it simple and clean. Great. Thanks.


60,000 history
4.368 (818 votes)
Last update / version
2024-05-17 / 1.7.1
Listing languages
es it nl en fr
