extension ExtPose

Just a Day - the Day of Week

CRX id


Description from extension meta

A simple date for the toolbar. This is JUST THE DAY OF THE WEEK. Pair with the JUST A CLOCK extensions!

Image from store Just a Day - the Day of Week
Description from store NOTE: Current version might have issues on some versions of Chrome for Windows. Working on a fix; hang tight. ========================== - Abbreviated day of the week in your toolbar. - Customize the abbreviations and the color in the Options. Even supports emoji abbreviations. Copy emoji as text from here: https://getemoji.com/ - Pair it with the 2 Just a Clock extensions (one for the Hours and one for the Minutes) for a large readable display in your toolbar. Perfect for full screen browsing.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-02-13) Hải Dương B (2syk): Mặc dù rất tấu hài nếu bạn tải cái này về nhưng dùng khá là hay. Chức năng customize khá ổn
  • (2022-03-06) Oishi Tarannum: Font size is so tiny. Hopefully developer will fix it.
  • (2021-11-11) CJ Navarro: Would be better if you can add more ways to customize it like: - Changeable Font Also, add the JUST THE DATE AND JUST THE MONTH AS WELL!
  • (2021-07-25) Emmanoel Igor Henrique da Silva: Já tenho as outras extensões de horário, agora está veio para complementar as informações do tempo. Só falta as datas de dia/mês/ano para completar a experiência.
  • (2020-10-15) May aquarius: 了不起的插件!解决了最常用的问题。特别是能自定义!所以,我一开浏览器就看到了中文的周几,太赞了!
  • (2020-07-13) howony: Good to see hours, minutes, and days of the week I wish there was a date, too.
  • (2020-03-17) vjjs: всё замечательно, но весёлые картинки здесь не нужны.
  • (2018-05-12) Tommy Sec: Very helpful but sometime not visible on toolbar. I hope Marc update soon this extension.
  • (2018-04-29) Mark Miller: I have the other two extensions (hours and minutes) and they work great. The day (font) will not stay visible regardless of what color it is changed to. I removed it.
  • (2018-04-09) Marc Greenberg: Love it! Simple, configurable abbreviations and colors. AND fun little GIFs when I need then ;)

Latest issues

  • (2022-05-19, v:0.51) Mike Hudson: Calendar?
    Why is your companion Calendar extension disabled by Google with "This extension violates the Chrome Web Store policy" every time the browser boots? Tiresome to have to reenable it each time and I can't load it on my other machines by packing it - says it's corrupt when I try.
  • (2021-11-11, v:0.51) CJ Navarro: A weird white bar on the right side of the extension
    It's not that much, but it kinda looks annoying to see it there...
  • (2016-10-28, v:0.5) Tommy Sec: Icon display??????
    No time for you to fix why I can't see anything appear in Chrome navigator.


951 history
4.6154 (13 votes)
Last update / version
2020-11-19 / 0.51
Listing languages
