Description from extension meta
Password manager for companies
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Description from store
Team Password Manager For Your Business.
Passwork makes corporate passwords easy. All of the data is stored safely, employees will quickly be able to find the right passwords.
The administrator manages user rights and keeps track of all actions and changes.
Latest reviews
- (2023-10-03) Pavel Boykov: Хром, Мак ОС - расширение не работает ..
- (2022-03-23) Василий Рыбыдак: Нихрена оно не работает в Хроме на МакОС, тоже мне импортозамещение, говнокодеры
- (2022-03-15) Alex L.P.: i bought this thinking it was a replacement for lastpassword, but it is not the same. I like that you can organize your passwords and safely share them with friends, workmates, etc But,the chrome extension is really useless, it has many bugs, it's annoying, it does not give you the option to save a user and password when you log into to a website/service, the product has not been updated/improved since i bought it, and now i saw this extension has not been updated since October 28, 2020, 2 YEARS! i guess it's a dead extension and probably product
- (2021-08-09) Григорий «ILLnessoid» Ревенко: Приложение просто не работает. С 10го раза открылась настройка.
- (2021-04-24) Malte Müns: Does not work with self hosted edition. Cross domain cookies do not get saved, so the plugin gets for every request a new php session id.
- (2021-04-21) Dennis Schmidt: The program itself ist quite nice but the chrome extension seems a bit buggy. After login I can't use the extension for search or autofill. Tried on Mac with Chrome in different versions.
- (2020-01-08) Daniil Plesovskikh: I couldn't even log in to this extension, our company was planning to buy this SaaS but since this extension cannot even communicate with the application itself - it is completely useless. Last time they updated their demo container is 10 month's ago. I think this company is dying or they don't have any developers - only designers to maintain their beautiful web site.
- (2019-12-25) Олег Ш.: 1. Очень ждем импорта 2. выдачи прав по тэгам или на пароль конкретно (не поделиться копией, а выдать доступ) 3. опенсерча (2 минуты делов добавить opensearch, чтобы в строке браузера по табу можно было искать без мышки) 4. горячих главишь 5. горячей клавиши на вызов окна авторизации с выбором под каким логином
- (2019-12-04) Esteban Serrano: - Extension draws an overlay on the current website, this, however, takes too long to fetch the data so it seems unresponsive from the user side. - Auto logon fails on many sites. - Does not offer to save passwords after entering them.
- (2019-09-09) Роман Безносюк: 1. Не сохраняет вводимые пароли в браузере, к примеру, в сравнении с Lastpass 2. Не предлагает варианты доступов возле поля ввода, нужно каждый раз тыкать на иконку 3. Иногда предлагает неправильные данные для ввода, с других сервисов, нажимаешь на них, происходит переход на другую страницу... Облачный сервис нравиться, хотели использовать в связке с расширением, но продукт совсем сырой. Исходя из того, что с 2018 года некоторые вещи о которых писалось в комментариях не доработаны - вряд ли догонит конкурентов...
- (2019-07-20) Gonzalo Mena Carriel: It doesn't work.
- (2019-06-04) Andrey Lutogin: нет импорта...
- (2019-05-24) Serge B: Great software, use it in our business and personal life for keeping and sharing passwords with my team and wife. Very helpful, and easy to use, highly recommend!
- (2019-03-21) MediaCom2012: Всё отлично работает! Очень удобно! Упрощает работу в компании.
- (2018-11-12) Sergiu Tabaran: I love Passwork's way of organizing password. Probably the best in it's class. I have tried pretty much all services out there, trying to find the best fit for my team. The Chrome extension, unfortunately, has still a long way to go. It's buggy and usability needs improvement. Last time I tried it, I could even login to get it to work. For auto-logon, I still use Lastpass, and don't see anyone replacing it in the near future. Passwork, please work on the extension and get it where it needs to be. Then you can compete with the big guys. I see a lot of potential here.
- (2018-08-15) Ilia Tsvetkov: Расширение не перехватывает введённые пароли на сайте. Не помогает с заполнением сайтов, которые "не в сейфе" (могло бы помочь заполнить логин или е-мейл).
- (2018-05-04) Alec Kinnear: This extension works but somewhat annoyingly really auto logs you on. It won't just let you fill in the login and password and press submit yourself. The developers told me that by clicking in the login box one can open the picker without auto login. We find this awkward. Another issue is that to log in to the extension you have to already be on a website for which you have a password saved. It should be possible to login to the extension just by clicking the icon. The other version of Passwork extension with six ratings is not as effective as this one as it's just a way to look up passwords without opening the web page and requires a user to copy and paste into the fields. This is the one to use. Hopefully Passwork will improve this extension soon to bring it up to the high quality of the web application.
- (2017-11-29) Kirill Yurkin: Пассворк рулит, очень сильно вырос сервис за последнее время.