extension ExtPose

New Tab to Tasks

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Description from extension meta

A simple extension that makes your New Tab Page be your Google Tasks.

Image from store New Tab to Tasks
Description from store Minimalistic redirection of your New Tab page to Google Tasks. It's nice to have it in Mail, Calendar, etc. except I forget to look at it. This way I tend to see and hopefully *do* the things more often. **Update**, version 4: attempted fix the "losing url when you open a new tab and paste a new url quickly"-problem. Let me know if you still run into problems (wish this silly forum sent notifications :/) Version 5: Should work with the new app store format now. Version 6: Options page with optional suffix on url, and possibly Google Apps for Your Domain. I'm not sure it works as tasks doesn't really seem to support multi-login.

Latest reviews

  • (2020-02-08) JS Lee: Does not work
  • (2019-12-14) isogino: このアプリでは Google tasksが表示できません Google側の仕様が変わったせいだと思います。
  • (2019-06-08) n ascentt: Doesn't work.
  • (2019-04-26) Christelle ROBERT: Ça ne fonctionne pas ! On est directement dirigés vers la page sur Google tasks du centre de formation G Suite. N'y a-t-il aucun moyen de retrouver la version StandAlone de l'outil ? C'est bien dommage qu'on ne puisse plus avoir accès à nos listes en plein écran, mais qu'on l'ai juste en minuscule sur un côté de Calendar ou Gmail, je suis déçue...
  • (2019-04-20) Stan Duncan: This was a wonderful app and I used it often every day. But Chrome's recent upgrade effectively killed it and replaced it with big scenery pictures and folksy wisdom statements. Is there any way to get it back? I haven't found a way on my own.
  • (2019-04-09) Dmitry Gooru: Лучшее приложение, жаль, что больше не работает. Придется искать замену, т.к. штатная надстройка в Gmail от Google никуда не годится(((
  • (2019-04-07) Kim McClive-Reed: Doesn't work anymore.
  • (2019-02-18) Вася Васьков: просто и удобно..минус то что переход на "не туда"
  • (2018-07-04) Vadim K.: Позвольте запускать это не как "Домашний экран", а просто как "Вкладка Задачи". Потому что "Домашний экран" у меня другой и менять его я не хочу.
  • (2018-06-15) Francisco Javier Perdomo: no sirve
  • (2017-08-24) Jednostavno, brzo, praktično, funkcionalno .... Savršeno!
  • (2017-07-18) Catitude C (Catitude): extremely useful.
  • (2017-05-19) Liang Wu: This is exactly what I needed. I don't need any fancy features for a todo list that I will only glance at. There are other more sophisticated products for that than what this delivers. I just needed a todo list that I will automatically and conveniently glance at out of habit so that things that I need to do are constantly visible to me and difficult to ignore. I noticed other people have rated this extension less than 5 stars, but in my opinion these people are just using the wrong tool for the job. Thanks for making a great extension :)
  • (2017-05-14) Eddie Garcia: Awesome app, I am reminded and posted on tasks on my Google calendar.
  • (2016-05-29) Joy Newell Davis: As a full time nursing student, I can become easily distracted from homework when I am online. This task tab helps remind me what I need to work on and syncs seamlessly with my Google Calendar.
  • (2016-04-19) david wright: Simple, effective, quick - and putting tasks in a new tab is genius. One thing I'd like to see: a larger (or expandable) "edit details" box. Otherwise this tool is great!
  • (2015-11-11) Marc Pitart i Casanova: Very very useful. You don't need to open Gmail to see your tasks just open a new tab. So when you open a new tab to check Twitter or Facebook you always see the tasks you should be doing instead of getting distracted on social media! LOL
  • (2015-10-24) Stanton McCandlish: Sweet and simple. Leaves the URL bar blank (and keeps focus on it), so it does not interfere with most common reason to enter a new tab, namely to start a new search.
  • (2015-10-16) Alexander Sergeevich: ФУ БЛЯ...
  • (2015-08-24) Andrea Ansalone: Comodo, facile e ben integrato in chrome e task
  • (2015-07-04) SS Crisp: New Tab to Tasks does exactly what's intended. I've used it regularly for well over a year without a single problem. A simple way to keep on top of your tasks.
  • (2015-06-29) LeRoy: I love this extension. I am able to sync my google tasks with my iphone, ipad and android devices. This tool allows me to see my tasks on my desktop in Google Chrome. Great job!!
  • (2015-05-18) Mattias Swing: This is almost perfect for me, the only thing I wish for is the ability to show several lists at once, side by side. There is a _lot_ of whitespace that could be put to better use.
  • (2015-04-28) R BR: I like that tiny tool. Excellent work! Thank you! Good job - helps to get my jobs done! :)
  • (2015-03-31) Роман Неверов: Невероятно простое и функциональное расширение на каждый день! Очень рекомендую тем, кто любит расписывать задачи! Раньше использовал родное расширение от гугла, но оно отдыхает по сравнению с этим! --- Very simple and useful extension for everyday usage! Advice for people who really love tasks!
  • (2015-02-06) Michael T Smith Jr: I love being able to see my tasks every time I turn on Chrome, but I'm not too excited about having to switch it "sort by date" every time. I use my task list for school and I don't enter homework by date, I enter it by class; but I want to see it by date when I need to quickly look for my due assignments.
  • (2015-01-27) Jonathan Hurdman: It is a useful app, but there are a few things irritating me about it. First of all, I can't easily control which of my task lists it shows. I have two accounts signed in to Google, and if it picks the wrong account, I can't choose the other one. I can pick a task list from within that account, having multiple, but then it doesn't remember which one I picked the next time I open a new tab. Second, it doesn't use the sort order I last picked, it always reverts to the default. I would love to be able to pick a sort order, and have it stick. Third, editing tasks does not feel as simple as it should, especially with so much screen space to work with. If I click on the task, I cannot just click on the right side to edit the details or due date.

Latest issues

  • (2022-04-21, v:6) Stan Duncan: Doesn't work
    Hi, I installed your "new Tabs to Tasks" extension, but when I attempt to open a new tab it goes to "403. That’s an error. We're sorry, but you do not have access to this page. That’s all we know." Any suggestions as to what I did wrong and how I could fix it?
  • (2022-04-21, v:6) Stan Duncan: Doesn't work
    Hi, I just installed your "New Tabs to Tasks" extension, but when I open a new tab, it goes to "403. That’s an error. We're sorry, but you do not have access to this page. That’s all we know." Any suggestions for what I have done wrong and could do to fix it?
  • (2019-08-09, v:6) Moti Hamou: on new tab I get error "refuse connection"
    on new tab I get error "refuse connection", any way to fix this? thanks
  • (2019-04-29, v:6) Dmitry Gooru: Thank you for your work!
    Really looking forward to the restore of the app. Other access points, and app from Google are no good. Thank you for your work!
  • (2019-04-08, v:6) Thomas Schweeger: full-page view of google tasks missing
    Hi, whenever I launch google tasks from Chrome, I am only directed to the training page, but not to the google tasks full page view, which is shown on the training page. Please let me know the correct URL to use. thx, thomas
  • (2019-04-02, v:6) A B: Update link to tasks
    Use this link https://mail.google.com/tasks/ig
  • (2019-02-11, v:6) cwwinson Rainy (思優新念): Will my tasks list in my gmail account also lost after this extension stop?
    Yes, it is my habbit to use it everyday, the warning make my curious about if my task list disappear later or just the extenstion stop functioning? If there is no harm to my gmail task list, I will seek alternative extension that work.
  • (2019-02-05, v:6) Kim Damgaard: Warning! This version of Google Tasks is soon on its way.
    I use New Tab to Tasks everyday. Now I get a warning on the new tab: Warning! This version of Google Tasks is soon on its way. Learn how to continue using Google Tasks. The last part is a link to "Google Learning Center" with an article "What can you do with Tasks?". Will New Tab to Tasks disappear?
  • (2018-09-11, v:6) John S Wolter: GMail tasks incompatible with New Tab to Tasks
    It's fair to say that New Tab to Tasks, NT2T, is much better than Google Tasks. Inside GMail the Tasks button wants to eliminate indentations. What?? So there is the opportunity here to overwrite the Google button with NT2T's button on the right-hand button strip. Next is how to put a frame into the GMail window's right-side or elsewhere Next is whether a NT2T popup or could be devised. Integrating NT2T features & behaviors in the GMail context may be too much. It sure would be nice to have. I doubt these features could be embedded into GMail. It likely these ideas will have to be part of a new App. Just s few thoughts. JSW
  • (2018-06-17, v:6) Jaime McCandless: Generic URL redirect
    Hi, I love your extension and I use it all the time. However, I've decided to switch to a different tasks app than Google Tasks. I'd love to continue using your extension but be able to customize it to redirect to a different url. Is there any chance your extension could be updated, or you could open source your code so I could modify it myself?
  • (2018-04-09, v:6) Jorgen Jespersen: Change the email address that it's attached to
    I'd like to change the email address that the ap is attached to. It's bringing up my work email list which I don't actually use, it's also not the synced email address with chrome so this surprises me.
  • (2017-10-05, v:6) Kirt Whiteside: Tab to Tasks went away
    Is there any trick to 'keeping' Tab to Task alive and active? I deleted and reloaded and nothing..this was last week. Then..it came back a few days later. Today? it's not available, so I removed and re-loaded and thought it's loaded...it does not appear and is again not loading. So..two questions.. - is there a trick to keeping it live and active? - would there be another more stable product that does the same or near the same thing??
  • (2017-09-28, v:6) David Colbeth: Not loading
    I've used this extension for quite some time and just today/yesterday it stopped loading. Any thoughts as to why? I removed and reloaded and shut down and restarted with no resolution.


7,000 history
4.0851 (235 votes)
Last update / version
2013-07-05 / 6
Listing languages
