Description from extension meta
Making Chinese Look Better by Turning Off Per-Script Font in Chinese Locales
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Description from store
As of Chrome 18, fonts are determined by writing scripts -- specifically, according to the `lang` attributes of elements. For example, zh-cn and zh-tw will be rendered with different fonts because they're different scripts.
In addition, the selected font will be applied on Latin characters, and usually, Latin characters in Chinese fonts are really ugly.
This extension turns off per-script font in Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese, and have your operating system determine which font to use.
You need Chrome 22 or above to install this extension.
If you have 21 or less, please visit and download versions for Chrome 21 and 20. It does not auto-update, so once it doesn't work anymore, that means your Chrome has upgraded to version 22, then you can uninstall it, and install again from Web Store.
Latest reviews
- (2021-08-21) SpaceChung7: Nice!
- (2021-07-25) 梅雪夜: 很好用,能将日文也纳入强制自定义字体的范围中吗?
- (2021-02-22) neo: 太有用了,自定义的字体终于能生效了
- (2020-06-25) Connor Circle: 很有用
- (2019-11-01) Jimmy Yuen: 像steam这种有些地方的字体还是会被覆盖了
- (2018-11-08) 一縷墨: 超棒的插件!比其他類似的插件更好用,問題更少!推薦!
- (2017-08-21) Zhu Ashen: great for Chinese Text
- (2016-12-29) James Fung: Like it, SimSun abuse end!
- (2016-10-28) Jaleo Fu: 用了它,可以显示原汁原味的字体了。
- (2015-05-28) David Lee: 感谢作者治好了我的眼睛(误)
- (2015-03-15) 詹茹茹: 真的還能改文字
- (2015-03-14) 幽虫: 确实很好!用了之后全部都变成正常的中文字体了!特别是维基百科变回宋体了,雅黑真心不能看!
- (2015-02-26) 洪偉: 太感謝這個掛件了!
- (2015-01-04) wxmzp: 這個神器解決困擾我多年的問題,以後不用再忍受這些難看又模糊的字體了,非常感謝,只是這麼好的東西竟然只有四千多位使用者,應該大大的推廣才對
- (2014-12-09) Silvia Lam: This is a fantastic idea!
- (2014-11-28) Roger Zhou: 有用!
- (2014-10-06) Raiden Force: the best
- (2013-11-21) S W: 中文字型終於變正常了,實在太感謝!!
- (2013-11-05) 还不错!
- (2013-08-06) Y C: ..
- (2013-03-29) Pok Wai Bovey Wong: Really useful!
- (2012-12-25) Cola Chang (張可樂): 棒棒!!