Automate browser clicks with ClickThrough.
You ever find yourself on a page that inevitably contains some hyperlink which you need to click to end up at your destination? Perhaps you subscribe to feeds that open to pages with common download links? Do you visit many news aggregation sites which open to comment pages instead of piece of news that you wish to read? What about pages you commonly visit but can't bookmark directly, so you have to open a book mark then open your intended destination?
These are issues that ClickThrough remedies. Coupled with the powerful jQuery library, a ClickThrough allows users to specify:
1. A site domain
2. A site path on the domain
3. A jQuery selector expression of a link to select.
Once a ClickThrough is added, Chrome will pickup on one these pages and automatically navigate to the link in question. The user will be notified with a highlighted icon in the address bar from which they can navigate back to.
This is a small extension built up in a short manner to solve a particular niche problem. It's more approachable to the power user/web developer rather than the average user. If the extension finds enough users to be useful, new functionality & ease of use improvements are planned.
Version 1.1:
*Make sure options are set to default values
*Make sure current tab url is entered in pop up