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An extension that improves the Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) website.
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MTurk Suite is a an extension that brings together a large collection of useful tools to assist workers on Amazon Mechanical Turk.
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Omnibar & Context Menus
- Searching MTurk
- Paste MTurk Worker ID
- Contact Requester
- Send to HIT Catcher
- Auto Accept Checker
- Block List On MTurk
- Confirm Return HIT
- HIT Exporter
- HIT Details Enhancer
- Pagination Last Page
- Queue Info Enhancer
- Rate Limit Reloader
- Remember Filter
- Requester Reviews
- Workspace Expander
MTurk Suite
- HIT Finder
- HIT Catcher
- HIT Tracker
Latest reviews
- (2023-10-16) Assembly of Nihilo: Since version 3.3.1 it constantly writes large amounts of data to the hard drive when finder is running, which will reduce the lifespan of SSD drives. It's been over a year and this hasn't been fixed despite the developer acknowledging it.
- (2023-07-20) Austin Tyler: I use it because its the better alternative out there..but man has it been buggy lately. The catcher will notify you of HITS only to find out theyre not actually HITS. Its just adding them endlessly on a loop. Theres no way to fix it either, so youre just unable to use it, so you lose out on income. Needs a fix ASAP. Really about to make me just pay for TurkGuru
- (2022-10-12) Roberto Oneto: atrocious
- (2022-07-08) Jae S: It's glitching and the voice keeps saying hit accepted when its not
- (2022-05-22) Dek Systems: It's great when it works Unfortunately, it crashes every couple of hours and I can't catch the quals that I was trying to catch. But it's free.
- (2022-04-01) J D: Double catches every hit no matter what I set the timer to. Used to be great, got worse with every update for whatever reason.
- (2022-02-15) J: It is very useful for my work thank you but I only have one issue, the Hit Catcher is accepting HITs twice when. No idea how to fix this, I will try reinstalling though, Thank you
- (2021-09-27) Logan: tl;dr: Avoid this unless you're absolutely desperate for the catching mechanic, but even that is done better with other things. This is a cobbled together bundle of extensions that constantly fail or clash with each other. It is not good. It is not well developed. It is not well thought out. And all of that is a shame because it had one or two moments where it was useful. --- This is okay... the UI is overdone while missing lots of QoL, but including a bunch of useless stuff that works properly sometimes, and doesn't other times. I'd rate it higher than 3, but I went to open the catcher today and found it completely empty... so now I need to re-add a lot of my usuals if I'm even fast enough to find them again... very disappointed. Edit: Yeah, went from 3-star for issues to 1-star. Block a requester with contains a username? OOPS all of the HITs are now blocked... Oh, by the way they want to "improve" mTurk... no options to edit your blocks to fix their overzealous extension. Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice job. Edit: Wow, and it just keeps getting worse... go check my hit tracker to try and contact a requester. Nothing there even though it was working just an hour ago.
- (2021-08-06) Sudeep Shrestha: This extension is great and very useful but I had one problem in this extension. If we submit the hit after it got expired then it stays as a pending hit and we can't delete it also. Due to this pending amount is not accurate. If this problem is fixed then it will be very helpful.
- (2021-07-10) Nova Moss: Since the last update, the HIT catcher is malfunctioning BIG TIME. I really hope you figure out why it keeps saying it's caught EVERY HIT, when it's just a glitch. The only way to make it stop is to delete everything. Please fix this issue because it's interfering with our work!!!!! I've never had an issue this bad before.
- (2021-03-15) Aislan Bezerra: Unfortunately the extension stop to work.
- (2021-03-15) D Edwards: It's been good until this recent update, now my sidebar does not work.
- (2021-03-13) Joshua Estrada: What did you do the extension in this update? As others are stating, there are issues. It is not working.
- (2021-03-13) CyberSpy (CyberSpy): Extension no longer works after latest update. Get error "Requests to the server have been blocked by an extension." in sidebar.
- (2021-03-13) Todd Matthews: It has been pretty good for me until the last update this morning. When I try to open the app tray, it says "Requests to the server have been blocked by an extension." I can't use MTS after this update.
- (2021-02-03) Constance Beasley: ETA Niiiiice! The good stuff I was missing (pending earnings and approved waiting for payment) is back and it's even easier to keep up with than before. Still not thrilled about the size of the sidebar but I can probably get used to it. I haven't gone through the rest of the updated stuff but so far so good! Thank you for listening to us! * Like others, I think it was great before the update but now it's basically useless for me. My main problem is that I can't see my pending earnings on Hit Tracker anymore. Also, I hate how it takes up half of my screen instead of opening a new window like it did before.
- (2021-01-30) Edd Ddd: New update is great so far except for the HIT Tracker. I cannot search for keyword anymore, the pending search keeps spinning without results. If I click on search without keyword, it does give me the whole list of HIT done. The problem is, it will be hard for me to browse through the whole list. I tried to select all and paste into Excel or notepad, however only partial data was pasted. I thought the export option is to excel current on screen data so I can manage them on excel etc, however it goes to a backup with a .json extention. It actually just a backup in case you want to import it back again. Really thank you for the Suite only if the tracker can be fixed soon.
- (2021-01-26) S Pires: The hit catcher notifies that it has taken hits and when I log in to see the hits, there are none, and it keeps notifying until I close chrome. Pleeeease bring the old version back, this is very confusing, and I'm missing tasks that I was used to doing. Update: Please put some very simple beep sounds, thanks
- (2021-01-25) WellitonGSouza: The other version was better, easier to use and not as heavy as this one :(
- (2021-01-20) e e: The recent update is a classic example of something being updated for the sake of saying it gets updated regularly. It looks a lot prettier, sure, but at the expense of reduced functionality. The old one did what I needed it to. This one is clunky and annoying to use at times. Here are the problems they created with this update (in my opinion): -The Hit Catcher time between attempts resets to 1000ms every time the window is closed. -Clicking on the extension no longer creates a new tab with whichever function you are using - instead, it now opens within your window and takes up half the screen (then opens a new tab when you click Catcher/Tracker/Finder) -Feels like I'm lost looking at the Hit Finder now, probably the new design -Although the tracker is more detailed, removing the visibility of $pending/$ in balance/$approved and the one-click button to update everything being tracked is a step in the wrong direction The pros so far: -Being able to see hourly wage on dashboard -More detail overall on dashboard -Captcha opens up wherever it is you're working (it used to be a separate window that goes nowhere) -Being able to divide trackers into different groups -The additions in the Hit Tracker are overall excellent Recommendations: -Save hit catcher timer (last version used to do that) -Switch extension access back to drop-downs that open a new tab when clicked (the side-panel is okay, but the information displayed can already be found in the tracker and it is super intrusive when in split-screen) -Old Hit Finder design -Not having to dig through a bunch of settings and filters to see the bottom-line numbers in tracker (mentioned previously) tl;dr the update seems to have made Suites more expert-friendly than everyone-friendly (it's mostly a visual update that has messed up some areas of functionality while improving others).
- (2021-01-20) Partners Online: I loved the old MTS. New one reduces that happiness. My issues are (a) On tracker, it shows all my past hits but.... when I put a specific word to search and click on search, the wheel spins and no results come at all. So it is hard to see the HITs with a specific word. (b) Old MTS showed the HITs I attempted included abandoned or returned. New MTS does not show abandoned or returned. I want to see abandoned or returned too since if I abandoned or returned earlier, most probably I have a reason so I will not attempt to go into that HIT again even if my hit catcher like pandapower caught it later. (c) Why access to all sites. I would like to see the access being specified to the relevant sites only. I can turn them back on to specific sites like but I do not know whether this needs access to and what other sites. It is better and happy if the list is relevant and small rather than all sites. Why this wants
- (2021-01-17) Sam Connor: after a while, it is consuming my ram memory for 100% impossible to work
- (2021-01-14) Blue Game: Why change something and make it worst?! The update messed up everything. Now when I run MTurk Suite my computer is extremely slow and MTurk keep crashing. I have a computer that is a few months old and runs perfect when I don't run MTurk. Thanks for screwing a good thing up!
- (2021-01-14) jin lim: don't update! the new version is complete nonsense! tried to get you to buy the api key. it wants access to all of your websites in order for it to work. then it starts using tons of resources. It may be hidden crypto miner!
- (2021-01-13) Trish M.: I loved it, now I don't after new update. It acts screwy accepting 1 HIT multiple times despite clicking the Catch Once button. This is detrimental to the HITs that measure accepting more than once which would eliminate your opportunity at all to even complete one. Also, there are so many uncomfortable changes, especially with catcher, this is going to slow my average progress. I hope he can fix the accepting issue, clean up the the interface making it more user friendly(right now it's developer friendly with settings only a dev will understand)(what constitutes a HIT 'infeasible'? There is not built-in help section to define this), also hope an option can be presented to make catcher look easier to navigate(remove the forced order-allow for newly added hits to be coupled at top or bottom).
- (2021-01-13) Bianca Cunha: The new update sucks. Bring back the old version!!
- (2021-01-13) Chad Mendes: Mturk Suite have been ruined after this update, i cant use the alarm in some specific hits anymore, cant see the time that the tasks were posted, bring back the older version immediately!
- (2021-01-12) herp derp: Loved this extension for years, really put everything in one spot for me, and only needed a few extra things for quality of life. Now? The HIT tracker doesn't even track pending earnings! It's like they completely stripped the main feature of HIT tracker and left requester overview. The finder UI is more cramped and you can't even switch between the old style and new. HIT Catcher now displays in lines instead of rows, making the text smaller. As most mTurkers know, the milliseconds add up, I can't see ANYTHING good about this new UI change, so I sure hope the back-end had some improvements.
- (2021-01-12) Tama: Not too fond of the changes, is there any way to continue to use the old MTS? Version 3 is not cutting it for me. Very clunky and hard to manage.
- (2021-01-12) Sankar Nath: Dear sir, I have been using the older version of Mturk suite since 2018. I think it is very simple to use and it is the best option that time. But this new version is very confusing and has many negatives compare to older one. The HIT finder do not shows timing for Logged HITs. The time is very useful for all of the workers. Please include a row for timing of the HIT. The finder doesn’t give sound when new HIT comes. Please fix these. Thanks and Regards Sankarnath
- (2021-01-12) Lucas Araújo: Why is the extension asking for access to all websites now? Isn't this only supposed to work on MTurk? Why would you need that?
- (2021-01-12) LISA H: The total amount made is not at the top of the page anymore. There is no way to review or a link to see reviews on Turkopticon anymore in the lists of hits or in my activity....thats gone. The whole extension is ruined. Why can't I have the other version back, i can't do my work this way
- (2021-01-12) Buster Gang: Mturk Suite was clean, simple and easy to use. Now the interface is clunky, hard to configure and utilize.
- (2021-01-12) Joe Bear: Mturk Suite was clean, simple and easy to use. The last update ruined it. It is overly complicated and hard to find what I need. I can't even find how to leave a review for hits now. Before it was just one click. My dashboard doesn't have the information it used to and anytime I refresh my dashboard I get a banner telling me I need to update Hit Tracker, which I have done more than once.
- (2019-12-22) Mircea Martinescu: Very nice extension !
- (2019-06-28) justinfs: This is a great app, I saw my daily income go up within a week. A couple improvements would be a direct link to one's HITs que and more control over sounds notifications. Volume options or the option to use my own sound files would be amazing.
- (2019-06-02) Michael Gannon: couldn't imagine turking without it
- (2019-03-18) rk remu Hasan: HIT Finder is not work perfectly last 5 days. If I start HIT finder within 20 to 30 minutes. This HIT Finder Total Scans go faster Like as 1 minute Total Scans :3000 and not Find any HIT. So how much time take to solve this issue I don't know.
- (2019-03-06) Heather Prado: The only useful thing about this for me is that I can block hits or requester that I have done already. Then it limits my scrolling of the hits. Otherwise the other options just never work for me or are out dated.
- (2018-10-30) brad McDavid: It says i am logged out of Mturk even though i am clearly logged in. It used to work fine before.
- (2018-09-15) Vignesh Pandi: A suggestion to M Turk suite admin: Hits are arranging in random time at 'HIT Finder' in 'Logged Hits' option. It's very confusing to see latest hits. If they are arranging by latest time, It will be very helpful to see recent hits. So kindly suggest it.
- (2018-09-12) Mitch Williams: It's a great, helpful feature. I actually donated before I wrote this review. I am hoping however, we get a bit more versatility in the scripts. Specifically the catcher, an option to limit the HITs you take, One to change some hits that a set to catch once to panda etc. I'll happily donate more as I know i'll get that back in convenience.
- (2018-07-06) Cee Mason: This is very helpful people!
- (2018-05-23) James Perkins: Must have for anyone looking to make a decent bit of money via Mturk. HitFinder + Hitcatcher is the way to go to get any premium HIT's.
- (2018-03-29) Lusty Argonian: Very happy with the suit. I've just a suggestion regarding Hit Finder. The "minimum requester rating" should exclude unrated requesters - which are displayed no matter how high the user sets it. Or, at least, add a checkbox to exclude them.
- (2018-03-12) Damian Bailey: Wonderfully helpful in weeding out poor HITs. Recommended.
- (2018-03-11) Fantastic. The work of a true genius. IMHO, Kadauchi should be working at Google instead of in the low-pay virtual boiler room known as Mechanical Turk. But we're lucky to have him. By the way, Kadauchi now has a wiki with instructions on using MTurk Suite here: And you can leave feature requests or ask questions here:
- (2018-02-05) Wolf Pup: It seems that TO rating sorter is still kind of bugging out. When I select TO 3 or higher it gives some HITS with all 1 TO.
- (2018-01-29) This extension is the perfect alternative for people like me who dislike mTurk scripts and the clutter that comes with them. The simplified features on-board replaces the need for more than 20 different scripts. These features can also be personalized, which increases productivity based on specified needs. I was unsure how to use some of the features initially, but thankfully I found a wiki with instructions. These instructions can be found here: This extension has it all from necessary to enhancements, and should be an included staple in every turker's toolbox.