Generate schedule from lionpath
Using Instruction:
1. click the extension icon
2. click "Go to LionPATH schedule"
3. log in to lionpath
4. on the LionPATH schedule page, click the extension icon again
5. import the .ics file to your calendar
Latest reviews
- (2017-01-19) Yuanhang Lu: Why it cant work on my computer
- (2016-08-31) Steve Lee: Using Instruction: 1. click the extension icon 2. click "Go to LionPATH schedule" 3. log in to lionpath 4. on the LionPATH schedule page, click the extension icon again 5. import the .ics file to your calendar
- (2016-08-30) Steven Yang: awesome
- (2016-08-30) Zhangyin He: 感谢学长