Tracks videos that are running on the internet.
Limbik Measure tracks video interaction in the Chrome Browser. This may include videos on all sites visited while the extension is installed. Limbik Measure does not generate advertising of any kind in your browser, or sign you up for any kind of marketing services. Anonymous video interaction events are sent from your browser to Limbik servers over a secure, encrypted https connection. You may uninstall the extension at any time.
Limbik is dedicated to your privacy. Limbik Measure does not collect any personally identifiable information, including email addresses or any kinda of contact information. Installing this extension helps video creators create better content. Knowing what viewers are watching, and how viewers interact with video content and video players, helps content creators and software engineers improve all online video services.
Data collected may be sold to 3rd parties in an aggregated format. By installing this extension you are agreeing to our privacy policy and terms of service. You can read our full privacy policy here: and our terms of service here: