extension ExtPose

Create Link

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Description from extension meta

Copy current page URL to clipboard in various formats.

Image from store Create Link
Description from store (Tested on OSX, WindowsXP, Windows7/64bit) Make HTML link tag easily like Firefox addon Make Link. Copy current page title and URL to clipboard in various formats. *plain text ([page title] [page URL]) *HTML link (<a href="[page URL]">[page title]</a> *markdown *mediawiki In extension options page, you can configure formats and shortcut key. Source code is available at http://github.com/ku/CreateLink Tweet @ku if something is wrong with Create Link

Latest reviews

  • (2023-08-20) Mario: Always takes 2 or 3 tries to successfully format the link on the clipboard. Very annoying.
  • (2023-06-05) Motohiro Konishi: URLリンクを平文、HTML,markdown、MediaWikiの形式でコピーすることができるので、編集作業の効率化が図れます
  • (2023-05-10) sherpacurt: Works great for creating a readable link to a google doc. However you have to use shift-right-click to get the browser's context menu rather than google docs context menu. Update May 2023: No longer working in Chrome on MacOS Ventura. When you try to create an HTML link and paste it into a doc, you get the HTML text for a link, but the not a link object. (eg: <a href="https:...">Link Text</a>). I use a different plugin on Firefox and it still works, so its not because of the way I'm using it.
  • (2022-01-11) T. H.: Loved it when it worked. But two or three weeks ago it got disabled by chrome. I re enabled it but since then it has often taken more than one try to put something on the clipboard. Today it doesn't work at all. Happy to change the review if problem is on my end.
  • (2021-12-30) Lainie Petersen: Used it for years and it worked great. Now it doesn't work at all.
  • (2021-12-27) Craig Yang: Suddenly "HTML" stopped working. Now it creates a text description instead of a hyperlink :(
  • (2021-12-20) Joseph Sheldon: So apparently this no longer works... great.
  • (2021-08-05) Masahiro Akita: これがあるおかげで仕事が超はかどってます。最高です。
  • (2021-04-27) М: Отличное расширение, пользуюсь несколько лет. Спасибо автору.
  • (2021-01-12) Milo Nej: Powerful, flexible and intuitive. Wish there were more extensions like this.
  • (2020-10-01) Mojtaba Vahdati: I used to dream this extension prior to installing it. No, literally.
  • (2020-03-27) Gabe Seltzer: Incredible!! Source code available + regex made this perfect for me
  • (2020-03-05) Furuki Kenichi: すばらしい
  • (2019-05-29) Nagatomi Yasukazu: とてもとても便利。 Windows中のtabのリンクをまとめて、指定した形式で取得できたらもっと嬉しい。
  • (2018-10-05) Sébastien Gougeon: Très utile!
  • (2018-09-03) KC Yang (KC): I will rate the extension 5 stars if there is an easier way to export/import the setting to different browser profile in a multiple-browser-profiles working environment.
  • (2018-09-01) Gracie Mae: Can't live without it!
  • (2018-06-29) Mikiko Kikuoka: Great!
  • (2018-05-19) ExCe EssE: A must if one is in the habit of quoting text and copypasting links. Som bugs that need to be ironing out, keeps it from a given 5.
  • (2017-12-31) Malcolm Cook: Nice! And now, with keyboard shortcuts and a default link type it double-rocks! If only I could switch between default formats using the keyboard! ;(
  • (2017-12-19) Javier Eduardo: works perfect, save me a lot of time when document on google docs.
  • (2017-12-13) poor tomi: タイトル付きURLのメール添付等にずっと使ってます。
  • (2017-11-03) Victor Shevkoplyas: Практически можно использовать как BBcodeXtra в браузере Firefox. ;)
  • (2017-09-08) Vitali Arkhipau: Minimalistic. Handy. Awesome!
  • (2016-12-10) Fred Eric: No way to just copy all urls from selection. Is it a Chrome API limitation?
  • (2016-06-22) Joseph Martinez: Well done.
  • (2016-04-21) Pat Kujawa (He/Him): Great at what it does. Wish it did a little more :). https://github.com/ku/CreateLink has some issues to address to make it 5-star.
  • (2016-01-29) D Hausman: Indespensible tool.
  • (2016-01-22) Søren Sohl: Pure bliss
  • (2015-07-31) Raymond Chiu: simple & great!
  • (2015-05-12) Michael Goulding: Just what I needed but doesn't work for me on the right click menu making it useless to me, and could do with keyboard shortcuts.
  • (2015-03-13) Mahesh Mohan: Excellent.. but please add a keyboard shortcut (when the icon is hidden from toolbar).
  • (2014-12-09) Egor Sledov: When "Create Link" plugin is enabled in Chrome, spam tabs are opening up automatically. I do not see spam tabs when the plugin is disabled. So it must be some kind of vulnerability within the plugin itself.
  • (2014-10-31) Very usefull! Très utile ! ¡Muy útil!
  • (2014-08-11) Glow Jiang: Very useful extension.
  • (2014-04-27) Lorelle VanFossen: This is the closest I've come to the CoLT Firefox extension for copying links. It allows for editing the link structure to make the link apply with web standards and web accessibility laws. If you need fast linking for web writing in Chrome, this is your best bet. You can also add formats to the link options, allowing for a "half link" option to copy the link and title attributes of a web page or link as the opening HTML anchor text, paste it into a document, write out the anchor text as whatever you wish, and add the closing anchor text manually - simple and easy. I give it one point off for not delivering link template structures in compliance with international laws for web accessibility.
  • (2014-02-13) Add BBCODE as a default option! I have to add it manually which is alright but not easy for novice users. Cheers.

Latest issues

  • (2022-06-11, v:0.5.7) D. L. Fuller: Default Type Format?
    Thanks. Your Create Link extension is working as expected with my HTML default. But is there a way to change the resulting default type font and size? The result now is 12pt Times and my default elsewhere in other documents is 13pt Georgia. It's a pain to always have to change size and font after pasting the link.
  • (2022-01-19, v:0.5.7) Junichi Hayashi: All preset formats disappeared
    Opening context menu today, there is no "Create Link" item. In options page, all preset formats disappeared and the default format is also empty. Not working [+] button, I cannot add(restore) any formats. I use Vivaldi 5.0.2497.38 (Stable channel) (64-bit) and Create Link 0.5.7. Thank you.
  • (2022-01-04, v:0.5.5) Daiju Azuma: Similar Extension
    I will use this extension until Create Link works correctly. Copy URL+ https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/copy-url%20/capojgaalppngkaagaobmigigcgnidmn
  • (2022-01-03, v:0.5.5) Patrik Vale: Not working after update
    Since the update of the extension, it no longer works properly. I get dropdown menu, but whatever I select does not get copied to clipboard. Sometimes it works after I try 2 or 3 times in a row. But something happened after the update. Please check and fix. It is very useful extension for me.
  • (2021-12-31, v:0.5.5) Nathan Neuberg: HTML Links Not Working as Before
    Having the same issue as others where HTML links are showing tags and urls instead of just hyperlinked text of tab titles. This isn't working as it was before. Not sure what Malcolm Cook's responses below mean by: 'you probably just need to use the new "migrated formats (and delete the old ones)' Please elaborate or fix.
  • (2021-12-30, v:0.5.5) Javier Eduardo: Stop working
    Use the extension with the format: <a href="%url%">%htmlEscapedText%</a> And then paste in google docs, confluence or word produces: <a href="https://www.google.com/">Google</a>
  • (2021-12-28, v:0.5.5) Petr Püschel: Not working
    After update 0.5.5 Create Link not working
  • (2021-12-23, v:0.5.5) Benjamin West: Not creating hyperlinked text with HTML option
    This was working a few days ago, but now when I go to create a link with HTML from text I highlighted on a page, I paste it to reveal the "<a href="URL">TEXT I'VE HIGHLIGHTED</a>
  • (2021-12-22, v:0.5.5) Clinton Alvord (comedy4cast): Stopped working a few days ago for me
    I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling, uninstalling/restarting/reinstalling, etc. Nothing. A right click will still bring up the selection popup, but no link is copied to the clipboard. Apparently it is working for a friend of mine, but it does not work on my laptop or my desktop.
  • (2021-12-22, v:0.5.5) Grant Odgers: pasting HTML source not the hyperlinked text
    Hi there, as of today, when pasting the link, it is just pasting the HTML - not with the text hyperlinked (underlined etc)
  • (2021-12-22, v:0.5.5) M B: コピー出来ません。
    突然コピーの精度が落ちました。 何度もPlain textをしないとコピーすることが出来ません。
  • (2021-12-22, v:0.5.5) Mohammed Al-Shaikh Jafar: The addin no longer work
    After updating the add-in Create Link to version 0.5.5 on Google Chrome Version 96.0.4664.110 (Official Build) (64-bit) it stopped working. When I select a format to copy nothing happens. It does not copy anything.
  • (2021-12-21, v:0.5.1) kei naka: It doesn't work anymore.
    Since few days ago, something going wrong. And today, my configure has all disappeared. Please help.
  • (2021-12-20, v:0.5.1) Stefan Norberg: HTML contents is pasted as plain-text after the 0.5.1 update.
    Instead of pasting "Reddit - Dive into anything" with a hyperlink, it pastes "<a href="https://www.reddit.com/">Reddit - Dive into anything</a>" Perhaps an issue with the content type in the clipboard?
  • (2021-12-20, v:0.5.1) KC Yang: Failed to copy HTML
    Hi there, the extension was forced to reactivated today and then all the sudden, I can not copy HTML and pasted in my notebook like I did before, please help. Thanks.
  • (2021-05-13, v:0.4.1) Greg Steward: I love this extension, but now I am using Firefox and other browsers
    I love this extension, but now I am using Firefox and other browsers more than Chrome. Is this available in other browsers? Firefox, Edge, Brave? Or anyway to install this extension from the Chrome store into other browsers?
  • (2021-05-11, v:0.4.1) 福田真作: TAB?
    Thank you for making it so useful. I want to paste a title and URL into a column in a spreadsheet, but I don't know how to enter the TAB. Is there any function like %TAB%?
  • (2020-10-13, v:0.4.1) S.C Rawat: RAWAT MEENA SAMAJ EKTA SANGH
  • (2020-04-10, v:0.4.1) David Rigby: Create Link 0.4.1 error
    When I add %input% to a Format, the prompt dialog appears and allows me to enter text and click OK, but the text is not added to the clipboard content. Instead "null" is added. Can you please fix this as I'm keen to use the %input% field Best wishes, David
  • (2018-07-16, v:0.4.1) Rural Info: Open in new window
    How can I make it open the link in a new window using the HTML . I tried adding target="_blank" but it would not work.. I am probably formatting it wrong.. <a href="%url%">%htmlEscapedText%</a>
  • (2018-05-19, v:0.4.1) ExCe EssE: Variables stopped working
    As it seems %text_n% and %text_br% has stopped working and does the same as %text%. I.e. no matter how I use them I always get the selection on one line.
  • (2018-04-03, v:0.4.1) Right button menu won't work
    Hi there: It's been days since I firstly notice a problem in which the extension menu after clicking the right mouse button disappear, I have to left click on the extension to "wake it up" so that it will work like it should be. Please help. Regards, KC
  • (2018-02-17, v:0.4.1) אור הושמנד: %favicon%
    create a link that includes the current page's favicon. For example: <a href="%url%"><img src="%favicon%" width="16" height="16">%htmlEscapedText%</img></a> .
  • (2017-06-13, v:0.4.0) Alberto Facca: When multiple tabs are opened, create link take the title of the page from another tab instead of text selection.
    Hi, thank you for improving the plug-in. I've found in this new version that there is a problem when multiple tabs are opened. Tab A and B are opened. I select a text "text selection" in tab A, but create link create a link with the address of tab B and the title of tab B.
  • (2017-05-09, v:0.3.3) muhammad rafli: hi
  • (2017-03-19, v:0.3.3) Suzanne Bernard: Not seeing keyboard shortcuts option
    I have version 0.3.3 installed, but I see no evidence of the recent update. No way to set keyboard shortcuts, for example, other than the shortcut that shows the Create Link menu. Basically this extension looks and functions for me exactly as it did six months ago. Am I missing something? Is it a Chrome settings issue? Thanks.
  • (2017-03-19, v:0.3.3) Suzanne Bernard: Tab character option
    It would be great to be able to include a tab in the link formats. The CoLT FF extension provides this option - I'm sure it's possible.
  • (2017-03-19, v:0.3.3) Suzanne Bernard: Sorting list of link formats - please!!
    Please, if at all possible, implement a way to sort and edit the list of links - or at least a Move Up/Move Down option (like the CoLT FF extension) so I can make the link formats appear in the order I need to see them.
  • (2017-03-14, v:0.3.3) Rural Info: Clicking no longer works
    Hello, when I use the extension from my toolbar, I can no longer click to create a link. It does nothing. Thanks


30,000 history
4.2619 (168 votes)
Last update / version
2022-01-12 / 0.5.7
Listing languages
