extension ExtPose

Copy Selected Links

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Right-click selected text to copy the URL of any links it contains.

Image from store Copy Selected Links
Description from store **This extension won't be maintained further.** I'm shelving this project due to lack of interest/utility and too much burden. The addon will remain available for download as long as the store allows, and the source on gitlab (https://gitlab.com/Marnes-group/webextensions) will also remain available to fork. **I do have a greasyfork account (https://greasyfork.org/en/users/18593-marnes) and may publish works there in the future.** I have mild intentions to reimplement the core functionality of CSL, IBCP, and DID as public userscripts. Also available for Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/copy-selected-links/ When you select text in a page and your selection contains links, you can right-click anywhere on the selection or use a hotkey to copy the URLs of all those links at once. Please check the linked homepage for more complete information. Issues can be filed on the linked support site.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-11-06) mubbii: Copies multiple links with single selection, Exactly wat i needed!
  • (2023-06-08) Ehsan TiTaN: One of the best extensions, Very useful.
  • (2023-05-26) Hosein Mohamadi: Best for batch downloads for Uget and IDM.
  • (2022-11-28) Kunzaku naku: epic aplication 100% functional, :) !!!!!!!!!!!
  • (2022-05-26) Fatemah Rashed: best extension
  • (2022-04-05) Copycat Liu: Very handy! save lot of time to bulk copy URLs behind selected text.
  • (2021-12-25) Syed Zahurullah Hussaini: Amazing tool. Saved me hours of manual work. Loved it!
  • (2021-11-06) Carmine: Awesome!! Thx!
  • (2021-08-14) Matt B: Works beautiful
  • (2021-07-03) Bread Head: Works perfectly for what I needed, highly recommend!
  • (2021-01-28) Ruan Müller: Estou usando no Microsoft Edge e funcionou muito bem.
  • (2020-12-08) perfect app, useful for making lists for httrack e.g. to download whole category of wikihow
  • (2020-11-09) 大山貴紀: まさに必要としていた機能が備わっている。URLを一括でコピーでき、MEGAsyncに貼り付けるのに最適。
  • (2020-10-28) Sky Drive69: very good
  • (2020-10-12) Johnny Rainbow: Worked perfectly fine until now. The new update does not filter duplicates anymore, making it completely unusable for me.
  • (2020-10-12) Vinícius: Funcionou perfeitamente.
  • (2020-04-05) Feraidoon Mehri: Works
  • (2020-01-05) Alan Motta Cardoso: Works perfectly
  • (2019-08-27) Оля Сичевская: Это лучшая прога для массового копирования ссылок со страницы!!! долго искал, много всего наустанавливал, теперь все остальное удалил!
  • (2019-07-01) Steve Richards: Nice you can copy selectet links like the name says, also on youtube. go to the channel wich playlist or videos u want. go to videos or playlists. seach the list u want, click on: "show the whole complete playlist". mark all videos u want, right mouse klick > copy selectet links > paste it in a text file done!
  • (2019-03-18) Oleksandr Rushakov: Відмінно працює. Величезна подяка автору
  • (2018-11-17) Parsa Gachkar: Does not work! Uninstalled.
  • (2018-11-16) Dawid Ciecierski: Small and simple, does what is says on the tin. Nothing fancy but prefer speed over fancy!
  • (2018-09-23) Michael Elsberg Nielsen: I used the opera extensions for years, with the same name. This extension is better, love the popup notifications, with the number of copied links.
  • (2017-12-15) Workflow In Mind: I don't understand the reviews, that usually is a sign of poorly maintened or not working extension. As I'm using it all the time on FF I tried this one, and it does as excpeted if you use right click and not the extension's menu (which bring us to the addon's store page) Thanks to the auhtor
  • (2017-12-12) SoCu: It does not work, it does not copy any link.
  • (2017-09-04) Сергей Балашов (BSB): Пофиксили, всё работает (выделяешь фрагмент, ПКМ > Copy selected links - в буфере обмена все ссылки).
  • (2017-07-14) Felipe acuña: well i copyes 1100 links it just said, "no links found" good joob at failing your only job addon
  • (2017-07-04) Алексей Косенко: В Хроме не работает, но отлично работает в Мозилле
  • (2017-06-26) Gersivan Oliveira: Faz o que promete.
  • (2017-02-09) Marvin D Hernandez: Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. And this inconsistency doesn't seem to have a pattern to it.
  • (2016-11-08) Frank Utne: Now it is not working at all… :( Uninstalled/reinstalled. Still doesn't work.
  • (2016-07-08) Alexey Koniahin: Не работает.
  • (2016-06-01) Frank Utne: I expected this to work like the Firefox version but it doesn't. It only works on SOME web pages but not the majority. Huh? The FF version works on ALL web pages.

Latest issues

  • (2021-10-30, v:2.4.0) Spanky M.: Slightly broken after 10.29 update
    No longer works when copying links if there is an image within the <a href>
  • (2021-01-07, v:2.3.0) Jae Tea: Doesn't work on ftp sites.
    This has been working on websites but I tried it on an ftp site and it doesn't work. The "copy selected links" does not show in the right-click menu. I only have the option to "copy" or "copy link text" and both options only copy a single link instead of all the highlighted links.
  • (2019-04-12, v:2.1.1) Adam: Can you add a feature to copy links if the links are in the form of images and lightbox?
    Example: https://www.uchinokomato.me/chara/show/154061 on the bottom, you can view the original resolution (hence the “original” instead of “medium” or “thumb”) on their image URLs, like “https://s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/uchinoko/chara_images/pictures/000/330/363/original/71f48656c2dde53250f0230e1e38e199.png?1531036338”.
  • (2018-06-05, v:2.1.0) James Maxwel: parou de funcionar
    parou de funcionar
  • (2018-04-13, v:2.1.0) 纳兰炽羽: Unable to work in chrome
    The following text is translated by Google I can meet my requirements in firefox, but not in chrome. I hope that the selected text contains some of the hyperlinks, and finally only the link part.
  • (2017-01-26, v:1.1.1) relaxing music: how does it work
    how does it work i can see how to copy but how do i get the copied links?
  • (2016-12-10, v:1.1.1) Fred Eric: Vivaldi issue
    Tested in windows 10. It works in Chrome 55.0.2900.0 x64. In Vivaldi 1.5.658.56 x64, no button or context entry are created. Too bad, it was the one extenstion I was looking for.
  • (2016-09-07, v:1.0.5) Fuan K: Doesn't work.
    Using in Chrome, it keeps returning "no links found" when highlighting text holding URL tags.


20,000 history
3.9623 (53 votes)
Last update / version
2023-06-26 / 2.4.1
Listing languages
