extension ExtPose

Google ડ્રાઇવ પર સાચવો

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Description from extension meta

વેબ સામગ્રી અથવા સ્ક્રીન કેપ્ચરને સીધા Google Drive પર સાચવો.

Image from store Google ડ્રાઇવ પર સાચવો
Description from store The Save to Google Drive Chrome extension helps you save web content or browser screenshots to your Google Drive. * Adds a browser action to save the current page. * Adds a right-click context menu to save hyperlinks and media. * Configurable through an options page. This extension allow you to save web content directly to Google Drive through a browser action or context menu. You can save documents, images, and HTML5 audio and video all by right clicking and selecting 'Save to Google Drive'. You can save the currently viewed page using the 'Save to Google Drive' browser action. The directory location and format of saved HTML pages can be controlled with the extension's options page (Choice of Entire image (default), Visible image, Raw HTML, MHTML, or Google Doc). You can automatically convert Microsoft Office files or comma separated files to Google Docs format. After your content is saved, the progress dialog allows you to open the file, rename, or view the file in the Google Drive document list. From the document list, you can organize and share your new document. To save a file:// URLs, or to enable in incognito mode, go to chrome://extensions/ and enable the associated checkbox. Due to security restrictions, this extension cannot capture chrome:// pages or Chrome Web Store pages. New in Version 2.1: Authorization now requires you to be signed into Chrome. In order to save to a different Google Drive account, you must change Chrome profiles. New in Version 2.0.1: Bug fix for Authentication page redirecting to about:blank after clicking Accept. New in Version 2: * Uses OAuth2 authentication flow, so you will need to re-authenticate on first use * Ability to choose destination folder (configured in Options page) * Support for high devicePixelRatio (Chrome Pixel & Retina displays) * Clicking saved folder name displays the newly uploaded file in the destination directory * Options are stored in shared storage, so are synchronized across browsers if Chrome Sync is enabled. By installing this item, you agree to the Google Terms of Service and Privacy Policy at https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-08-10) Señor Lee: NOT WORKING! It will not save the whole page, just the visible part. Image capture failed (This request exceeds the MAX_CAPTURE_VISIBLE_TAB_CALLS_PER_SECOND quota.)
  • (2024-08-07) Ernesto Puig: I wanted to leave feedback but here is my review. Does the job. I would like to pick the folder where it saves to each time instead of just using the last folder used as the save location. Also I would like to convert to PDF instead of just image, web page, or G doc file.
  • (2023-12-05) Clay Nichols: 1. When I change the Option from Save as PNG to Save As Google Doc, it still saves as PNG image. 2. The PNG image includes all the ads and such as additional images to the right of the page, and when you view it in Gdrive that makes the whole page huge and hard to read/navigate 3. Takes 20 to 30s to capture the PNG image. This is a non starter. It's faster to copy and paste. On many sites, it does not capture correctly. Here is one example: https://web.archive.org/web/20160404134821/http://www.bungalowsoftware.com:80/subscription/create.aspx Here's an example of the captured screen: https://www.evernote.com/client/snv?noteGuid=c312c99c-7240-4191-80be-8d98c62777c2&noteKey=f63d21c1dd18fb8b&var=b&sn=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.evernote.com%2Fshard%2Fs2%2Fsh%2Fc312c99c-7240-4191-80be-8d98c62777c2%2Ff63d21c1dd18fb8b&exp=ENB3538
  • (2023-11-16) D Oaks (TheSheDM): I use this a lot to save images to a google drive folder and it works great. Unfortunately more and more sites are using .webp format which is useless to me. It would be nice if there was an option to convert .webp to a normal image format. I have another extension that does this, but it doesn't save to google drive so I end up doing extra steps to convert first, then transfer to drive.
  • (2023-10-10) Cory Grundmeyer: Doesn't work. "Access blocked: Authorization Error. Custom scheme URI not allowed."
  • (2023-10-10) Oren Wilson: useful.
  • (2023-10-09) Sam Katakouzinos: Q: Can anyone else see an option to change the 'Page Size'/'Layout' (Legal to A4) when using Ctrl-P and choosing 'Save to Google Drive"?
  • (2023-10-07) Perfeito para salvar arquivos da internet sem precisar abrir diretamente o Google Drive.
  • (2023-10-01) Володимир Хилько: Не работает
  • (2023-09-26) Володимир Хилько: not working. Authentication error. Error 400: invalid_request
  • (2023-09-25) Bharat Raghuram: Doesn't work, just keeps asking me to sign in over and over again
  • (2023-09-22) Tracy Obrien: This extension doesn't work
  • (2023-09-22) Eddie Ortiz: No me permite cambiar la carpeta de destino en el Google Drive, me pide sign on y no ejecuta.
  • (2023-09-16) Yael S.: essential.
  • (2023-09-12) Lapin Marketing: Quando você dá CTRL+P dá pra selecionar o Google Drive para salvar um PDF ou qualquer coisa que dê para imprimir.
  • (2023-09-06) Fabian Meyer alias fim 82: C'est quoi cette GROSSE MR2 ???
  • (2023-08-16) Jesse Kuzma: Non-functional. Using the right click "Save to Google Drive" does absolutely nothing. Settings go to an error page.
  • (2023-08-08) WAN MUHAMMAD AZIM BIN WAN ABDUL AZIZ: I like it but it's better if we can choose our google account instead of default account =(
  • (2023-07-27) Juan Carlos Herranz Ramos: No funciona
  • (2023-07-26) D. Langary: No matter what settings I choose, it only converts the webpage into a png format. I am not able to save it in other formats, such as html. etc. What I really wanted, though, is to have the webpage saved in "Google Docs" format.
  • (2023-07-25) Grrr G: not working. Authentication error. Error 400: invalid_request
  • (2023-07-23) Lakmal N: Google stop developing this extension. This is must have feature for google drive but unfortunately this is not working.
  • (2023-07-19) Игорь Швец: установил, но ничего не хочет сохранять на диск
  • (2023-07-17) Euhab M: Not working
  • (2023-07-13) Duke William: Not working at all. How to save file to the drive? There is no option in extension to save. Using this in Microsoft Edge browser.
  • (2023-07-12) 영혼여행: 이것이 도대체 뭐냐
  • (2023-07-08) Just Josh: PLEASE UPDATE THIS EXTENTION RIGHT MEOW! All the file sizes I try to save to drive are "too large" Its a problem i wouldn't mind having in real life, but not in the computer world
  • (2023-07-07) Michael Tabernero: Can't print to google drive in landscape on macbook using chrome, and the saved pdf truncates the screen.
  • (2023-07-07) Mr. Johnny Edward Wellons, II: Mr. Johnny E. Wellons, II - Owner of the GRANDSUPERSURPRIZEDWINNER© [email protected]
  • (2023-07-07) Сергій Крученюк: зберігає файли у форматі .png (скріншот), незважаючи на налаштування.
  • (2023-07-01) علي العضلي: لئلاؤرلبرؤبسلب لرلالابقاعتياترؤب للرلاراللابااتبللاىى الاترابابالربؤء
  • (2023-06-29) Микита Пономарьов: Не працює у гугл хром. На диску не з'являються файли
  • (2023-06-23) Cranium Emit Smoke: there is no sign out option in it
  • (2023-06-17) Antonio Fernandes: util
  • (2023-06-07) Terell Giordani: This extension doesn't work at all! I can't log into my account, I can't choose a destination folder, I cant save anything because it doesn't allow me to log into my account. It just keep saying no access. UPDATE THIS EXTENSION GOOGLE
  • (2023-06-07) Андрей Понарошкин: Весьма полезное расширение. Не нужно делать массы лишних телодвижений. Жаль, не обошлось без недостатков: как уже говорилось другими пользователями, сохраняет файлы только скриншот в формате .png, невзирая на настройки. Надеемся, доработают ))))
  • (2023-06-04) André I. S.: Fatal, no funciona, te pide autorización pero no carga nada y solo te aparece error.
  • (2023-06-04) Maria Mandawe: I can't use it at all. Nothing happens. Opening the extension options, I try to change the file destination and just shows the error 403
  • (2023-05-31) Chase Martin: Not sure what's going on, but now I have to try and save everything twice before it works.
  • (2023-05-23) eddy Z: 现在只能保存为png格式了,没人维护就不行了
  • (2023-05-20) Anni Ezmerelda Large: Works okay sometimes but get "Download failure: Source too large" when trying to upload some things to my Drive and I don't know a way around that. The files in question are about 60mb which doesn't seem that large?
  • (2023-05-20) Philippe Zitoun: BUG since a couple of months, you can only save to png format even you select any othre format. Seems Google team didn't perform any test before update release.
  • (2023-05-20) NGUYEN VAN: tiện lợi
  • (2023-05-17) ANUGYA: Used to love this extension but recently, only images are uploaded and for pdf's it just says error- "Page size is not supported: 1370x0" Please fix this issue. thank you
  • (2023-05-02) Lori Crichton: I need a way to quickly save emails as images or PDF to google drive so they can then be sent as attachments. This was recommended, but it doesn't capture the full page... just the visible part. ah well.
  • (2023-04-29) privatehuff: I love this extension but need to find a replacement because of a bug: Sometimes it saves as .PNG even though I have .MHT selected in the options.
  • (2023-04-23) Maciej Czajkowski: Custom scheme URI not allowed. Jeśli jesteś deweloperem aplikacji Google Drive Chrome Extension, sprawdź szczegóły błędu. Błąd 400: invalid_request
  • (2023-04-15) Amy A: The only thing it works consistently for is images. It can't save pages from the Print dialogue box anymore, and that was my primary case for it.
  • (2023-04-12) ꧁L33 “Flatlin3” Uchytil꧂: I love it.
  • (2023-04-11) Andrei Marusov: Скудный набор формиатов сохранения, да плевать это расширение хотело на настройки: сохраняет только скриншот в формате .png

Latest issues

  • (2020-10-19, v:2.1.1) Davide Micaletto: google drive
    come fare per estendere lo spazio di memoria di google drive
  • (2020-10-14, v:2.1.1) Ansu (Man0NEgr0): No log in nor Save folder.
    Hi, I downloaded this app, but it seems useless as there is no log in, there are also no wa to indicate which folders to you. This is a new laptop on my previous lap top also an Acer-.SO what to do or shall i just have it removed? Best regards, Ansu Aronsson
  • (2020-10-09, v:2.1.1) Richard Llewellyn: Doesn't default to my choice of save (HTML) options
    Only saves as png.
  • (2020-10-05, v:2.1.1) michelle polyviou: need to speak to someone on the phone to walk me through problems. Frusted
    I want to ad photos, shazam songs I've saved from my samsung note 10 to my apple Mac desktop anc certain files on this computer I'm using for job hunting
  • (2020-10-04, v:2.1.1) Rose Stafford: Save destination can't be changed back from sub-folder to main Drive
    I changed my "save to folder" destination to a folder within my drive because I had several pages that were all going to that location. I thought I would be able to change it back to its default - being saved in my main Google Drive, not a folder within it. However, I cannot find a way to do that. In the pop up message, I hit "change," which brings me to the "Save to Google Drive extension options" page. When I hit "change destination folder," there is no option to reset it to just save to my main drive folder. I am only permitted to select one of the subfolders within it (i.e., cannot go up a level).
  • (2020-09-14, v:2.1.1) Guizhang Zheng: Work in the background, please
    it would be much better if the "save to goolge drive" message doesn't pop up.
  • (2020-09-11, v:2.1.1) Leonardo Azevedo: mensagem de "Você precisa autorizar salvar no Drive"
    Quando tento salvar qualquer arquivo, aparece a mensagem "Você precisa autorizar salvar no Drive" nos avisos do Windows. Ao clicar na mensagem, nada acontece. Procurando no Drive algum campo de confirmação também não encontro uma solução. Já procurei por soluções na internet, mas não encontrei resposta satisfatória para o problema. Optei por instala-lo no M. Edge, depois da última atualização e a possibilidade de usar as extensões da Chrome Web Store.
  • (2020-09-11, v:2.1.1) Paulo Matos: Attempted to save a PDF
    If you are reading a PDF and attempt to save it to Google Drive, it just doens't work. :(
  • (2020-09-05, v:2.1.1) Joe Zero: Image of entire page no longer functions
    Saving .png of entire page no longer works, it simply saves visible area regardless of which option I select.
  • (2020-09-02, v:2.1.1) Michele Dima: telefono
    come istallare il mio telefono di casa a internet
  • (2020-08-30, v:2.1.1) Mr. Garber: nothing happens when I click or configure
    I need a single click add to drive. The extension just stares at me. Canary chrome.
  • (2020-08-16, v:2.1.1) AUROCK MUSIC: 저장옵션을 변경해도 화면캡쳐만 되는 현상
    mht로 저장하도록 옵션을 변경했지만 화면캡쳐만 되는 경우 어떻게 해야 합니까?
  • (2020-08-16, v:2.1.1) DARLENE SMITH: I have a linux computer and I it wont let me download chrome, or anthing for that matter
  • (2020-08-16, v:2.1.1) ST JR: How large is too large?
    I am trying to take college classes. I can't access the class on the computer at work (filter problem), but can access the google drive. I can download the lecture video to google drive then watch it at work (my employer is ok with this) but it says that the file size is too large. How large is too large?
  • (2020-08-11, v:2.1.1) Edward Gomez: How to Authorize Save to Google Drive on Edge Browser
    Hello, I am using Microsoft Edge and installed your app there. Each time I use it, I get a pop-up on the lower right saying: "You must autohorize Save to Google Drive" but there is no clear method to an authorization window of any kind. Clicking on the pop-up gives one the impression that one is going to be connected to some kind of authorization window but then nothing really comes up. Is there a way to do this or has Save to Google Drive not yet been implemented on the Edge platform? I have never had a problem with the extension on the Chrome browser but the new version of Edge is looking nicer these days and it would be great to have that functionality there. Thank you for any help with this, Edward
  • (2020-08-03, v:2.1.1) Russell Taylor: Extension doesnt work.
    When i use the extension it does nothing. Right click, save to Google Drive and nothing happens. Unable to click on any of the settings either, e.g. change the save location. It flashes when i click the icon to, and also states unable to screenshot chrome pages.
  • (2020-08-03, v:2.1.1) Henry Stickmin Review: Authorization
    Why do I have to authorize 'Save to Google Drive'?
  • (2020-08-02, v:2.1.1) joseph cuctom: hows ur day
    Its always great when things work.
  • (2020-08-01, v:2.1.1) Sharon Poole: 'Save to Folders'
    When I use this extension, I often click to 'change the destination folder.' Used to work without any problems. Now, when I chose to 'change the destination' folder, the only folders showing are the ones alphabetized "A" or 'B,' The folders titled "C' through 'Z' no longer show up. I am using a Samsung Chromebook, I uninstalled and the reinstalled the app. Folders still not showing in the list. I've cleared cache/browsing data but still no success. Can you help. I used to love using this app to save info to my Google Drive folders. [email protected]
  • (2020-07-27, v:2.1.1) Mahnoor Cheema: Extension won't connect to my account
    It keeps telling me to authorize Save to Google Drive but I don't know how to do that. It doesn't seem to be a widespread problem since there are no articles or past inquiries about it from other people. Uninstalling and reinstalling do not fix the problem. It seems that this extension should automatically connect to one's Google account but it won't do that for me. Please look into this.
  • (2020-07-24, v:2.1.1) عبدالله رجب: الاضافة عندي بها مشكلة
    أثناء تحميل الاضافة وقف إتصال الانترنت و الآن لا تظهر الإضافة عندي على جوجل كروم وعند محاولة تحمليها يخبرني أنها موجودة !!!
  • (2020-07-20, v:2.1.1) Ross Gillis: hi can you help me please
    need chrome reset password for reseting to factory settings
  • (2020-07-17, v:2.1.1) Kokodjo: Erweiterung funktioniert nicht.
    404. That’s an error. The requested URL was not found on this server. That’s all we know.
  • (2020-07-16, v:2.1.1) Paul M: All options now save as PNG...
    Extension has been working fine for months then today it started to save as PNG when I want it to save as a Google Doc. I tried enabling/disabling the extension. Uninstalling/reinstalling. It just doesn't work.
  • (2020-07-15, v:2.1.1) No Name: today i finally find out the problem
    i wanted to know who was submitted my account
  • (2020-07-06, v:2.1.1) Raj PhyLAB: Does not save the image
    On right clicking and try to save the image in google drive it fails to do the and i'm also unable to change the destination folder in the option menu..
  • (2020-06-29, v:2.1.1) Olavi Turunen: Päivitys ..
    Navigaattori ei toimi ja ehkä tarvitsee päivityksen. Olavi Turunen Kitee Ouh. +358400503241
  • (2020-06-25, v:2.1.1) linla pyaemg: you help me
    i need in my computer apk
  • (2020-06-25, v:2.1.1) linla pyaemg: you help me
    i need in my computer apk
  • (2020-06-24, v:2.1.1) Gail Brown: 为什么只能切换目录而不能切换账号呢
  • (2020-06-18, v:2.1.1) Theo McCausland: Choose folder
    I want to save it to top-level, My Drive. But I cannot choose this, I am stuck forced to choose one of the subdirectories of My Drive.
  • (2020-06-13, v:2.1.1) DUDDEMPUDI VIJAYAVENKATAKRISHNA: didnot show the files
    please,solve the problem to shown the imges &pdf .
  • (2020-06-10, v:2.1.1) Ian Castillon: Data usage on saving to Google drive
    So basically this extension just download the file and upload it to the google drive with one click right and still eat up our data. Do we have a way to make it cloud transfer so it won't eat up much data to the user end?
  • (2020-06-09, v:2.1.1) Fred Barboza: Extension stopped working
    It was a handy solution, but [at least] since version 83.0.4103.97, it's no longer saving files, neither the “save to folder - change destination folder” is usable. Please [anyone], help us having this fixed!
  • (2020-06-08, v:2.1.1) RK Veluvali: The extension doesn't work
    I'm using Brave, when I add this extension, 'm not even able to authorize my account, so no other options are enabled, and so this extension becomes obsolete. Please verify and make updates please.
  • (2020-06-02, v:2.1.1) Kamil W: screenshots with same names
    screenshots from same www have the same filename and files without manual rename could be indistinguishable on drive even by dates
  • (2020-06-01, v:2.1.1) Fabian: Synchronisation funktioniert nicht!
    Hallo! Immer wenn ich versuche meinen Account zu verbinden mit dem Addon steht immer nur auf der Seite: 404. That’s an error. The requested URL was not found on this server. That’s all" Ich kann daher das Addon nicht nutzden, was schade ist....
  • (2020-05-26, v:2.1.1) Nachum Marcus: Add an orgnize option after upload
    Thanks for the excellent plugin. I'd like to offer an extra feature of organizing the file to a folder on Drive after upload, similar to existing in gmail. Because the need to open Google Drive and organize the file slightly undermines the idea of uploading outside of Google Drive. Thank you!
  • (2020-05-19, v:2.1.1) Byron Hawkins: Cannot upload local files
    When I try to upload a local pdf file using this extension, it says, "you must enable the option to access local files." But there is no such option. Why do you need an option anyway? Please just enable it. Inventing security concerns is not helpful to anyone. If I didn't want it to upload a local file, I wouldn't have clicked on the button!
  • (2020-05-18, v:2.1.1) Michelle M: Need "Save As PDF" option
    None of the current available options looked good. Probably won't be able to use this extension unless I can export web page as PDF.
  • (2020-05-14, v:2.1.1) Julien Pennings: chromecast dongle eureka setup werkt niet in w10
    chromecast dongle setup fout
  • (2020-05-11, v:2.1.1) we all: at gsuite says give authority
    Save to Google Drive" is not used for Gsuite? at gsuite says give authority ..
  • (2020-05-11, v:2.1.1) Harrison Chu: How to target a specific frame?
    Let's say we're trying to capture a long e-mail through the GMail webmail page. Currently, there doesn't seem to be any method to capture it through the default user space without specifically opening the message into its own window?
  • (2020-05-11, v:2.1.1) Christiane Chénier: À la fois suggestion et problème
    Vous gagneriez à prendre exemple sur Keep ou Pocket, voir même sur Evernote, car même après actualisation de la page, on a pas ce choix en cliquant droit souris; ce qui est bien plus simple...et qu'une étiquette apparaisse sous la barre de nos extensions car j'enregistre et rien n'apparaît nul part et si j'essais d'ouvrir Google Drive à partir de son extension, on me dirige automatiquement sur sa page du web store.....Pourtant, l'extension est à jour, j'ai actualisé la page à enregistrer sans pour autant que le choix d'enregistrer avec Google Drive apparaisse avec un clic droit sur la page, ensuite, j'ai aussi configurer l'extension mais impossible d'ouvrir pour voir si ça a fonctionné ou pas....au lieu de nous amener sur le web store, on devrait arriver sur la page de nos enregistrement de Google Drive....c'est comme trop compliqué en rapport aux autres extensions du même type et étant donné le nom fonctionnement (pas d'Étiquette apparaissant pour confirmer l'enregistrement, la classer et la nommer ou renommer...) Très déçue
  • (2020-05-09, v:2.1.1) Mark Kamoski: Please try to add a way to send you a tip via PayPal or Venmo.
    Please try to add a way to send you a tip via PayPal or Venmo. You deserve it.
  • (2020-05-09, v:2.1.1) Mark Kamoski: This is a wishlist item for the Save To Drive extension.
    Please add functionality such that the extension will do the following. (1) The extension will prompt the end user to select a Drive folder that will hold the saved file. (2) The extension will automatically auto fill the Drive folder that was last used. (3) The extension will allow one to choose PDF as the output format. I am a developer too, so I know these might be hard, but I just thought I should suggest them anyway, and yours is the best-in-class already, so this are just minor improvement. Thanks. -- Mark Kamoski
  • (2020-05-05, v:2.1.1) Linda Burke: Add app to app store need mac os high sierra
    need app to app store installed
  • (2020-05-03, v:2.1.1) Yohnathan Carletti: Revert location to save files
    So I mistakenly change the default location to save files. Now I cannot revert the option to save files directly on my main 'drive'. But It has to be in a folder. How can I revert the option?
  • (2020-05-03, v:2.1.1) Audrey Sjarief: Switch Account
    Hi, can you please provide an option to save files to different accounts? It would be veeery helpful if you can. Thank you.
  • (2020-04-30, v:2.1.1) Byron Hawkins: url of upload in popup
    Hi, is it possible to see the URL of the download inside the small popup window? It currently shows the filename, but often this does not represent the file in any meaningful way. Often I save 10 or more files at a time, and after they are saved, it takes a long time to open each one in my drive (to see what it is) and then give the file a useful name. If the popup would show the URL of the file and also the URL of the page where it was accessed, then I could use the "Rename" button on the popup. Please let me know if I can do this. Thanks!


7,000,000 history
3.917 (4,810 votes)
Last update / version
2024-04-03 / 3.0.8
Listing languages
