Description from extension meta
This extension allows you to initiate a Google search using any image on the web. By the Google Images team.
Image from store
Description from store
Version 1.5.2 Notes:
Minor security fix update.
Previous Version Notes:
1.5.1: Minor update.
1.5.0: Changed the extension behavior so that the camera icon is not injected into the webpage's DOM until it is absolutely necessary.
1.4.3: Removed all jQuery references and significantly reduced the run-time memory footprint.
1.4.2: Minor updates.
1.4.1: Users now have an option to select from several minimum dimensions for images they want the hover camera icon to be displayed.
1.4.0: This extension now works on images with non-public URLs.
Found an image on the web that you’re curious about? With this extension, you can initiate a search on Google using pictures on the web. You can discover photos of places, learn more about art pieces, identify landmarks, and more.
To use this extension, right click on an image on the web and select “Search Google with this image.” You can also add a clickable Search by Image icon that appears when you point to an image. When you search by image, you’ll see results that show you where that image, and similar images, appear on the web. You can see webpages that contain that image, or find the same image in different sizes or resolutions.
To learn more about Search by Image, visit
By installing this extension, you agree to the Terms of Service at:
Latest reviews
- (2020-10-22) hazel hudson: Simply will no do anything
- (2020-09-24) Ali Asghar Khosroabadi: خیلی خوب هست ولی جا داره بازم دقیقتر بشه
- (2020-09-17) Артём Курбатов: Seems it needs upgrade, stopped to search
- (2020-09-12) Đ H: nice
- (2020-07-18) Shannon Elkind: Was... good enough. ITS FREE so when something does a passable job without needing to drop $ what can you REALLY complain about (yup looking @ u KAREN) BUT it broke, now sucks and only scans the weirdo stuff I look up because the fine print allllllways told me google could track me if I check a stupid box stating they will see what I see once I access their 34% accurate image engine. LoL fml? k peace.
- (2020-07-15) Up Down: search only image
- (2020-07-12) Luciano Vilela Flauzino: É Um Aplicativo ótimo para conseguir localizar cenas e imagens no ciberespaço da Web!! Muito Boa Aplicação virtual para navegador Google Chrome!!!!
- (2020-07-02) Crusader: There were few times it got the image right, literally over 75% of the time it showed "Cartoon"
- (2020-03-31) Anonymisty: All this does for me is take me to the Google headline page and doesn't even show anything other than the Google name...No picturesat all! What a disappointment!
- (2020-03-17) n9rgokartr: one problem when i watch a youtube video and a pop up ad comes up and the camera icon stays there even when the ad is X'd out.
- (2020-02-17) Евгений Захаров: Работает с перебоями
- (2020-02-08) Хер Сгоры: То что делает это приложение - уже есть в стандартной виндоус. кликаешь правой кнопкой мыши - Найти картину (Google). все!!! Нафига это приложение нужно непонятно вовсе..может пароли и логины воровать у нас... Думал оно дает возможность парсить картинки с гугла - нет.. удаляю
- (2020-01-30) I love moths: how dose it work
- (2020-01-21) Woondal Jeong: not working
- (2020-01-09) Erwien hendro bawono: sangat kami perlukan
- (2020-01-08) Dave Patterson: not working
- (2019-12-15) Mikko Mansikka: Works just perfectly over here.. No issues. Thank you!
- (2019-11-10) جازية بلعيد: حلم يارب00213541427670
- (2019-11-03) charunnakorn socharunruttanakul: MORE SERVICES FOR FASTEST PROCESSING OF IMAGES
- (2019-10-24) Mário Bruno: Muito útil
- (2019-09-05) 胡欢: 请问有没有大神知道我chrome的图片搜索框旁边的相机按钮没了,没法上传图片是怎么回事
- (2019-09-03) José Encarnação: Thank you for this great extension.
- (2019-08-05) yoga sadana: this is too usefull , good job developer ! you were helping my life
- (2019-07-30) Ajith Adoor: Not working
- (2019-07-29) Andy Zixero: ดีมากๆ
- (2019-07-13) still chill: good
- (2019-07-08) Gameaddict007: I would give it five stars if it was up to date. Google, y'all haven't given this extension an update in almost three years! It's still a great extension, but this is becoming a common trend now. Are there any plans to do anything to this extension in the future? Are y'all abandoning it? Did y'all abandon it long ago already? If so, then some of us need closure. Y'all can't just break it off like that! (Sobs...)
- (2019-06-30) Live Tracker: othee
- (2019-06-22) Autumn Cramlet: very good
- (2019-06-19) Matthew Cross: I love Google. Google 4 Life yall~!
- (2019-06-13) 佚名: 谷歌浏览器已经自带此功能了,不过还是要感谢它曾经的付出。
- (2019-06-05) Cesar Grossmann: Excelente e necessário.
- (2019-05-29) Noritake Satoh: Can you make the whitelist ?
- (2019-05-14) Михаил Римша: Не работает.
- (2019-04-22) Alworu Berzenge: It can only help me reverse image search any popular images but not effective on any amateur posts/videos/images. I think that an extension "Image search for Yandex" has worked more effective and better than this. You should try it if you doubt anything I've said. You can view my avatar for more adult materials. Thanks for reading my review.
- (2019-04-20) Siamak Fallah: good way to search
- (2019-04-20) Amanda Silva: bom
- (2019-04-05) Aruna kumar: it work great! i love it
- (2019-03-17) Sven Klees: Super, genau das was ich seit Jahren nicht gesucht, aber definitiv gebraucht hab.
- (2019-02-25) Mohammad Ayed Ahmad Jaradat: thank you very match to match
- (2019-02-20) Спасибо, работает!
- (2019-02-19) 随风而行: 可以用. 谢谢.
- (2019-01-16) Olivier Gahungu: very nice program of pictures
4.5 (4,865 votes)
Last update / version
2016-10-20 / 1.5.2
Listing languages