Shows Rotten Tomato ratings when browsing Mubi
Overlays Rotten Tomato ratings when browsing Mubi, so you can make the right film choice.
Now works with latest site redesign and using OMDB API as Rotten Tomatoes have discontinued their public API.
Latest reviews
- (2021-08-19) Pablo Stafforini: The extension does not work. It should be removed from the Chrome web store.
- (2020-09-20) Mike Compton: This extension does not work and the dev has not done anything about it. If you extension no longer works, at least update the details online.........
- (2017-07-09) Francisco Jimenez: This app did not work for me, nothing appeared diffeent- no ratings. Windows 10
- (2016-12-25) Tom Dore: It works. Well.