extension ExtPose

Proxy SwitchyOmega

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Description from extension meta

Manage and switch between multiple proxies quickly & easily.

Image from store Proxy SwitchyOmega
Description from store Changing proxy settings has never been so convenient. Think SwitchyOmega as a modern version of the "Proxy Settings" dialog, designed to be simpler, quicker and more powerful, specially optimized for Chrome. No more digging through the advanced section in Chrome settings. No repeated filling and clearing the proxy config dialog of your operating system. Just tell SwitchyOmega about all your proxies, and enjoy switching with one click on the popup menu. You can also teach Auto Switch to use the right proxy for the right website automatically. This extension replaces SwitchySharp, SwitchyPlus and Proxy Switchy. If you are using SwitchySharp, installing this extension will automatically migrate all profiles and settings for you. As a fallback, you can also export a backup file manually in SwitchySharp and then import the file in SwitchyOmega. NOTE: Please report issues by RIGHT-clicking the extension icon and select the "Report Issue" in the context menu so that I can locate and fix the issue more quickly. Alternative download link (Github): https://github.com/FelisCatus/SwitchyOmega/releases SwitchyOmega is absolutely free and open source. It does not insert ads into any website. It contains absolutely no malware. It just does proxy configuration, and aims to be perfect tool of that. Disclaimer: SwitchyOmega does not come with any proxy server, VPNs or anything like that. Thus, SwitchyOmega will not magically unblock websites or protect your privacy, unless you instruct it to use a proxy server which does. You should only use trusted proxy servers, because SwitchyOmega can not protect you from bad proxies that inject ads, track you or record your password. And if you don't have a proxy server, you probably won't need SwitchyOmega. Sounds reasonable, right? Privacy Policy: https://github.com/FelisCatus/SwitchyOmega/wiki/Privacy#english The 2.x version features: * HTTP/HTTPS proxy authentication (username & password) is now supported. * More flexible proxy configurations: Fixed servers, multiple SwitchProfile and rule lists. * Reviewing and modifying proxy settings for resources that fail to load. * New types of condition for switching and improvements to the existing condition types. * Optimized performance for both PAC script generating and switching. * Improved user experience in options page and dropdown menu. * Many Bug fixes and improvements. More testing. == Translations == You can help improve the translation of SwitchyOmega or translate it into your language on Weblate: https://hosted.weblate.org/engage/switchyomega/?utm_source=widget CONFLICTS: SwitchyOmega will conflict with other extensions trying to control the proxy settings. Such conflicts are caused by the design of the Chrome browser and thus cannot be avoided. When SwitchyOmega has a higher priority, it can be configured to voluntarily give back the control by selecting the [System Proxy] item in the popup menu. Otherwise, you will see a red badge on the SwitchyOmega icon indicating insufficient priority. Re-installing SwitchyOmega should raise its priority, providing a possible workaround.

Latest reviews

  • (2025-02-27) In case someone has the same problem as me. My VPN kept disconnecting from time to time when I used Chrome, but the VPN was ok, Restarting Chrome will solve the problem, but if I don't restart Chrome, it will take random time intervals to recover the VPN. In the meantime, internet bypass VPN is normal. It took me some time without finding a solution through Google, so I began to try to figure it out myself, I tried a new account on Chrome, but the problem recurred. Disable all the plugins but omega doesn't work. At last, I began to doubt whether it had something to do with the cache, so I redefined the cache through a shortcut, and it seems as long as the cache didn't hit its capacity, it is ok. The default cache size is 320M, while I changed it to 2G, just add this at the last of Chrome shortcut and use it to start Chrome: path/chrome.exe" --disk-cache-size=2147483648 Still have the problem after sometime.
  • (2024-05-03) jbcstei fdaewipp: owner runs multiple proxy apps collecting data and selling
  • (2024-04-14) 聂小寻: 自动切换模式经常出现ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID和ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED,只能手动切换到其他模式或再添加一遍条件
  • (2024-02-23) Jacob Wong: 好用并且没有替代品。 SmartProxy功能比不上这个。 只是可惜快不能用了。
  • (2023-12-16) 无名: 不错,主要就是想让谷歌浏览器用代理。 这里给大家推荐一个便宜的60块钱一年,流量多得用不完,签到还送流量。右击转到:okgg.top/auth/register?code=bcXM
  • (2023-11-10) Shu Wang: 最新的版本有问题(2.5.21),很难点出界面,要点几十次。前一版本正常(2.5.20)。怎样退回前一版本呢?
  • (2023-11-08) Reza Milani: the only vpn extention working for me .
  • (2023-10-27) Arpad Orfi: Works great! Clever,
  • (2023-09-15) Vanen Rahgozar: Please change the icon. It's the worst then any other extensions.
  • (2023-08-23) will: 开代理软件但不想系统代理,只让个别软件设置到代理软件上,火狐浏览器自带的功能,chrome上用这个扩展实现了相同的效果。但是有个bug是经常点界面显示不全,希望能修复
  • (2023-08-22) Xing Qiu: 很久没有更新,也没有更好的同类应用。。
  • (2023-08-21) Павел Бровко: Работает! Сначала хотел написать о проблеме, что при рестарте сбрасываются настройки, которые установил во время работы, но оказалось, что нужно просто пойти в параметры и там поменять в профиле autoswitch что для какого сайта должно включаться - и тогда всё сохраняет!
  • (2023-08-18) Yunwei Dai (Walker): Work perfectly for me.
  • (2023-08-12) Jason: 用了之后有两个头疼的问题: 1.菜单显示有问题,情景模式有时候出现有时候消失 2.google翻译问题
  • (2023-08-07) deltatecc nv: Tut was es soll.
  • (2023-08-02) Виктор Голованенко: Works as intended.
  • (2023-07-28) Erick Shnaider: Всё круто! Как раз искал расширение для своего прокси. Снял одну звезду, т.к. при запуске браузера и первой страницы всё время лезет окно с просьбой авторизоваться в прокси... Т.е. первая страница - жмёшь ок (данные все введены в приложении). С остальными страницами такой проблемы нет, лишь при запуске окна. Что мешает расширению ввести за меня сохранённые данные и для первой страницы, как и для последующих - непонятно/
  • (2023-07-19) bar jan (janbar): 必须点赞支持,超级棒。
  • (2023-07-13) std::endian: Garbage. I know how use/set proxy, but this extension just not working...
  • (2023-07-11) nv: 在新的i13电脑上菜单显示不全,要点10几下才偶尔完全显示。 老电脑上倒是一点问题都没有。 发现电脑越是快,越容易无法显示全部菜单。
  • (2023-07-08) TP W: 这款插件非常好,但是,但是,用edge浏览器的小小了,edge官方的这个proxy switchyomega插件不是作者上传的,没有进行认证,有可能有木马,建议大家用edge浏览器的时候到Google浏览器官方插件去下载这个插件使用,保证插件来源的安全性很重要!已经有人中招了,注意!注意!注意!重要的事情说三遍
  • (2023-07-02) 黄豪杰: 希望可以支持多开窗口(无痕模式)时,每个窗口可以选择不同的代理,而不是全局修改。
  • (2023-06-30) Veblen Yen: Great !
  • (2023-06-16) Zehua Hu: 超喜欢
  • (2023-06-14) 北风猎猎: socks5无法添加验证啊,求解
  • (2023-06-13) David Collantes: Excellent extension, I use it everyday. My main gripe is that I can can enable/disable per tab. Any changes on the extension (direct, proxy, etc.) will apply to all open tabs using the extension. Sometimes I want to use a different approach even for sites that are on the autoproxy list, and that is not currently possible.
  • (2023-06-11) Shawn Shen: no proxy list when everything is configured have to click several times then can see the proxy list
  • (2023-06-08) Andy Zhang: 实用的工具,用了几年了
  • (2023-05-31) ZHUOXIAN FENG: 为什么卸载不掉呀,我同一个谷歌账号的几台电脑卸载后不久都是会自动下载安装回来,好几个月了,跟个流氓软件一样
  • (2023-05-30) chia sheng hsü: 好用!
  • (2023-05-23) Jakob Kielland: Works great!
  • (2023-05-20) Юрий Ошурков: идеально работает!!
  • (2023-05-20) mkui wu: 最近经常会自动关闭,可以更新一下吗?
  • (2023-05-12) Carlos Henrique Kayser: Amazing!
  • (2023-05-02) J.kevin M: 在新的chrome似乎有些小问题。。。很久没有进行更新了。不知道未来是不是有可以替代的同样好的插件 希望可以继续更新维护。
  • (2023-04-27) Deoclecio Freire: Terrible interface!
  • (2023-04-26) sara ahmadi: سلام میشه لطفا درباره ی استفاده از این وی پی ان راهنماییم کنید
  • (2023-04-26) Zhou Zhou: 巨难用,我现在搞了一下午了,流量就是不分发。要么就是全走VPN扩展,要么就是全不走。设置的脚本根本不起作用。建议作者录个视频
  • (2023-04-21) Alex: Заработал снова после переустановки
  • (2023-04-21) knestor: Расширение то работает, но вот функция auto switch вообще отказывается
  • (2023-03-22) Xumin Shi: 经常要点N下才能完全显示菜单,希望更新一下
  • (2023-03-19) Aleksej Rozhankov: It does not save the table for domains. There are a huge number of buggy questions in GitHub with no developer response.
  • (2023-03-14) Андрей Т: Great extension! I can set up auto switching to shadowsocks proxy for blocked sites. No more censorship!
  • (2023-03-13) Randy: 经常出现菜单显示不完全的问题,无法正常使用,作者也不维护了。
  • (2023-03-12) 张旭: 希望可以继续更新维护。
  • (2023-02-26) Macedonsky: сайт не работает, прокси тоже
  • (2023-02-17) Евгений Гирфанов: Не работает соединение https в режиме автопереключения, если активны правила переключения типа Regexp с профилем "Direct connection", а правило "default rule" настроен на прокси в локальной сети. Сайты http в интернете работают, а именно https не получают соединения. На моём компьютере нет прямого выхода в интернет и используется http прокси для выхода в интернет.
  • (2023-01-20) Ari Melick: very useful extension
  • (2023-01-15) Stok Driveku: besttt
  • (2023-01-11) Asbrina Quin1: Why link not open


1,000,000 history
4.6163 (3,857 votes)
Last update / version
2020-11-22 / 2.5.21
Listing languages
