Description from extension meta
Control and manage your Chrome plugins
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Description from store
Extension manager with shortcuts to Chrome plugins pages.
When installed, it will add "Plugins" button to the toolbar.
Click the icon (or press Ctrl+Shift+E) and you'll open the "plugins" menu.
In the current version it includes:
🛠️ Plugins Manager -- fully-featured extensions, apps and themes manager to quickly view, enable, disable or remove extensions
🛡️ Permission Scanner -- a tool to check all permissions granted to all extensions and apps and easily see which plugins are using more sensitive permissions in simple table view
And it comes with few quick links to plugin/permissions related Chrome features:
🔗 "Keyboard Shortcuts" (so you can quickly manage extension shortcuts directly from the Plugins menu)
🔗 Shortcut to the "Components" page (which replaced the original plugins page some time ago)
🔗 "Global permissions" -- to allow/block plugins globally
🔗 "Allow/Block" -- for quick access to the content permissions for the current tab
This extension started as simple flash plugin button 10 years ago, but when flash was retired, we decided to turn it into one-stop "plugins control centre". The last addition (in the current version 7.0) is the permission scanner. For the next versions we plan to add even more plugins management and security related features.
🔑 This extension requires the following permissions:
-- "Context Menu" -- needed to add the plugins links to the right-click menu
-- "Active Tab" -- that is required for the "Allow/Block on current site" to work
-- "Management" -- it needs that permission in order for the "Plugins Manager" and "Permission Scanner" to access extensions, apps and themes installed
🔒 Privacy:
We do not collect any data and this extension does not communicate with any external servers.
💲Paid Promotions:
This extension includes affiliate (promotional) links to third-party extension called: "Guardio Protection for Chrome". If you click on those links, we may get compensated.
Latest reviews
- (2022-04-29) janey meade: I recently purchased a dell chromebook, my first Chromebook ever!! So whild trying to learn as much as possible I have learned, Extensions are the norm as opposed to "apps". I saw this and was interested, however I'm not entirely sure of the advantage/disadvantage. If someone could leave a message and maybe give me a clue? I'd appreciate it. Thx
- (2021-09-18) 范伟国(fung wei kwok): ok
- (2021-04-08) Raquel Rial Pousa: muchas gracias.
- (2021-01-30) Stanley Canning: It seems to work sometimes . Not sure if it is a matter of luck if and when it shows the pins
- (2020-08-05) Waltraud Egger: ich hoffe das ich endlich was spielen kann
- (2019-10-23) David S. Siegel: I just downloaded it and it seems to work just fine. I set it up so that it has to ask me if I want to run it. That way, I'm in control. This was the only way I could get flash to play on Chrome. I'm only giving it a 4-star at this point, because I haven't had any experience with it over time. If it continues to work this way, I'll upgrade it to five stars.
- (2019-06-09) 울릉도사람: 네이버 카페, xe첨부파일 박스 두개 잘 됩니다. 물론 크롬에서 허용 체크 한번해 줘야합니다.
- (2019-03-03) คิดถึงคิดถึง คิดถึง: good
- (2019-03-01) CJ Jackson: I've tried everything under the sun to get my flash to work in the past few day's! All my extensions were working perfectly for so long until I did a default back to original settings in my advance to rest everything back to default because I was having problems with flash suddenly few days back. Now nothing opens at all for flash. All my flash extensions say Corrupted and I click on "REPAIR" nothing happens ever! No repairing ever takes place. I reinstalled the flash for Chrome then clicked on allow. Usually when I set my setting back to default when ever I'm having any problems with opening up flash game? The flash works again with no problems. I followed every step inimaginable & watched video tutorials and nothing is helping my flash and the ones I did have say "Corrupted!" I can now see why Google is going down!
- (2018-12-12) Foxy Maly: naooooooooooooo fucinaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
- (2018-09-12) nedyost63 Edward Yost.: It seems to work. I bet people saying it doesn't have not clicked the puzzle piece icon up by tools/settings. Then add the site they want to use flash on.
- (2018-08-23) dominique goussin: genial
- (2018-08-23) prabha prabha: this like
- (2018-08-08) Carmina Duarte: Ainda não sei se dá resultado . Obrigado
- (2018-07-26) Alexandr Terno: Хорошо
- (2018-07-23) Douglas Moore (Dewayne Douglass): It is a developers dream to use this extension.
- (2018-07-16) Omar Manuel: buena pero el estilo visual al abrirlo es muy simple
- (2018-07-10) Михаил Михов: Why not work
- (2018-06-28) Gap Nopharat: good
- (2018-06-10) Gabriel Souza: Não é que o programa não funciona, vocês que não sabem usar.
- (2018-05-29) Juan Carlos Gómez: MUY BUENA
- (2018-05-17) Melissa Voorhees: Thanks, it really DOESNT work
- (2018-05-11) Jaakko Kola: Useless. Thanks!
- (2018-05-11) عثمان العنزي: برنامج مفيد لتشغيل المجرك شارم
- (2018-04-26) Dedemask Clips: Super resolveu o meu problema. Se você tiver baixado e ainda continuo sem pegar, é so vc clicar em "flash plugin on/off" vai abrir outro pagina, dai vc adiciona o link do que quer e pronto!
- (2018-04-16) Traci S: Works great! Thanks!
- (2018-03-28) Jim: This works perfectly!
- (2018-03-20) Sonya S.: So helpful!
- (2018-03-06) พงษ์ปณต บัวทรง: ดีเรีวแรง...
- (2018-03-03) joseph cline: This does not work at all! Useless! Flash player still will not work! Google Chrome is the worst browser on earth!!!