Description from extension meta
The most beautiful and customizable JSON/JSONP highlighter that your eyes have ever seen. Open source at
Image from store
Description from store
It is a Chrome extension for printing JSON and JSONP.
* This extension might crash with other JSON highlighters/formatters, you may need to disable them
* To highlight local files and incognito tabs you have to manually enable these options on the extensions page
* Sometimes when the plugin updates chrome leaves the old background process running and revokes some options, like the access to local files. When this happen just recheck the option that everything will work again
* Works on local files (if you enable this in chrome://extensions)
* Syntax highlighting
* 27 built-in themes
* Collapsible nodes
* Clickable URLs (optional)
* URL does not matter (the content is analysed to determine if its a JSON or not)
* Inspect your json typing "json" in the console
* Hot word `json-viewer` into omnibox (type `json-viewer` + TAB and paste your JSON into omnibox, hit ENTER and it will be highlighted)
* Toggle button to view the raw/highlighted version
* Works with numbers bigger than Number.MAX_VALUE
* Option to show line numbers
* Option to customize your theme
* Option to customize the tab size
* Option to configure a max JSON size to highlight
* Option to collapse nodes from second level + Button to unfold all collapsed nodes
* Option to include a header with timestamp + url
* Option to allow the edition of the loaded JSON
* Option to sort json by keys
* Option for C-style braces and arrays
* Scratch pad, a new area which you can type/paste JSON and format indefinitely using a button or key shortcut. To access type `json-viewer` + `TAB` + `scratch pad` ENTER
This plugin is open source
Bugs and suggestions
Thiago Pontes (@thiagopnts)
Ben Hollander (@benhollander)
Mehdi Bahrami (@mehdibahraami)
Reimund Trost (@reimund)
Ben van Enckevort (@benvan)
MIT License
Any questions tweet me @tulios
Latest reviews
- (2023-11-27) Manon GRIVOT: No dark theme.
- (2023-10-20) Levan Kekelidze: Really useful extension. It has quite flexible configurations, like enabling line numbers, default folding on or off, using different themes etc. Plus it has a search functionality with support of regex, so you can search inside the displayed JSON. Thank you!
- (2023-10-10) Su Min: chrome 失效的解决方案:在浏览器输入 chrome://flags,搜索 json,将 Enable network logging to file 设置为 enable,重启浏览器就可以正常使用了
- (2023-10-04) linkenparis: Does not work anymore
- (2023-09-29) Alexander Filippovsky: перестал работать после обновления chrome( ОЧЕНЬ ждем фикса, расширение очень помогает, огромное спасибо разработчику!
- (2023-09-28) Not working anymore.
- (2023-09-28) 程龙龙: chrome失效,怎样解决
- (2023-09-27) theoquda: Not working anymore. Chrome version 117.0.5938.92 (Official Build) (64-bit)
- (2023-09-27) John unknown: It's a great extension and I know it stopped working with the latest chrome updates, but here's a temporary fix (macos only): close your browser and run the following command in terminal: Brave: open -a "Brave" --args --disable-blink-features=PrettyPrintJSONDocument Chrome: open -a "Google" --args --disable-blink-features=PrettyPrintJSONDocument Credits:
- (2023-09-25) Михаил Гомонюк: The extension is broken with the latest Chrome update
- (2023-09-25) ChenHao Li: chrome失效,怎样解决
- (2023-09-22) Santiago Bendavid: Use to love it, but now in the latest version of Chrome it stopped working.
- (2023-09-17) Hasan Ali: Love it
- (2023-09-17) rizul dwivedi: good, love it
- (2023-09-16) Chiến Phạm Quang: Lỗi trên trình duyệt Edge, trình duyệt Cốc Cốc thì hoạt động bình thường
- (2023-09-15) Marcus Voltolim: Stop working in Chrome version 117.0.5938.63 (Official Build) (64-bit)
- (2023-09-15) Beata Teleky: It worked until the last version of Chrome, but now with Version 117.0.5938.62 (Official Build) (arm64) is not working anymore.
- (2023-09-14) Robert Mylne: Not working in latest chrome.
- (2023-09-13) Sivakaran Gurusamy: It is not working in updated chrome versionVersion 117.0.5938.62 (Official Build) (64-bit)
- (2023-08-14) LXGIC: Ne fonctionne plus depuis un moment maintenant sur la dernière version de Chrome (Stable, 115 et Développeur version 117).
- (2023-08-02) Rashid Rafiq: works as described. Thanks
- (2023-07-12) Kevin Chavez: Great extension with awesome customizable options!!
- (2023-07-05) G.Y. Xu: Awesome! Really helpful for web dev
- (2023-06-04) Tân: not working with excessively long JSON strings
- (2023-05-15) 崩天的勾玉: 插件失效解决方法(edge更新导致):
- (2023-05-10) Kyle Adams: Use it everyday for work and never had an issue in the several years I've had it installed! Consistent, seamless plug-in.
- (2023-05-04) Sergey Valkov: slow as hell for large documents. slow and annoying in-document search. ps: tried "JSON Formatter" today - works perfectly
- (2023-04-22) Aadhya S: I loved it heheh xoxo omg its amazing eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
- (2023-03-28) zl ge: 支持配置,很好用
- (2023-03-18) RVFET: Best in the market, tried almost every single json beautifier/formatter. No match in terms of performance, feature-richness and interface!
- (2023-03-08) Geun yong Eom: 잘 보이네요
- (2023-03-01) Rakib Hossain: Awesome and nice features. Thanks a bunce!
- (2023-02-28) Emile Sonneveld: Breaks search functionality
- (2023-02-27) Iván Mendez: Me encanta, tengo años usandola
- (2023-02-17) Артем Гуляев: does not work
- (2023-02-14) Luciano Minervino: I used to have JSON formatter extension installed. This one is way better.
- (2023-01-11) 漠星曜: 复杂json 嵌套乱套了 用了N年 但是这个嵌套很难看 换成其他的了
- (2023-01-03) Reza Sariful Fikri: Nice
- (2022-12-08) 王先生: 怎么使用的 我点击它就跳入到github上了
- (2022-11-28) Dongwon Lee: can i use browser native search when i press find shortcut (cmd+f)
- (2022-11-11) Gustavo Mendonça dos Santos: É uma ótima extensão, e muito personalizável!
- (2022-11-08) Ibrahim Kholil: Nice
- (2022-10-12) Andy Ñaca Rodriguez: Agreguen la opcion para añadir headers en los request por favor !! seria muy util para apis con autenticacion
- (2022-10-12) Nutchapon Makelai: ทำให้อ่าน JSON หลังการ response มาได้อย่างง่ายๆ !!!
- (2022-10-05) Oleksandr S: Гарно форматує JSON, незамінна річ для розробників :)
- (2022-09-26) Morrigan: Как использовать?
- (2022-09-22) Jean Paul Badoino: muy buena
- (2022-08-29) Chanmax Coco (jesus2099): Nice but does not allow searching the whole content with browser's own Search in page feature. Have to use the extension's search, which is not as good (no word highlighting, etc.). Vivaldi 5 on Windows 10.
- (2022-07-20) Tina Holly: Works fine as advertised but they should have an option to disable the Cmd/Ctrl+F hijacking. I can't use the browser's built-in search feature because they hijack Cmd+F (macOS) and Ctrl+F (Windows). This should be opt-in or at least I should be able to opt-out of it as it presents a terrible user experience.
- (2022-07-13) David Ruiz: This extension is focused, visually customizable, and carefully made
4.5397 (1,084 votes)
Last update / version
2020-12-23 / 0.18.1
Listing languages