Don't waste your time filling out your web time entry! Save your previous hours, and you'll never have to type them out again! Just…
Don't waste your time filling out your web time entry! Save your previous hours, and you'll never have to type them out again! Just navigate to the entry page, go to the app, and click "Load Saved Times" to fill out your timesheet!
Menu Options
Load Saved Times: fill your timesheet automatically with your saved times
Save Times from Timesheet: on the timesheet page, save your currently entered times for future use
Clear Saved Times: delete times that you previously saved
Clear Timesheet Form: removes current input from the timesheet form
Latest reviews
- (2016-04-25) Maryam Hedayati: Changed my life
- (2016-04-09) Chet Aldrich: This is an incredibly useful chrome extension for Carleton students. Saves you a bunch of time entering hours when you're mostly just using the hours from last pay period and modifying them slightly.