extension ExtPose

User CSS

CRX id


Description from extension meta

A quick and easy way to add custom CSS to the current web site.

Image from store User CSS
Description from store Insert your custom CSS code to the current web site and you will see the changes immediately. How to use: 1. Press the extension button to display the CSS editor. 2. Write your custom CSS. 3. Enjoy the result. 4. Press the extension button to hide the CSS editor. Button shows a green indicator, when current web site has custom CSS. The extension uses CodeMirror to highlight code and supports the Emmet toolkit.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-11-07) Sebi Sebimm: Die Erweiterung tut genau, wofür ich sie brauche und wofür sie beworben wird: Man kann mal eben schnell ein paar optische Anpassungen an einer Webseite machen, ohne direkt ein komplett anderes Theme oder einen "Styler" benutzen zu müssen. Die haben auch ihre Berechtigung, aber manchmal reicht es schon, wenn bspw. bestimmte Textblöcke einen ticken größer dargestellt werden.
  • (2023-11-06) Scott Henry: I can't rate this extension yet but I'd like to. Looks like it requires jQuery? Getting this error in the Console: scripts.js:315 Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined at scripts.js:315:4
  • (2023-10-23) Роман Бондар: Стиль CSS для документации Microsoft DotNET - удалось поменять. Стиль CSS для документации UNREAL ENGINE - трудно работает сам редактор (стили успешно меняются на сайте). Но проблема: обратный эффект - стили сайта влияют ПЛОХО - на стиль самого редактора строк этого Аддона). Становится сложно редактировать.
  • (2023-10-07) Gino Côté (onigetoc): i do not see any css injection until now.
  • (2023-08-14) Bryan Lee: No longer works in 2023.
  • (2023-08-08) Like Machine: Отлично. Удалось, как и хотел, подвинуть панель управления видео на ютубе под плеер
  • (2023-07-30) Craynic Cai: I installed it for ad removing, but it brings much more ads than it removes.
  • (2023-06-30) Tim Karchnar: Works for me. I use it to hide some live stats on Spotify. Which stresses me out :)
  • (2023-06-20) Дмитрий Раков: Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined at scripts.js:315:4
  • (2023-05-06) Sergio Najera: Shame, doesn't work. 2023
  • (2023-02-21) Ilya: It was amazing, but stopped to work :(
  • (2022-12-20) Sayyid Imaddudin al akram: Its awesome. So Simple and Quick to Hide any Disturbing Ads.
  • (2022-12-17) Александр Марков: не работает
  • (2022-12-09) Gabriel Vilches: It has a global dependency on jquery, which has been falling out of fashion in recent years.
  • (2022-12-08) Ezequiel González Macho: Works well for me
  • (2022-11-24) Centre d'expertise en agriculture biologique et de proximité: Best one so far. I wish we could make it retract the web page space instead of floating on top of it.
  • (2022-10-25) Lynne Whitehorn: Doesn't work as of 2022-10-25
  • (2022-10-12) Dominique SCHMITT: Used to be cool but doesn't work anymore ?
  • (2022-10-11) Andrew Breidenbach: Doesn't work
  • (2022-10-09) extension cập nhật lần cuối vào 2017 giờ không sử dụng được yêu cầu cập nhật nếu ông dev còn sống
  • (2022-10-05) Emrah ÇALIŞKAN: mükemmel çalışıyor sitelerde css yapısını istediğiniz gibi değiştirebilirsiniz
  • (2022-08-25) Sergio D: No funciona. No modifica nada de lo que hago en css, a veces tengo que volver a cargar porque no permite escribir css.
  • (2022-08-22) PluginUsNet: Hello, good idea, but it doesn work: Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined
  • (2022-07-23) Oleg Gaidarenko (markelog): Does not work
  • (2022-07-02) Osama Essam: DIDN'T WORK !
  • (2022-06-21) Kaiver: Перестало работать после обновления Хрома. Месяц назад было все ок, а сейчас при клике на иконку расширения ничего не происходит. При этом ранее созданные стили для сайтов продолжают работать.
  • (2022-06-01) Димитър Буков: The extension is very useful. However, it does not work on iframes.
  • (2022-04-20) JOEL: It was working.. then suddenly with Edge 100.x the tool's layout is messed up and can't interface with the editor. Too bad the developer on this project dropped support. :(
  • (2022-03-29) Joss: Clicking the button doesn't do anything
  • (2022-03-25) Brendon Williams: It doesn't actually show an editor anywhere? Clicking the button does nothing, and there's no editor in the options.
  • (2022-02-24) Mehdi Najaran: good
  • (2022-01-29) UFOnian (ゆーふぉにあん): this doesn't overwrite a style that wrote on style attribute
  • (2022-01-19) yosef langer: good idea, but the extension gets affected by the pages RTL setting, and becomes unusable. you should set the whole extension window, or atleast code editor dir: ltr so it does not get affected by the pages settings.
  • (2022-01-12) 19 Lưu Hà Quang Huy: ko sử dụng đc
  • (2021-12-12) Robby Bennett: Works great, but I wish it used something to sync data across devices, such as the Google Drive API.
  • (2021-12-02) Sam: A few issues, otherwise perfect: - you can't close the popup once it's open, you'll have to refresh the page. - the extension won't load in every domain. - the off button stops working once turned on.
  • (2021-11-18) Arran King: Doesn't work at all in current Chrome build Version 96.0.4664.45 (Official Build) (x86_64) Haven't tried other versions
  • (2021-11-16) Pierre C: Super, bonne extension. Pour info la fenêtre ne s'ouvre pas sur "chrome://new-tab-page".
  • (2021-10-22) Alexander Designer: Excellent extension! It's really helpful to try out some new styles, hiding ads and adapt the styling of websites for your needs (e.g. increase font-size, adjust paddings, make better contrast, etc). Thanks a lot, Dimox! 🙌
  • (2021-09-25) Grigoriy Melnikov: Нажимаю на значек - ничего не происходит, в меню расширения так же нет ссылки для добавления css.
  • (2021-09-12) William Angel: Justo lo que necesitaba para personalizar ciertas página que visito regularmente y deseo quitar ciertos elementos o cambiar ciertos colores. El css que se escribe en la web queda guardado y se ejecuta cada vez que se carga la página. Excelente.
  • (2021-09-10) kankara: Not work.You should not use it...
  • (2021-08-22) Chris Huebsch: Does not work. :-(
  • (2021-07-22) Max Z: работает! найс!)
  • (2021-07-12) Tinny: Not working at all
  • (2021-07-12) DevPixels: It is very helpful to do some CSS Stuff. Because it is real time. but if i style span tag. Script Editor will got style too. I hope Developer will fix this soon :)
  • (2021-06-21) Shadow Gamer: It was pretty gud, yep it works fine.
  • (2021-06-13) Mohammed Zayyan: it works perfectly for me
  • (2021-05-04) Gábor Lippert: Works beautifully. 👍
  • (2021-02-01) Jeff Taynton: Not working. jQuery error.

Latest issues

  • (2024-04-09, v:2.2) Phillipe Bailly: Issue parsing XML
    When retrieving an XML over HTTPS (like a WSDL for my case), it appends the CSS of the extension. (.ui-widget-overlay{ z-index:0!important; }) I believe an option should be there to exclude or not different content/type such as text/xml in my case. BTW, thanks for this extension.
  • (2023-07-13, v:2.2) Николай Миронов: Does not work for showme.redstarplugin.com/d/some-code
    The extension show error message in console when I attempt to open the side panel: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'value') at jo.fromTextArea (codemirror.min.js:2:165450) at scripts.js:127:28 Example: https://showme.redstarplugin.com/d/JzW5fJUO
  • (2023-06-27, v:2.2) Steven Sprague: The plugin no longer works. Throws error: Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined
    I'm guessing that my company has locked down my browser further and is the root cause for this, but just in case i thought I'd float this past you. When I click the icon to get the tray to slide out I get this message in console: VM362 scripts.js:315 Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined at VM362 scripts.js:315:4 If there is anything I can do please let me know. I really depended on this plugin to fix some CMS things that irritated me and made it much more user friendly.
  • (2023-03-14, v:2.2) Guillaume De Smedt: Works on Chrome, but not on Edge (Chromium)
    Hi seems the "flyout' doesn't appear in Edge (Chrome version) when i click "CSS". Are there any plans to make this work on Edge?
  • (2023-01-21, v:2.2) Andrew Stanton: This doesnt work on sites like wikipedia
    scripts.js:315 Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined at scripts.js:315:4
  • (2022-05-04, v:2.2) Harald Szekely: Plugin not working - jQuery not loaded!
    Seems the Plugin doesn't work anymore. Sidebar not opening on icon-click. Adding a CSS-rule in the Plugin settings also does nothing anymore. And in the Inspector i get the error message, that jQuery is not loaded. I guess that's the cause of all the problems.
  • (2022-05-02, v:2.2) Anuranj Roy: Doesn't Load on brave browser
    Clicking the icon doesn't open anything on the brave browser
  • (2022-04-05, v:2.2) Kevin Cassidy: Won't load
    Hi, Clicking on the icon no longer works for me - just nothing happens. It does still work on any sites where I added CSS - the inserted CSS is working. But the config window doesn't open so I can't add/change any of my CSS. Thanks, Kevin
  • (2022-03-07, v:2.2) Nathan Daugherty: how does it work???
    There's zero documentation, which means it should be intuitive, but it's not. Am I missing something - where are the instructions on how to use this extension? I've gone to a website and it says User CSS can change the site's data. OK, now what? There's nowhere to add CSS. Clicking the icon does nothing. There's nothing under Options > Styles when I enter the site's url.
  • (2021-04-06, v:2.2) Joshua (Stroud) Pelton-Stroud: Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined at VM5553 scripts.js:315
    Anybody figure out a workaround for sites that aren't already using jQuery? I was really excited when I found this extn, but my problem sites aren't using that library :(
  • (2021-02-20, v:2.2) Laurentiu Macovei: jQuery is not defined!
    It doesn't work any longer!
  • (2021-02-03, v:2.2) Etienne Maheu: Crash while looking for jquery
    After installing the extension, clicking on the icon will trigger an error "jQuery is undefined" in the dev console. This completely breaks the extension.
  • (2021-02-03, v:2.2) Khánh Nguyễn: i cant use
    i cant open it
  • (2020-09-16, v:2.2) Unslaved _: Differentiate domains and ports
    Currently the port is ignored. So the same css is applied to example.com as well as example.com:8080. It would be a great improvement if the port is considered too.
  • (2020-08-02, v:2.2) Ano Nym: Doesn't work on sites with framesets.
    When I click on the CSS button, nothing happens.
  • (2020-08-01, v:2.2) Robby Bennett: Hide website until the custom user CSS has loaded
    This would make the extension look a lot better. Basically, it could use Javascript to make the whole page be hidden or transparent, then it would wait until the page is loaded, then user CSS will be injected, then make the page visible again. Please add this as an option.
  • (2020-07-03, v:2.2) Ivan Tarazevich: CSS для всего браузера
    Добрый день! Данным расширением можно сделать свой css который будет всегда подгружаться браузер при просмотре любой страницы? В общем нужно чтобы мой css всегда сидел в бразуре. Или предусмотреть в вашем расширении переключатель который будет включать так сказать "сквозной" режим работы css введенного пользвоателем.
  • (2020-06-09, v:2.2) Chen: Live file updates
    Hello, I'd like to suggest an option where you can input a local file on your filesystem to a custom css file, and as you save it in your editor, it will update live on the page you are editing
  • (2020-03-23, v:2.2) em: Images won't load
    Hi, I am using User CSS to create a custom theme for a website. However, whenever I visit the website, none of the images I use will load unless I open the CSS editor. I am using them in this manner: background-image: url("https://i.postimg.cc/Z5B2yQ0R/tancssfolder.png"); Please advise? Love the extension btw!
  • (2020-02-13, v:2.2) Michael: Keyboard shortcuts
    I'd like to be able to turn on/off the extension's css effects with my keyboard. Is this possible?
  • (2019-12-17, v:2.2) Элина Айрапетян: не работает
    не нажимается и не открыват панель
  • (2019-12-03, v:2.2) Dimiter Simov: It does not work
    I was not able to start it on Chrome Version 78.0.3904.108.
  • (2019-10-26, v:2.2) Marwan Abdessalem: Make site's styles unique by domain as well as the port number
    Styles that are set for the site http://localhost:3000/ should be accessible by http://localhost:8000/ or http://localhost/
  • (2019-06-20, v:2.2) Noel Németh: Less CSS support
    It would be good if it would support Less CSS
  • (2019-05-16, v:2.2) Arthur Mougin: jquery error
    hi, clicking on the app icon show a warning saying that jquery dont exist. That might be the reason why the app doesnt work
  • (2019-05-11, v:2.2) Muhamad Basyir Bin Mat Nawi: How to export configuration data?
    I seems I was unable to click the export button. The export button doesn't work. It is not clickable.
  • (2019-02-22, v:2.2) Mihai Stanescu: Automatically activate the extension
    Hi, Is it possible to automatically activate the extension? I have to click the thing all the time
  • (2018-11-28, v:2.2) jQuery is not defined error
    I'd suggest adding a fallback to '$' if jQuery wan't found. And perhaps for future versions add a jQuery dependency for the plugin, so it can work on any website, regardless of what technologies they are built on Thanks!
  • (2018-11-11, v:2.2) Vlad Svoka: CSS inside iframes are not affected
    So I have a site, it has iframe of itself <iframe src="/api/v2/page"></iframe> Styles are not applied inside of it. Problem is generic. I want to customize how iframes with specific srcs are displayed
  • (2018-07-01, v:2.2) Matteo Chiari: Not working as of 1/7/2018
    CSS Editor does not open on any page
  • (2018-01-29, v:2.2) Lance E Sloan: simpler active toggle?
    One change I'd like to see is that a click on the extension's toolbar icon should toggle the "on/off" state. A different combination (like control-click or shift-click) could open the editor panel instead.
  • (2018-01-16, v:2.2) Cody Nichols: iframe
    On my university's LMS, they use iframes for a lot of things. If I look at the source i can change css properties of the elements inside of these iFrames. But i can't seem to get the User CSS to be able to select the objects inside of them. Is there anyway around this?


60,000 history
3.6031 (257 votes)
Last update / version
2017-10-24 / 2.2
Listing languages
