Description from extension meta
Sync your clipboard between computers and Android.
Image from store
Description from store
Effortlessly copy text on one device and paste it on another. Clip Cloud works seamlessly across Android, PC, Mac, and Linux, ensuring your clipboard is securely encrypted and transferred via Google Cloud Message.
Android App:
- How does it work?
Clip Cloud enables you to copy text on one device and instantly paste it on any of your connected devices. It's compatible with Android, PC, Mac, and Linux. Your clipboard data is encrypted and securely transmitted using Google Cloud Message.
- Which platforms are supported?
Clip Cloud supports Android devices, and any desktop environment (PC, Mac, Linux) with the Clip Cloud extension installed on any Chrome-based modern browsers.
- Will it store my clipboard?
No. Your clipboard data is never stored. It's sent directly to Google Cloud Message for immediate transfer and is not retained anywhere.
- What is the maximum clipboard length?
The maximum clipboard length is 2000 characters.
Latest reviews
- (2023-10-05) haruhisa “hally” tanaka: It suddenly stopped working. I thought it was because trial period finished. So I paid. Nothing happened. It's a fraud app. Otherwise I request a refund.
- (2023-07-12) Paolo Sezart: We're breaking up. Trial material, there are free alternatives to this extension.
- (2023-06-19) TwentyFour UsedSocks: THIS APP shares your data with the Chinese CCP gov your data is not secure if you use this app.
- (2023-05-18) Tiago Magalhães: Excelente. Simples e preciso. Obrigado e parabéns aos desenvolvedores!
- (2023-02-12) Will Dz: Hace exactamente lo que esperaba. Copiar y pegar desde portapapeles, desde un dispositivo a otro. En mi caso, desde PC hasta otra PC. Estoy contento!
- (2022-11-07) Luca Gentile (Cyclorbit): I installed it and the sync with android worked immediately and smoothly after google login.
- (2022-02-21) hanspeter eggenberger: It simply does not work on linux
- (2022-02-15) 咖灰: 可否增加一个开关用来暂停同步, 特别是在工作的电脑上安装了之后, 下班手机的通知栏爆炸了
- (2021-12-02) 棍叔: 为什么我无法登录账号,点击登录按钮没反应
- (2021-10-04) John Ball: Useful, but occasionally glitchy. Sometimes need to restart everything then it comes back to life.
- (2021-08-22) Chris Vydas: 30 day trial garbage, doesnt work after that
- (2021-08-19) 曾Eason: 非買斷制,付月費的...不推薦
- (2021-08-16) Илья Тюрин: I just can't login =/
- (2021-05-10) Anbarasan: I dont know its slow or not working for me
- (2020-12-25) wladyslaw surala: not working at all
- (2020-12-03) Tadiwa Mupanemunda: Excellent!
- (2020-09-17) Smith W: I followed the instruciton and it just didn't work.
- (2020-08-04) Ura S.: Good job
- (2020-07-29) Lifesign: 可以运行 效果还可以,不过如果 Mac 上存在其他的剪切板工具 好像就不工作了,我使用的是 Paste
- (2020-03-16) Jone: 可否增加一个右键菜单[Send to Clip Cloud]的开关,谢谢
- (2020-03-10) Pasta-san: Not working on chromium edge (cant login) :C
- (2020-02-08) 吴铢濛: 可以增加简体中文吗?
- (2019-11-23) Rhonda Lea Fries: Does exactly what it says it does. I use it on three phones and a laptop.Everything I copy is at my fingertips at all times.
- (2019-10-08) Matthew I. Patchett: Works fine
- (2019-07-22) Cox deng: 我人在墙外也会同步不太灵是为什么呢
- (2019-05-31) 刘勤志: 不要裁剪本地剪贴板。 本机复制一个超长的文本后,本机的剪贴板也会被裁剪到800字左右。 你发送出去的文字可以裁剪没问题。为什么还要修改本机的剪贴板呢。
- (2019-05-28) Nigel Xie: 一开始工作的很好,但现在实在不稳定
- (2019-04-18) Özkan Ayvaz: çok faydalı
- (2019-04-15) YILDIRIM TV: xxx
- (2019-04-15) Scott Yu: Can this work on Microsoft Edge Chromium edition? I just can't login Google account.
- (2019-03-27) 斌哥脑洞: 非常好用,配置后可以不需要科学上网。 但android q限制后台读写剪贴板,这个app还能用吗?
- (2019-03-27) Ben P: 为什么偶尔会无法同步?
- (2019-03-24) Daris: Liked it but it's only 30-days free trial so 4 stars.
- (2019-03-24) Tony: App太棒了 我的建议也是做“专注模式”,还能减少FCM的推送次数,颗颗
- (2019-03-07) 潘潘ok: 还是挺好用的,已买永久,配合本地剪纸堆使用 绝赞
- (2019-03-06) Yui Yao: 动不动就同步不了了,我即使把软件进程结束重开,还是不行。GMS其他推送App没问题,就偏偏它。动不动就失效。 经常性的PC复制到手机行,反过来不行。
- (2019-03-02) Luke Taylor: Just heard about this App/Extension this morning on YouTube and got it an hour ago on my Android device and Chrome browser. I'm amazed at how immediately it works! I thought there would be a second's delay between selecting text on one device and it being pastable on the other, but there is none at all. Props to the team for creating something so smooth and seamless.
- (2019-02-27) 复制文本,文本长度超过最大长度,这个时候会导致剪切板里的内容变为按最大长度截取的内容。但实际上我只想在同台电脑或同台手机内进行文本复制,这个bug很蛋疼。
- (2019-02-04) kolicime bao: 买了之后还没成功同步过
- (2019-02-03) pat wu: 就不能适配其他浏览器登录吗?真的不太习惯chrome
- (2019-01-26) 唐门: 永久版用户,经常无法同步,希望作者能尽快完善,现在这样很影响使用,这样的工具不能保证在用户需要的时候稳定工作,哪怕只有10%的概率(现在概率大于30%),依然会影响用户预期,着急用的时候无法同步,还是得用微信或其他工具。
- (2019-01-25) 陈志远: 能用的时候还是蛮好用的,但是动不动就失效,很烦人,也不知道是什么原因,已入永久,望改善.
- (2019-01-19) Varus Weu: 不知道是什么问题,电脑上开了全局代理,手机复制的内容不能同步到电脑上,电脑复制的内容却秒到手机,解决这个问题就能满分了
- (2019-01-18) Jascha Y: 舒服,方便得很
- (2019-01-17) Lebron Lee: 有多少老哥买了永久授权?举起手来让我看看你们
- (2019-01-15) Neko Nanaina: 很好用,希望能加个选项,在有新内容到剪贴板后用 Chrome 通知一下 Android 版同理,能有个 toast 之类的通知一下
- (2019-01-08) 傅宁宁: 在手机端用Tasker做了Flash和震动,效果极好 建议PC端能制作一个“切换到专注模式”按钮,否则文字工作时会频繁推送到手机端
- (2019-01-02) Cox邓财发: 在墙外超快捷方便,价格也也没毛病 实惠