Description from extension meta
Interactive editor for CSS Shapes.
Image from store
Description from store
Create and adjust CSS Shapes values with an interactive editor overlapping the selected element.
Update 21 May 2015:
For polygons, unit-less zero coordinates will inherit the non-zero sibling coordinate unit instead of defaulting to pixels.
Example 0 100% => 0% 100%
Shapes sidebar:
New sidebar to the DevTools Elements panel called "Shapes" which offers controls to create and edit CSS Shapes values like polygon(), circle() and ellipse() on the selected element.
Click the edges of the shape to add new points. Drag points to change the shape. Double-click points to remove them. Select the transform tool to move, scale and rotate the polygon shape.
Circles & ellipses:
Drag the shape to move it around. Pull on the edges and corners to scale and resize.
Update History
Update 13 Jan 2015:
Provides workaround for Chrome 40+ regression which causes editor to fail when selecting an element to edit.
Update 8 Dec 2014:
This extension has been wrongly accused of spreading malware. It does not.
Its source code is always available for inspection:
The latest release (Version 1.2.0) addresses some potential vulnerabilities exploitable by 3rd party malicious scripts.
If you experience malicious behavior from your browser, reset your browser settings:
Latest reviews
- (2021-11-29) Gregori Rain: Уже не работает ( Можно починить расширение? (
- (2021-06-04) Tanmay Dwivedi: Very useful..especially the clip-path..I highly recommend people to watch video before using it.
- (2021-05-16) Kelsey MacPherson: Couldn't figure out how to use it. Checked Dev Tools -> Elements and I see nothing new about shapes.
- (2020-10-18) Soczek v2: Great tool, thanks :D
- (2019-04-09) Kate O Brien: Useful when it works, very unreliable. I'll be working with a image then, reload the page to set my work back to the original and the extension will just not work. Or sometimes it will not work to begin with. At first I thought I was using it wrong but it seems like a fault with the extension
- (2018-12-26) Fahad Mirza: Can anyone tell me how can i use it bcz its not working in my PC. I already watched the demo video. Please help me.
- (2018-10-08) Ferran Buireu: No acabo de ver la funcionalidad que tiene, si se integra con devtools, lo hace bastante mal y con opciones muy escondidas. Deberían aclarar cómo y dónde se integra y añadir las opciones. El link de personalización te lleva a Chrome Store.
- (2018-08-05) Frank Reding: I recommend reading the author's blog post, for some extra tips, like instantly changing units:
- (2018-05-10) Gabriela F. Ruellan: A real time saver! Thanks!
- (2018-04-10) Marc De Gagné: Took me some time to figer it out... First: To access the functionality of the tool itself, the file being used with this extension as to be served by a server, local or distant. Second: select the element in the DOM. Third: select in the style tab (click on it), the actual part of shape-outside that form the shape ex.: polygone(...); code. Last: go to the shape tab and clic on the arrow. Have fun and get ready to use it, it's coming...!
- (2018-01-30) Artur: Great and useful tool. Thanks!
- (2017-07-19) Ariel Panelli: I cant see the options.. I cant do nothing.. The extensions has only one option that take me to the chrome store page..
- (2017-07-07) Armağan: Very useful tool.Unfortunately there are a lot reviews that have been made without even watching the video
- (2017-02-25) Artem Marchuk: Good idea, and good start! Though requires quite a few fixes for a long time: highly unpredictable, sometimes its doesn't display the shape in browser; you can't edit values in console; you can't adjust values that are defined in your CSS; no percentage support.
- (2016-12-21) Ilya Vakhrin: Amazing plugin! Great work
- (2016-07-31) Groupe Technique: ça marche pas
- (2016-06-30) Eshop Guide: It is fully functional, however it does break some website displays in chrome dev channel for mac: Version 53.0.2783.2 dev (64-bit)
- (2016-04-06) 非常好用,感谢!感谢!
- (2016-02-03) GriNAME (GriNAME): Спасибо))
- (2015-12-02) Mitgardxxl: very usefull
- (2015-11-20) quang hung Lai (eWallet): thanks
- (2015-10-19) Zhao Zhao: 制作不规则图像css很不错
- (2015-07-11) Anastasia Dunbar: I scanned in: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions There's just JavaScript so why would there be malware? What the hell is happening in the 'User Reviews'?
- (2015-06-28) Emilie Glen: doesn't work
- (2015-06-23) Tylar Marple: Malware
- (2015-05-04) Quasar Zero: 配合Brackets做Css Shapes~
- (2015-02-17) 조순학: good..
- (2015-01-02) Sergio Arevalo: Malware. Took me manually deleting the files to remove it.
- (2014-12-12) G. LaMar Kirby: Malware, any extention you can't disable or remove by admins should be banned
- (2014-12-08) Adrià Vilanova Martínez: Love it, keep up the great work! :-D