extension ExtPose

Amazon Only No Third Party Seller

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Description from extension meta

Click the extension to filter product lists on Amazon by excluding third-party sellers.

Image from store Amazon Only No Third Party Seller
Description from store Tired of sifting through third-party sellers when searching for products on amazon.com? The Amazon Only No Third Party Sellers extension enhances your shopping experience by excluding third-party sellers from search results. With just one click, you can ensure that you only see items sold directly by Amazon. This extension is perfect for loyal Amazon customers who want a streamlined and reliable shopping experience. This extension is only tested for Amazon in the US. Get Started: 1. Install the extension. 2. Perform a search (e.g., "bluetooth speaker") using the search box on Amazon.com. 3. On the search results page, click the extension icon. If the filter is successful, the icon will change to display a green dot. 4. Enjoy a cleaner, more focused shopping experience with products sold directly by Amazon. Happy shopping! We are not affiliated with Amazon. We might use affiliate links from other partners.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-10-16) Mohammad Mohaghegh Faghih: Used to work fine. But now stopped working (US Amazon)
  • (2023-09-19) Jac T: Doesn't seem to work for Amazon US any more either.
  • (2023-09-18) ypsilon: Doesnt work for amazon.de
  • (2023-06-21) Chris Höppner: Only works on USA Amazon. Classic American developer.
  • (2023-06-18) Michael She: Does not work for Amazon.ca (Canada).
  • (2023-06-15) Timur Chairutdinov: Hi. Can you add permision to amazon.co.uk that would be fantastic. Thanks.
  • (2023-06-02) Jay S: Doesnt work on UK amazon and presumably any other country outside of US since it doesn't have relevant URL's added and cant see option to add them manually.
  • (2023-05-28) Santiago Valencia: Works perfectly again*
  • (2023-01-12) Austin V: Actually works and is very useful.
  • (2022-07-15) Nick Frye: Does exactly what it says, makes filtering results easier and makes amazon usable again. No more 20,000 listings of the same item. My only nitpick is that you have to click the extension after every search, not a big deal.
  • (2022-06-29) Marcelo Toral: Works perfectly, thank you. You've saved us a lot of time =)
  • (2021-12-19) Igor Pushkarskey: It works and it is free.
  • (2021-10-25) Vic Caruso: I got so tired of junk sellers on Amazon selling counterfeit items and Amazon made it more difficult to filter them out, so I went searching for an extension to do it for me. This one fits the bill and works well enough. I did notice that you have to click the extension icon after each new search for it to take effect on the page. If you search once, click the extension, and then search again the results from the second search will still include 3rd party sellers. Not a problem - just click the extension again.
  • (2021-01-15) Hudson R: Very useful for me to filter out products from third parties. For lots of things like baby products, I only want to buy directly from Amazon.


1,000 history
3.4375 (16 votes)
Last update / version
2024-07-21 / 11
Listing languages
