Capture full-screen on thinkexam test panel
Latest reviews
- (2022-01-22) Hema Hiremath: nice
- (2021-11-24) Extension works really good.
- (2021-11-14) Sameer Yadav: Was using too much processing power of my laptop. Test stopped(lagged) a lot. At last nearly after 20 minutes I was barely able to click on anything. And I couldn't give rest of my test. My feeling is more than just hate...
- (2020-10-25) balu gollapudi: Extension was completed but i cannot screen share for the test and it was not responding properly
- (2020-10-24) Nimit Ranka: ( i am not able to login ............ pls help ..
- (2020-10-24) Suhruda Lele: I missed my exam
- (2020-10-23) kunal baradia: I cannot enter the PT test I missed my exam
- (2020-10-19) Kumar Subramanian: Not able to login
- (2020-10-19) Pardeep Aggarwal: not able to download this app how to give exam of icai pt assessement mock test
- (2020-10-18) shivangi jain: I can't able to login.
- (2020-08-19) Harsh K: Why capture full screen? Very invasive
- (2020-08-14) Neethu Alex: Not able to Login
- (2020-08-10) antara jha: Not responding
- (2020-08-10) Soniya George: NOT ABLE TO LOGIN .
- (2020-08-10) Ajay Kumar: I can't access my LOGIN ID and Password .Please suggest anyone ....
- (2020-08-09) ABHIMANYU KOPPARAPU: Not able to find the login window/portal whats wrong, Have anyone of you found login ?
- (2020-07-22) Himanshu Vashishth: NOT GOOD FOR PRIVACY