extension ExtPose

JIRA Agile Instant

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Description from extension meta

Useful extension to let you sort, filter, hover for info when using JIRA Agile Board. Getting the info you need at your fingertips…

Image from store JIRA Agile Instant
Description from store Useful extension to let you sort, filter, hover for info when using JIRA Agile Board. Getting the info you need at your fingertips allows you work quicker and use your time more efficiently. JIRA Instant Agile displays issue details on hover, putting labels and colors on cards for easy scanning, and allows you to sort and filter the cards. Once you installed the chrome extension, a menu bar toggle button is added on the scrum board. Clicking on the toggle button will bring up the menu bar. The features of that menu bar include: Maximize Space (allows you to remove the header of the jira work board) 1 Allows you to see only the issues you are watching (great for story huddles or important issues you care about) 2 Allows you to sort by labels (if your team uses labels on issues) 3 Allows you to sort by assignee 4 Allows you to filter by component (great for teams that organize work by components) 5 Allows you to filter users (great for team members to see what issues are assigned to them without swimlanes) 6 Allows you to filter by priority 7 Allows you to filter by fixed version 8 Allows you to filter by issue type and hide all sub-tasks 9 Allows you to see how many issues are in each status and how many story points are in each status Note: The major plus about that side bar is it manipulates show/hide of data on the screen. You don’t see the the “circle” that jira is loading like you do when you click a quick filter (so they work without refreshing jira). This makes clicking those filter SUPER fast (and if jira is down it will still work if you are on the page already). We made sure the amount of API calls are minimal (data is cached saves them after the first call) so it isn’t a performance hit. Extension can: * Show a hover box when your hover on a card, with description, fix version, last comment, blocked/parent/subtask info. * Display the “Labels” field on the card and automatically color the card. * Display block status on the card. * Add a link on the card to open the issue to a new tab (so it bypasses the side panel) You can click on the "J" button to enable/disable the plugin and go to the configuration page. Usage The plugin works on Work and Plan modes. You can customize the hover and menubar on the options page. For labeling, the plugin only displays labels started with an underscore. This plugin is only tested with JIRA Agile 6.3.x. and 6.4. It may not work for newer version. If this is the case, please leave a feedback.

Latest reviews

  • (2022-04-14) Steven: Oh my gosh. I didn't realize how much I needed this until I discovered it
  • (2020-10-15) Cagatay Ulubay: This has a potential to become a major jira extension and generate tons of income! It looks very cool and if you keep maintaining and improving it.. damn! Several very useful tools that I would love to pay for so I have extra functionality!
  • (2018-04-18) Максим Ивков: flexible
  • (2018-03-20) Fiona Yang: Can't use it unless it has an option to disable sub-headers in columns (the ones with statistics). These sub-headers are messing up with my agile page :(
  • (2018-02-08) Pham Chanh: very cool
  • (2018-01-09) Andrew Dragnev: I like everything except for missing an option to disable sub-headers in columns (the ones with statistics of different statuses)
  • (2017-12-07) Viktor: Useful! No doubt about it.
  • (2017-11-14) Andrey Artemyev: UI is not so sexy but functionality is really good.
  • (2016-10-12) Gabriel Le Breton: Wow, great tool, thanks for this. Works very well. I like the way it shows how issues are blocked and the hover popup with quick and handy informations :)
  • (2015-03-17) Tommy Desilets: Very useful extension during scrum meetings

Latest issues

  • (2021-01-12, v:2.0.2) Cagatay Ulubay: Color
    I found out that when you add a label to a product, it will automatically label the ticket. Is it or will it be possible to manually set the color for each label?
  • (2019-11-18, v:2.0.2) Robert Sherwood: Extension works once only
    Hi Kelvin, the extension worked one time for me, after refreshing it no longer would detect assignees, FVs, etc. This is the same for my coworker. I am on Jira v7.12.1 and Chrome Version 78.0.3904.97.
  • (2019-04-26, v:2.0.2) Macon Morrison: After changing status:column mapping, status remains on old column
    We recently made an update that resulted in two statuses changing columns (we realized they were mis-mapped). For some reason, the count that Jira Instant adds to the top of the board will not update. I tried uninstalling and re-adding.
  • (2019-03-04, v:2.0.2) Kavitha Kumar: Not working on new JIRA version
    Hi, This is currently not working for JIRA v7.9.0 Is there any upgrade planned for this app? Pls let me know Thanks
  • (2019-01-18, v:2.0.2) Mix of sprint and non-sprint in a project
    Hi, I am a (happy) user of your chrome extension! In my organization we have a mixture of teams using sprints and kanban. Specifically my team uses kanban but because other teams use sprints the data.isSprintSupportEnabled flag is true. This means the extension adds "sprint in openSprints()" to the query which then returns nothing for my board. Would it be possible to have some config to turn sprint support off? Thank you!
  • (2018-12-11, v:2.0.2) Edgardo Rios: Port this extension to Firefox?
    Hello, I hope you are doing well, Do you have plans to port this extension to Firefox any time soon? Thanks. Edgardo
  • (2018-07-31, v:2.0.2) Works with Kanban?
    Hi, are there any known issues with JIRA kanban board? At first install it works for my kanban board, but after refreshing the board, nothing seems to work. It doesn't detect any tickets, users, components or priorities.
  • (2018-03-02, v:2.0.2) Robby Bollen: Had to post this sooner, 2 secs after posting the previous message it now works!
    problem resolved
  • (2018-03-02, v:2.0.2) Robby Bollen: Cannot get it to work on v7.4.2
    Can someone help me get this plugin going?
  • (2018-01-12, v:2.0.2) Martin Glaser: User filters
    I have an issue for user filters. If I use user filter on backlog scrum board view, it wont't show all tickets for an employee. If I clear all filter you can see some tickets of an employee in different sprints which disappear after using user filter for this employee Thank you in advance for your help
  • (2017-11-28, v:2.0.2) Sébastien LEVER: Does not filter in backlog view JIRA v7.4.2
    this fix the filter in backlog view function pluginFilterUser(name){ (function( $ ) { $('.ghx-issue, .ghx-issue-compact').hide(); $(".ghx-issue[_displayName='" + name + "']").show(); $(".ghx-issue-compact[_displayName='" + name + "']").show(); $(".ghx-end img[alt='Assignee: " + name + "']").parent(".ghx-issue-compact").show(); })(jQuery); }
  • (2017-10-24, v:2.0.2) Maxime Lefebvre: Not taking the good base href
    The goto button on a task does not take the good base href. Example : "https://somejira.com/" instead of "http://somejira.com:8080/"


1,000 history
4.5 (18 votes)
Last update / version
2016-12-22 / 2.0.2
Listing languages
